I said, jokingly.

“What are you doing for the rest of the night, Joanna?” he suddenly asked, leaning in.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Nothing. I mean, with the exception of going over those numbers with you after dinner.”

Anderson looked back down to his plate. “Yeah…the numbers.” He took a bite of his steak and chewed slowly. He glanced around the restaurant. “I don’t think this is the right environment for that. How about we go back to my place after this? We can check them out there, if it’s all right.”

I swallowed another bite of my salad and stared across from Anderson, feeling far too aware of how much I wanted him. With the way I felt, I knew going back to his place was a dangerous prospect because I didn’t want to be so bold on the first date.

But it felt so tempting…

But I’ve known him since I was a kid. And there’s no need to jump ahead of myself. Maybe he really does just want me to check over the numbers, I thought.

I took a deep breath. “Yes, that’s fine,” I said, noting the smirk he was trying unsuccessfully to conceal. It was just like the smirk I was trying to keep off my own face.



Okay, I can do this. We’re just going to look over the numbers, I thought as I followed Anderson’s car through the late evening traffic.

My heart was beating too fast for my liking, but I couldn’t calm down when my mind revisited the moments during the rest of the dinner over and over again. There was definitely something more to his flirtations, something that brought heat to my insides. I hadn’t imagined all those heated glances he threw at me or the moments of intense silence as we looked at each other over the table.

I had no idea what was going to take place tonight, but I knew there was no resisting him if he decided to make advances on me. I squirmed on my seat, satisfied with my choice of lingerie. I was wearing a black lace bra and a thong that could only drive him crazy if he were to undress me. I squirmed again, craving for that to happen and much more.

Anderson lived in the rich part of the city, which consisted of luxurious buildings I could only afford to dream about. He proceeded to an underground parking garage, and I followed, my breathing slightly increasing.

I had forgotten what it was like to feel like this. After all that time with Zander, I forgot this anticipation—this thrill that came from not knowing what was going to happen next. Anderson’s mere proximity messed with my mind, and I wanted to see where this night would lead.

“I didn’t tell you, but you look amazing in that dress,” he told me with a smirk on his face on our way to the elevator.

My already erratic heartbeat went haywire. “Thank you, Anderson.”

“Actually, you look amazing in anything. Period.”

We entered the elevator and stopped next to each other, our closeness making my skin burn.

“Aww, you flatter me now, Anderson.”

He pressed the button for the seventeenth floor. “Absolutely not. You’ve grown into a beautiful woman, Joanna.”

I bit my lip. “Who would’ve thought a toothpick would turn into this, huh?”

His incredibly warm eyes held mine, making me forget whatever was on my mind. “Yeah. Who would’ve thought?”

“Are you this charming with all those ladies out there? If you are, I can understand now why all girls liked to stick to you in high school.”

His smirk turned into a full smile. “Believe me, honey, I save my charm only for the special ones.” He winked, which brought a blush to my cheeks.

Indeed, Anderson knew how to use his charm to get what he wanted, and right now it worked perfectly because my hands itched to touch him and see what he packed beneath his suit.

By the time we reached his place, my whole body was tingling, and I was very aware of his presence next to me. He led me into his apartment, which was bigger and fancier than any apartment I had ever seen. It gave Tobias’s mansion a run for its money.

He gave me a small tour of his place before he ushered me into his office, and I had to give it to whoever designed this place. It looked like it came straight from those interior design catalogues.

“Nice place,” I remarked when I stopped next to his desk, watching him take some papers from the file cabinet. So we were going to check over the numbers after all. I fidgeted with my hands, unsure whether I should be relieved or disappointed.

“Yeah. That designer definitely knows how to do her job.”