Tobias snarled back at me. “Anderson, I’m warning you…”

“You’re warning me? Warning me of what, Tobias?” I challenged. “Warning me that after all these years of practically being brothers, you’re just going to turn your back on me entirely?”

“Yes, because if you were my brother, then how the hell would you go and…and…do what you did—”

“Dammit, Tobias! Enough already,” I yelled. “Why are you being such an asshole about this? Grow up! I like your sister! I’ll yell it from a rooftop. Now why on earth is that such a horrible thing to you? Don’t you think you’re taking the whole protective big brother act too far? Because if you don’t, then let me be the first to tell you—you are!”

“How dare you tell me how to take care of my own family!” Tobias shouted, his nostrils flaring.

But I refused to back down. “Joanna is a grown woman, Tobias! She doesn’t need you taking care of her anymore! Get that through your thick skull!”

The office fell so deadly quiet after my outburst, I feared people a mile away had heard me. Tobias stood before me, stunned. His eyes shot daggers at me, and for a second, I was fairly certain he was about to punch me.

I braced myself…

But Tobias took a step back and blinked. He appeared to deflate right before my eyes. “She doesn’t have anyone else to look out for her the way I do…” he said, his voice almost a whisper. “She’s… She’s the only family I have, apart from you. And you don’t know how close I’ve come to losing her…”

I stared back at him, confused. “What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the pieces of shit she keeps allowing into her life. The last one damn-near killed her. Zander. Her ex. He was crazy. Dangerous. He’s beaten her to a bloody pulp I don’t know how many times. What she told me was bad enough, and I know for a fact that she hasn’t told me everything. She’s afraid to.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I said, my throat tightening. Even though I’d heard about Zander before, by no means had I known it was that bad. I staggered backwards until my back hit the wall, the thought of someone beating Joanna making me want to smash everything around me to pieces.

“She never told you, huh?” Tobias said.

I looked up at him, finding that the fury in his eyes had subsided. I shook my head. “No. She didn’t tell me.”

Tobias nodded. “Yeah, because that’s how Joanna is. She’s secretive. She could be dying on the inside, but she’ll insist that she’s fine and doesn’t need any help. That’s why I’m so protective of her. I have to be, because she doesn’t always do the best job of looking out for herself. She only came to me this time because she finally got tired of Zander hitting her. It keeps me up at night sometimes, wondering what would have happened if she hadn’t got the strength to leave him after that last time. I hardly recognized her when she showed up to the house. Her face black and blue…”

“And…what happened to…to Zander,” I said, uttering his name like a swear word.

Tobias sighed. “I wish I could say.” He paused and shook his head. “He called her here, you know.”

“He what?”

Tobias nodded. “Yeah. And she tried to hide that from me. That he somehow found the number to her office and threatened to come for her. The only reason she told me was because she thought he had found her one day. Remember that day she called me from the parking lot?”

I nodded, remembering that day perfectly. We’d been in a meeting when she had suddenly called Tobias. I had sensed that something was wrong, but had opted to mind my own business, assuming it to be some kind of sibling issue that was none of my concern.

“She called because she thought someone was watching her in the parking lot. She didn’t want to admit it, but she thought it was Zander. But then she went right back to being her typical self, refusing to let me help her. I tried to get her to stay at the office until our meeting was over, or to even let you drive her home, but she refused.”

I shook my head and stared down at the floor, unable to believe what I was hearing. “I had no idea.”

“That doesn’t surprise me,” Tobias said. He expression suddenly hardened again. “So you have to understand why I’m so protective. If I’m not looking out for her, who will? She doesn’t confide in anyone. She was even secretive with our parents back in the day. I’ve always had a feeling in my gut that one day, one of her secrets was going to get her in trouble. I’ve been worried sick about her. And then…this?” He shook his head. “It was just too much. I was already pissed off that she wasn’t taking Zander as seriously as she should have, and that she had been keeping his stalking a secret in the first place. But then to find out that she’d been messing around with my best friend and didn’t even have the decency to tell me? How was I supposed to feel?”

I sighed and lowered my head. “Listen, Tobias, I get it. I understand where you’re coming from.?


“Do you?” he said, his voice turning hard and skeptical once more. “Then why the hell did you keep this from me too?”

“Because… Hell, your reaction proved why, didn’t it? We knew you weren’t going to take it well. We wanted to tell you eventually, but we just couldn’t seem to find the right timing. You weren’t supposed to find out the way you did though, that’s for sure.”

Tobias huffed. “I sure as hell would have appreciated being spared from finding out that way too.”

“Can you forgive me?” A long silence followed my question, but eventually, Tobias nodded. Nevertheless, there was a distinct look of disgust on his face. “Are you sure?” I asked.

“I just don’t get it, Anderson. Joanna? Of all people, all the women you’ve been with, you choose my little sister. You two couldn’t stand each other. How did this happen?”