As I drove toward Kellan’s, I told myself it couldn’t be anything bad. Logan sounded happy on the phone. Excited. Only something really amazing could make him sound like that.

Logan was sitting at our usual booth when I walked inside. My drink was already sitting on the table when I slid in beside him.

“Hey, you,” he said with a grin. He kissed me quickly, that same grin never leaving his face.

“What’s up with you?” I laughed. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you this happy.”

“I don’t know that I’ve ever been this happy,” Logan admitted.

“Well,” I prompted quickly. “Tell me what’s going on. I can’t take the suspense any longer.”

“I’m going to be a SEAL.”

The words left his lips and hit my ears like a brick. I heard him, but I couldn’t quite comprehend what he was saying.

“I got the call today,” he continued. “This morning actually. My C.O. said everything is in place. I start my official training in a few days.”

“Training?” I sputtered. I blinked and tried to focus on his face, but I felt like I was floating underwater. Everything seemed far away, blurry and out of reach.

“In Coronado,” he nodded. “I leave the day after tomorrow. Piper, I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am. I mean, I’ve dreamt of this for so long and…”

“California?” I interrupted. Logan fell silent and stared at me for a second. He frowned and slid an inch away from me in the booth.

“Aren’t you happy for me?” he asked.

“Of course, I am,” I managed to say.

“You don’t seem like it,” he said, still frowning.

“I’m just trying to wrap my head around it,” I explained. “I had no idea this was going to happen and it just…”

“I’ve been talking about it since we met,” he reminded me impatiently.

“I know,” I said. “I mean, I didn’t know it was going to happen right now.”

“But it’s a good thing!” he promised.

“It is,” I agreed with a nod. “For you.”

My words fell on his ears and I watched as his expression went from slightly confused to completely annoyed. I immediately knew what he’d been hoping for. Logan thought I would jump with joy. He imagined me throwing my arms around him and congratulating him on a job well done, but I couldn’t do that. Not when I only just found out he was leaving me.

“I can’t believe you aren’t more excited,” he said. “Damn Piper, I thought you wanted this for me.”

“I do!” I said, “But you don’t have to sound so damn cheerful about it.”

“Why wouldn’t I be happy?” he demanded. “I’m finally getting everything I’ve always wanted. For years, I’ve thought of nothing else. Becoming a SEAL is my destiny. I thought you knew that. I thought you understood this was going to happen someday.”

“Logan,” I began slowly. My voice was shaking slightly and I had to close my eyes to focus properly. “I am happy for you and I do understand, but can’t you see how upsetting it is for me? You just told me you’re leaving and you don’t seem the slight

ly bit upset by it.”

“Why would I be upset?” he asked. He threw his hands up in frustration. “I have everything I want. I’m going to be a SEAL. I’ll be training in Coronado by the end of the week. And, I have y…”

“So, then go,” I snapped.”

“What?” he asked. I watched as his face fell.

“Just go,” I repeated. “If you’re so happy to be leaving, then leave. You don’t have to stick around and rub my face in it.”