Remorse hit me like a dagger to the gut. I knew there was something funny about that wooden box. But it hadn’t proved to be a weapon to use against the demons. Somehow, it’d given my demon control of our body. And worse, I didn’t know if this could be a permanent condition. A condition that could punish me for the rest of our life.

Mentally, I gulped. There was no way I would survive a millennium locked inside here. I’d lose my mind. I’d go bonkers long before my body returned to the Earth.

Still, not all hope was lost. There was no way my demon could ever pull it off. My friends would recognize the change. They would save me...somehow.

You’ll never win, demon.

I tried my best to reach out and strike at her, but she was too strong. She shoved me aside like a week old kitten.

You know, I do have a name, she chirped back. It’s Mona.

Mona. What a simple name for such a huge headache. Part of me wanted to laugh and part of me wanted to cry. The parasite had a name. And now, it had control.

And you’re in my home, now, she added with a hiss. Behave.

She sent a shock right through me. If I’d had control of our body, my teeth would’ve chattered from the terrifying pain. Running into the recesses of my mind, I hid from her reach.

I should’ve prepared for this. Should’ve known how to defend myself. Instead, I’d been rendered weak and powerless.

It felt oddly similar to all those years I’d spent under Granny’s thumb. Cowering in my bedroom, wondering if she was going to barge into my room to punish me once again for not living up to her expectations. It was a feeling I thought I’d left behind me when Gabe had rescued me from that burning pyre. And yet, here I was again.

“Lizzy, you’re awake.”

Luke’s warm and familiar voice drew me from the shadows and I gazed out longingly from behind our eyes. His tall figure came into view. He wore a blue flannel shirt, unbuttoned with a white t-shirt underneath. A dark shadow claimed his face—proof that he’d been too busy lately setting up defenses around the manor to get a good night’s sleep. He gathered me up in a tight hug, his arms squeezing my torso. I relished the warmth of his embrace. But despite my silent protests, the hug ended too soon.

“How long was I out?” Mona asked. I hissed at the sound of my voice and her words. “Did I have another attack?”

“Yes.” Luke looked dryly at me, his mouth pressing into a firm line. “Gabe carried you here after you passed out in his room. You’ve been here for almost ten hours. I was starting to worry you wouldn’t wake up...”

My hand covered his and I felt my lips pull into a smile. “I’m here now. You don’t have to worry.”

His eyes glistened with the tiniest hint of relief. “I know. But I’m still worried about the possible repercussions of this parasite you carry within you.”

I could feel my jaw tighten. Mona drew my nails into my palm so tight, it almost drew blood.

I smiled at her anger. Keep responding like this, and she’d be sure to give the game away. It wouldn’t be long now. They’d figure out it wasn’t me. I just needed to be patient.

“You have more important stuff to worry about right now,” she managed to respond sweetly.

Her gaze shifted toward the opposite end of the hall. I gasped at what she saw. Ten of the beds were occupied. A nurse ran between them, scribbling on her chart and taking vitals. Two people walked through the door, carrying a third between them. A bloody gash ran the length of their friend’s thigh. It splattered the floor, leaving a gruesome trail as they rushed him to a free bed.

He laid back, his face as white as the bed sheet, and I recognized him for the first time—my friend Dominic, whom I’d spent many an afternoon training and joking with. His lips distorted into a grimace and the nurse rushed to his side, blocking him from view.

“We were attacked early this morning,” Luke explained, following her attention. “A small squad, but strong. They’ve been hitting us at different spots throughout the day, never in the same place twice. Testing our weaknesses. My scouting party was ambushed. They were lucky to make it out alive.”

“Go, you’re needed elsewhere.” Mona waved at him. “I’ll be fine. Go take care of our friends.”

“Are you sure?” He grabbed my hand and clasped it tightly.

“Yes. Go.”

I wanted to scream and throw things. To grab his attention any way I could. But his lips curled into a tired, but pleased smile, and he turned away. A pain so deep I couldn’t hide from it formed in my chest. My father hadn’t seen me. He didn’t know. Here I was, waving desperately from behind the sky-blue eyes he’d given me, and he’d missed it. I wanted to sob into my hands.

“Better luck next time,” Mona muttered.

I could’ve kicked her.

But there was no time to feel sorry for myself. Gabe had just entered the room and upon seeing me sitting up, ran to the side of my bed.