I cradled the phone in my hands, holding onto it like a lifeline. “It was awful! The police and the ambulance were en route for like five minutes. I did CPR the whole time, but I’m not sure I did it right. By the time they got him in here they said he been deprived of oxygen and then his heart had stopped beating. I don’t even know if he’s going to make it!”

I heard Naomi sigh on the other end of the line, “I’m sorry I told you not to go. He’s so damn lucky you were there. But I don’t get it. Why would they want to kill him?”

That was something that had plagued my mind ever since the man in the suit had escaped. I described him to the police officers, but they didn’t seem to have any leads. The place on a business card wasn’t even a real gym; it was just the address for the warehouse that they were using for that fight. Apparently lots of illegal gambling had been going on there. There was evidence of dogfights in the back as well. It made me sick. The whole place had been shut down for investigation and the actual owner of the warehouse had been called. But it wasn’t like he rented the place or anything—they had just seen it empty, and used it as an opportunity to make money and hurt Dillon. “I guess they just thought that he was someone to be afraid of. His career was really taking off, and I just think that they didn’t want their guys to get beat anymore. And Dillon was really the only one who could beat them. He was losing this guy money, and money makes people do crazy things.” Like go into an underground fighting ring and almost get yourself killed.

“Do you want me to come get you? I mean I’m surprised that they even let you ride with him.”

I shook my head, still pacing back and forth under the fluorescent waiting room lights. “That took some convincing. I was a blubbering mess though, so I think that the EMT just thought I was in shock. I think they took me more for observation than because I wanted to go. But once I got to the hospital, it was like playing a million questions with the cops. I haven’t even been able to see him yet.”

Well, hopefully they’ll let you in to see him soon. I mean you saved his goddamn life. That should earn you a little bit of visiting time.”

I heard a woman that sounded agitated at the other end of the hall and I walked around the corner to get a better view. There was a small dark haired woman banging on the desk asking for assistance. “I’m looking for Dillon Jackson! He was brought in an ambulance from a fight. He’s my son!” She had her hand on her heart and I thought she might faint if someone didn’t help her soon.

“Naomi, I have to go. I think Dillon’s mom is here. I have to tell her what happened.”

“Well that’s one way to meet the parents. Good luck, and call me when you want me to come get you. I’ll have my phone on me all night.”

I took a deep breath and ended the call before walking dutifully down the hallway to the frazzled woman. “Excuse me, ma’am? Are you looking for Dillon?”

She turned and looked up at me, almost a half a foot shorter than I was. Tears filled her eyes and worry lines were etched around them. The same sparkling blue that Dillon’s eyes contained were looking up at me, but her pain dulled them. She was terrified that she was going to lose her child, and I couldn’t blame her. “My name is Berkley. I was with him when it happened. I came to the hospital with him from the fight.”

She didn’t speak, just stared up at me blankly like I was talking in a different language. A nurse walked up behind the counter with a chart. “Corina Jackson? You’re the mother?”

The small woman just turned and nodded silently. “Dillon is in critical condition. His airway collapsed during the fight, and he has a partially collapsed lung. His left eye socket is ruined and he’ll need reconstructive surgery once they fix his airway. The doctor’s main concern at this point is that he was deprived of oxygen, and there may be damage.”

I knew it wasn’t my place to ask but I couldn’t help myself, “What type of damage?”

The nurse scowled at me. “And who are you?”

“I… I came in with him. I was the one who was at the fight, I saw it all happen.”

The nurse frowned at me. “I’m sorry, but unless you’re family I can’t share any of this information with you.”

Suddenly Dillon’s mother grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. “This girl might have saved his life. You can tell her anything that you can tell me.”

The nurse shrugged and scanned through the document once more. “There could be significant brain damage, but we won’t know how much until he wakes up after surgery. A doctor will be out to update you once they finish.”

She gave us a sad smile as she closed the chart and walked away. I felt Corina’s grip lessen and she started to lean into me.

“Would you like a cup of coffee, ma’am? The coffeehouse here is pretty good.” I remembered that from when my father had been here for surgeries. We’d literally spent weeks in this hospital, one of the best in the state.

She nodded and held my hand as we walked down the hallway together. Once we were in the waiting area, I sat her down in a plastic chair and was about to leave her but she wouldn’t let go. So instead I sat down next to her and we waited. We waited for hours without saying a single word to each other. Until finally the doctor came out pulling a mask off of his face.

“Ms. Jackson?”

Dillon’s mother rose from her seat and shuffled slowly over to him. I knew we were both praying for good news, but if it was bad? We would both fall apart on the linoleum floor.

“Dillon is in stable condition. His brain doesn’t seem to have swelled quite as much as we had anticipated. He’s still going to be unconscious for several hours, but it looks as though he’ll make it out of this. Your son is a very lucky man.”

I felt the relief flood my system as the waves of tension began to leave my body. Dillon was going to make it. And that was all that I needed to hear.