Luke looked down at me, concern clouding his face at my lack of response.

“These are Gabe’s parents,” he whispered. “Say something.”

“Hi,” I managed to eek out.

As soon as I’d spotted those emerald green eyes, I knew who I was dealing with. Those were the exact replica of Gabe’s gorgeous and intense gaze, except shadowed with a few more centuries of wisdom and experience. My throat tightened as I thought about what they must think about me.

Their son had never experienced more danger than in the last year and a half with me. He’d been nearly executed, stabbed, taken by a demon, fought in a battle of ferals, and more. And on top of it all, he’d been partnered with me in the warrior ceremony. It was like he’d run off and eloped with a stranger. Except this stranger had a demon companion inside her head and a shady past.

“Elizabeth.” Georgia nodded her head stiffly. “Gabe has told us about you. We made our trip here with the sole intent of making your acquaintanceship.”

I tried to smile in reply, but it probably looked like I was trying not to throw up.

“Where is my handsome son?” she asked, lifting her chin to gaze behind us. “I was hoping he would be here to greet me.”

“They’re hunting down one last demon lead,” I managed to croak out. It was a miracle I was still standing. My knees trembled under her intense scrutiny. “They should be back soon. Tomorrow, hopefully.”

She exchanged a curious expression with her husband and then gazed down her nose at me. “Why isn’t his partner accompanying him on this quest? I thought the two of you had been joined.”

My cheeks colored. Of course, I would’ve loved to be with him on this quest, but my episodes had been getting stronger.

Still, I didn’t want to get into the entire demon problem with his parents—especially this early in our relationship. A big part of me desperately wanted her to like me and I didn’t think reminding them of my evil half would help the issue.

“We are...” I stuttered. Looking up at Luke for help, I shrugged my shoulders. “But I’ve decided that I need to change my focus from being a warrior to learning how best to provide leadership for our people. After all, I will be joining the board someday.”

“You are?” Luke stared down at me, confused.

“Yes,” I said, my confidence building. “I’m pulling out of battle for now. It’s what I want.”

Although it seemed like I’d just vomited the words, I realized as soon as I’d said them that they were true. My demon’s constant presence in the back of my mind was only made worse during moments of extreme duress and stress. That was every moment of a warrior’s duty. I couldn’t risk having another episode and losing myself to her. If that meant I had to take a huge step back and learn a different way of life, so be it. As long as it kept Gabe and my family safe, then I would do it. No questions asked.

“Oh, yes, right,” he added without much hesitation, jumping to my aid. “We’ve been discussing this possibility for some time now. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to have a daughter to follow in my footsteps.”

I hoped Luke could see the gratefulness in my eyes. This woman had already stripped me to the bone. I wasn’t sure what another few seconds under her gaze would’ve done to me. Most likely, I would’ve melted to the floor in a pile of molten lava, marring the floor for centuries to come. Future generations would’ve walked around the spot, shaking their heads in disgust at the young woman who couldn’t handle the pressure of meeting her boyfriend’s mother.

“See, dear?” Ben nudged his wife’s shoulder. “Nothing to worry about. Many partners have completely different undertakings in the Nephilim society. It isn’t unusual. And until our boys get back, we have this lovely young lady to entertain us. Isn’t that right?”

I halfheartedly smiled, desperate to break away from this conversation.

“I guess so...” She still looked at me like a frog waiting to be dissected. “But I’d like the four of us to have dinner tomorrow night. I want to see the two of you together and get to know my son’s new partner.”

Gulping down the lump that had formed in my throat, I nodded. Epic battles and killer demons, I could handle. Armed Grannies and town mobs, I could handle. But I wasn’t so sure I could handle a dinner alone with Gabe’s mother.

Something told me my problems had just multiplied exponentially.

Chapter Six

Luke’s right eye twitched as he slammed a book shut and tossed it aside. We’d gone through every book in his office, looking for something, anything, that would help me deal with my demon problem. So far, nothing. Books had never failed my father before and he wasn’t dealing very well with it.

“It has to be here somewhere,” he moaned, scrubbing his face with his hands.

We’d spent the entire afternoon and late into the evening studying. Still, nothing.

“It’s okay,” I said quietly. I hadn’t really expected a miracle. Still, it was a letdown.

“No, it’s not okay.” He slammed his fist on the desk. “I’m your father. What else does a father do except for solve his daughter’s problems? Thus far, I haven’t exactly been a stellar example of a parental figure in your life.”

I sighed and reached across to grab his hand. He was being too hard on himself. It wasn’t his fault my problems went above and beyond the normal range of daughter problems. I’d give anything to pretend that we were normal and that none of this mattered. But the truth be told, my life might depend on it.