Page 17 of Reckless Hero

“No. I’ve got my own apartment so that I could be closer to campus.”

I swallowed. Tucker and I all alone in the confines of a space that smelt like him? What could possibly go wrong?

He pulled out his smart phone – a slick-looking new model - from his back pocket. “Give me your number and I’ll send you the address.”

Even though warning sirens blared in my head, I began rattling off my number. He picked up from the middle, finishing the last four digits for me.

“You have the same number,” he realized. “So do I.”

I was stunned that he still had my number memorized. But then again, I still knew his by heart too. Nevertheless, I put on a show of entering a number that I never deleted in the first place.

“I’ll text you my address in a few minutes,” he said.

“Okay. I have to go now. I am late for…an appointment.”

If Tucker noticed my hesitation, he didn’t show i

t. He simply beamed a smile at me and said, “See you tonight, Anna.”

I walked away, knowing I was making a huge mistake, but unable to stop myself.



I was as nervous as a high school virgin on his first date. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I looked in the mirror hanging on the wall for the umpteenth time, smoothing my hair down and looking for imaginary creases in my clothes. I then turned away, annoyed with my own lovesick behavior.

It was ridiculous how hung up I was on this woman. Even now, there was an uncomfortable snugness in my jeans just thinking about her. My attraction to Anna had been undeniable from the moment we sat in that class nearly eight years ago, and it had only grown over time.

But now?

Now was a whole new ballgame.

She was all grown up now, and the way her already curvy figure had filled out damn near left me panting. It was puzzling how strongly I felt for her now; my previous feelings seeming shallow in comparison.

There was no use pretending that my offer to be study buddies was entirely innocent. While I loved the thought of having her as an academic partner again, I primarily just wanted an excuse to be close to her.

I moved to the kitchen table, where I had set up my laptop, notebook, and textbooks. After neatly arranging them on the surface, I began pacing the hardwood floors while casting frequent glances at the clock on the oven.

It was 6:43, seventeen minutes until our scheduled study date.

Anticipation and nerves drove me to grab a bottle of beer from the refrigerator.

I felt so far out of my element, it was almost laughable. The feelings Anna stirred within me was unsettling and I had no idea what to make of them.

A knock on the door announced her arrival a few minutes later.

I put my half-finished bottle on the kitchen counter and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. I looked around to make sure everything was in place, which it was. I had never been a messy person, but being in the military had drilled tidiness into my bones.

There wasn’t much that could be out of place though, considering I had just moved into my apartment. Hence, I only had the essentials.

The kitchen carried all the necessities for cooking, but I barely used them. The living room had a two-piece set, a center table, and a television mounted on the wall. And the single hallway led to the only bathroom and bedroom.

I hurried to the door as she knocked again. When I opened the door, I promptly lost my breath.

Fuck, she was beautiful.