Page 19 of Reckless Hero

She took another sip of wine. “So now that you have wined and dined me, what’s next?”

I leaned closer still until her lips were only centimeters from mine. “That’s entirely up to you.”

She sighed, pulling away slightly. “You’re bad for me, Tucker. Trouble.”

“Always have been. I’ve never denied that.”

“We were just supposed to study.”

“Then we will.”

Her lips twisted sideways. “Are you telling me you have no ideas on what you would like to happen next? Besides studying, I mean?”

I smirked. “Oh, I had quite a few knocking around my noggin, but I believe in letting a lady go first. In everything. You remember, right?”

Her cheeks reddened. “I remember. Good policy.”

We were so close now that just the slightest move forward on either of our parts, and our lips would be locked.

I was about to make that move when a noise had us both jerking our heads around to see what caused it.

A pen and notebook had fallen to the ground, pushed over by the dishes crowding the tabletop.

The spell effectively broken, Anna jerked away from me, the light in her eyes suddenly very much sober. “Fuck. What am I doing?” she whispered. She stood quickly and moved around the table to start gathering her books. “I should leave. It’s getting late and- oomph.”

I kissed her.

I didn’t want her to leave. I needed her to stay. The little flirtation we’d shared over the last few minutes was something I didn’t want to let go; I didn’t want things to become uneasy between us again. I expected her to slap me, but she didn’t.

Thank God.



I knew the feel of the lips on mine and I knew the taste of them like my own. The wine we’d had added an underlying fruity flavor, enhancing his deliciousness.

There had been many times when Tucker and I had spent hours just making out, sipping from each other’s lips like we had all the time in the world.

But we hadn’t had all the time in the world. Our time had ended abruptly, and those lips had caused me endless pain with their words.

As he kissed me, I knew I should have pushed him away and walked out to save myself the heartache sure to come.

I had even given myself a pep talk before heading to Tucker’s apartment, telling myself that no matter what, I would resist him. I’d had it firmly set in my mind that I’d come only to study.

But then, he had unexpectedly become that guy that only I’d had the opportunity of knowing. Not the automatic flirt, but the one who was warm and open. I had forgotten how much I missed that guy and the moments we shared.

Loving moments like sharing light banter over a tasty meal…

With his lips on mine, all the logic I’d held onto fell to the wayside and my body took over entirely. My lips parted under his and my core flooded itself, preparing to receive him.

It had been too long…

Craving the intimate contact, my back involuntarily arched, pushing me farther into his hold.

His tongue took advantage of my surrender and pushed passed my lips. I moaned and allowed my tongue to dance with his, clutching him as his hands swept over me and roamed over my curves.

Deep groans escaped from the back of his throat.