“Where’s my son?” she demanded, splaying her hands open in front of Luke. “Have you found him?”

His nostrils flared as he took a shallow breath. “I’m sorry, Georgia. There’s no trace of him, yet. I’ve got all my best trackers on it.”

Adam, Ashley, and Raquel appeared next to me. Adam wore a similar expression of worry on his face as his parents. It was no wonder. Despite all the disagreements and flare ups between the boys, they were still brothers. Their bond originated a hundred years before I ever came into the picture. I could imagine how Adam was feeling, underneath the stern bravado.

“Did the Prince take him?” Ben had edged in closer. He had a quiet strength about him which stood in opposition to the worry coming off Georgia in waves. “Maybe for leverage?”

“We can’t say for sure,” Luke answered.

His gaze settled on me for the merest second. Georgia caught the direction of his attention and turned toward me with frightening speed.

“You!” She stomped toward me. “You! This is your fault.”

My mouth fell open. I wanted to argue, but frankly, she could be right. The Prince probably hated me for sealing away his armies. He might’ve taken Gabe to get to me. The thought brought angry tears to the corners of my eyes.

“That’s not fair,” Adam interjected. He stepped in front of me, blocking me from view. Once again, my mouth hung open. Anyone could’ve knocked me over with a feather at this display of brotherly affection. “You don’t know what happened.”

“I know what’s happened in the past,” Georgia replied, trying to get around him.

I sidestepped Adam to see her pointing a shaky finger in my direction.

“Ever since Gabe’s been involved with this girl, he’s been in danger. I don’t like it.”

“Every day of our lives as warriors, we’re in danger.” Adam frowned down at her, his hands on his hips like some cartoon version of a superhero. “You know that. Gabe accepted the risks.”

“He’s right, Georgia—” Luke began.

She cut him off with a sharp wave of her hand. “That well may be, but has everyone forgotten the parasite she houses inside of her? Evil attracts evil and look at what this girl has brought us. Nothing but horror.”

I took a step back involuntarily, the weight of her words hitting me like a two-ton truck. The blood drained from my face.

All the healing, all the reparations I’d done in the past year suddenly meant nothing. It was like facing Silvia and Oscar all over again—and my execution.

“Mom...” Adam growled.

“Now, Georgia, you listen to me,” Luke began at the same time.

I didn’t feel the need to stand around and listen to them defend me. Turning on my heel, I sped from the ballroom about as fast as my feet could carry me.

Gabe was still alive. I could feel it in my chest, in every beat of my heart. But for how long, I didn’t know. We had to find him.

I had to save him.

Chapter Twelve

Hot blood soaked into my socks as I hoofed it wearily over the last half mile toward the manor. My skin had rubbed raw inside my boots over the last twenty hours of searching for a sign of Gabe in the forest. Any sign. But there was nothing to be found. Not a drop of his blood or a sign of struggle. No ferals to speak of. It was as if they’d become invisible.

I couldn’t believe it. Wouldn’t believe it. It had been over forty-eight hours since he’d disappeared and time was running out.

I paused to listen for any disturbances in the darkened woods. Nothing. Not even the chirp of insects. Just the cold, deep black of twilight waiting for the sun to crest over the eastern horizon. With a sigh, I trudged on. My belly ached for a bite of food. A quick meal and a new pair of shoes, then I’d be back out here, searching for him. Luke knew he couldn’t stop me. I had to do this. I had to find him.

My breath rattled in my lungs as the warming sight of the manor came into view. Amber-lit windows smiled at me and beckoned me to come closer. Peeling my fingers from around the hilt of my trusty silver dagger, I stashed it back in its sheath and made my way toward the lobby entrance. Maybe, I’d be lucky and breakfast would already be on the tables in the dining hall. The slightest scent of grease and maple syrup on the wind seemed to hint that I was right.

Walking into the hall, I nearly fell over as someone launched themselves at me. It took a tense moment for me to realize it was only Raquel. She pulled me into a tight hug, her long arms wrapping around my chest so I could hardly breathe.

“He’s here,” she said breathlessly. “I’ve been waiting for hours for you to get back. Gabe’s home.”

I gaped at her, my empty belly suddenly forgotten. “What do you mean?”