“It’s my purpose, you know?” he told me one night while we were sitting in our booth at Kellan’s. “I don’t know how else to explain it. When I think about the one thing I was put on this Earth to do, it’s that. I have to be a SEAL. I just have to.”

I guess I should have seen it coming, you know? All the signs were there. But at the time all I could see was his ambition. To me, it only made him that much sexier. If I had opened my eyes, I may have been able to prepare myself for it. Maybe I would have seen the signs in time for me to get out. But I didn’t and the night he told me he was leaving was the worst night of my life.

He came to me that night with a huge smile on his face. He was going to be a SEAL. He was finally getting his dream. His wish. And what was I compared to that? Nothing more than a lose end he needed to tie up before shipping out.

I took a deep breath and threw a pair of underwear into my suitcase. The more I thought about that night with Logan, the less I wanted to go home. I even went so far as to pick up my phone, ready to call Audra and tell her to shove it, but I stopped myself.

As much as I hated to admit it, Audra was right. It was time. I couldn’t hide out in New York forever. No matter what Logan did to me back then, I still had family in Bradberry and they needed me. Besides, hadn’t I done okay despite Logan? Hadn’t I recovered from the heartache and made something of myself? Wasn’t I a big city lawyer?

Hell yeah I was.

I imagined walking through downtown Bradberry. It was easy to picture the streets lined with people from my childhood. Mr. Jensen the banker. Alice Townsen, the town gossip. Margie Anderson, the prom queen who married the quarterback of the football team. They would all wave at me somewhat hesitantly. Their smiles would be a little forced because they wouldn’t know what to expect from the new Piper Prewitt. I’d spent so much time away that all they knew about me was from the town gossip. They would corner me and ask questions about my life without really wanting to know the answers. I would give the answers proudly not giving a damn what anyone thought.

I would stop at Angie’s café and order one of her famous scones. I looked everywhere, but I still hadn’t found a bakery in New York that could beat Angie’s. My mind drifted to the high school where my favorite English teacher still taught. I was sure Mrs. Peterson would be happy to see me. She, of all people, would be proud of where my life ended up. I thought about the flower shop my mom and dad owned. It made me smile to picture them sitting behind the counter together. I hadn’t realized it, but I really did miss them.

As I finished packing, I realized it wasn’t Bradberry I was dreading going back to. It was the memories that awaited me there. I didn’t want to become that heart-broken girl I once was. I didn’t want to let everything I went through back then once again define me. I wanted to stay here, in New York, where I was strong and confident.

Where I knew who I was.

Where I was safe.

I squeezed the pair of socks I was holding. My eyes closed and I breathed slowly. Just the thought of being back in that town was hard.

Still, I couldn’t help but remind myself that my life in New York wasn’t perfect. There were things I missed from Bradberry, things I could never get in New York. Like Angie’s scones. And judgmental looks from my Aunt Miriam.

I could already hear her voice, “Met any nice guys in the city? No? Well, of course you haven’t Everyone there is either a drug addict or only interested in whores!”

I smiled to myself at the thought. Thinking of my Aunt Miriam was actual

ly the thing that resigned me to my fate. I was going back to Bradberry. I was going to spend an entire week in the company of my family. I was going to face the snide comments with a smile.

So, what if I was still single? I was kicking ass and no one could take that away from me. Not my family or my hometown and certainly not Logan Alexander.



The darkness pressed down around me. I forced myself to focus. This mission was too important to fail. There was too much at stake, for me and for my team. I knew I couldn’t let them down. I took a deep breath and remembered my training. The fear disappeared from my body. My breathing relaxed and my heartbeat steadied. I took a confident step forward. I knew what I had to do.

I walked for half a mile before I heard the shot. My heart stopped beating as I whirled around to face the direction it came from. I heard the shot on my left where I knew Young was moving in the same direction as me. No one knew where we were. There shouldn’t be any gunfire. This wasn’t that kind of mission.

It took a fraction of a second, just long enough for me to question breaking my orders, before the second shot echoed around me. Then the third.

My orders were clear: if the mission is compromised, locate your team and return to camp. Without a second thought, I took off running through the darkness. My legs moved smoothly beneath me. I felt like a wild animal bounding through the forest. The only noise I made was the rustle of my pants. I moved faster than I’ve ever moved in my life. Nothing and no one would stop me.

I closed the distance in less than a minute.

My gun was raised.

I saw him immediately, but he hadn’t seen me yet.

I didn’t hesitate.

I fired.

He collapsed.

I spun around, checking for more, but everything seemed calm. My eyes were peeled as I moved slowly, trying to find Young. My instinct was to call out to him, but my training forced me to hold my tongue. Whatever happened, I couldn’t risk giving away my location.