This couldn’t be it. This couldn’t be the end. I’d come so far. It didn’t make sense for my life to end this way.

The thick liquid in front of my face began to thin, until nothing but a thin membrane separated me from Hell. Dark forms danced on the other side. Shadowy ferals, dozens and dozens of them, ready to make their way onto Earth. They opened the great wide chasms of their mouths and snarled. Although muffled, I could still hear the strength of their vicious roars.

My heart palpitated, painfully skipping beats as I beat around for something to hold onto. Anything to keep me from making that final move into the underworld. But there was nothing. The tiniest pinprick of a hole appeared in the membrane in front of me, spilling the cold light of Hell onto my face.

Just give up already. The demonic force in my head inched forward, her excitement tangible. Your fight is over. Give it over to me.

Never! I screamed. She would never have control over me. I’d rather be torn into a million pieces than let that parasite have her way.

You’re done. Your usefulness as our key is over. Those demons will desecrate your body in ways you couldn’t imagine. Give it up to me. Save yourself.

I swallowed hard remembering that I had no weapon on me. Not a single thing to end my life when I entered the realm of the demons. There wouldn’t be a quick death waiting for me. Only agony, pain, and torture.

I’d served my purpose. They didn’t need a key anymore. Not when they had full access to the world above. I’d opened the gate. Soon, they’d all walk through and claim the Earth.

Even through the panic, something in the back of my mind clicked. Slowly, thoughts began to swirl. I’d been born with a destiny, Elizabeth had said. With a purpose. A key that could open the Hell Gate and release Hell on Earth.

But keys didn’t just open doors.

It was a stretch, but just maybe, the world didn’t have to end this way. Maybe, my powers were good for more than death and destruction.

Reaching out with my mind, I felt the music of the power strumming around me. It played heavy and fast, like a techno beat in a night club. The pulses sent goosebumps down my arms. It was the same hurried and panicked feeling I got whenever I let anger get the best of me.

The feeling was intoxicating. I could’ve only too easily given into it, just as I had during my training sessions in the forest. Give up control. Ride the wave. But not this time.

Now, I listened to my heart.

There was good that resided in my heart and soul. It wasn’t for nothing. For too long, I’d been obsessed with the bad inside me. The demonic side. But there was another side. An angelic presence with the powers of heaven. Something strong enough to defeat the darkness.

Concentrating on the staccato rhythm of the gate, I willed it to match the steady beat of my heart. Slow down. Conform to me. Let me control it.

What are you doing? My demon lashed out, its tendrils of smoke wrapping through the tender parts of my mind. Terror infused its touch. But I was immune to its sting.

I was the key. This gate listened to me. I was in control.

Soon, the rhythm changed. Like the steady rocking of a metronome, it slowly adapted to my demands. Tick, tick, tick. I smiled as it listened to me, like a living entity, waiting for my move. The warm bath around me began to change. It grew thicker and more viscous, pushing me away from the thin layer to Hell.

Stop it! You can’t do that. That’s not supposed to happen.

What isn’t supposed to happen? I asked, smiling to myself. Me, taking control of myself for once? Thanks to Manuel, you don’t have power over me anymore. Anger will no longer rule my life. And this key will be closing the door to Hell—for good. That’s my destiny.

With a pop, I stepped out of the gate and onto hard ground. Breathing deeply, I inhaled the smell of pine needles, the scent of a coming rainstorm, and fresh dirt. Home again. Pressing a hand on the gate behind me, I smiled with relief to see that it’d become a thick wall, impenetrable by the strongest of demons. No ferals would be getting through today.

The world was safe. Tears of relief choked my throat and I threw my head back in silence thanks, staring at the sky above.

But this war wasn’t over yet. The rage of battle above me had me racing up the hill and into the fray. Ten ferals remained, each already occupied in a fight. Elizabeth had somehow obtained a sword and was sparring with Luke. He had a long cut across his cheek and several rips in his shirt. Gabe fought beside him, each taking turns to advance on her.

“Elizabeth!” I bellowed out her name above the clash of metal.

She looked over her shoulder at me and her face went pale. Dodging a blow from Gabe, she sidestepped him and twirled away.

“Lizzy!” Gabe and Luke both shouted at once.

I gave them a reassuring smile and turned back to my nemesis. “You’ve lost,” I shouted. “Your Prince is stuck in Hell forever.”

Her mouth fell open and she screeched, “You lie.”

“Not today.” Taking a step toward her, I straightened myself to my tallest height. “You see, keys aren’t just good for opening gates. They’re good for closing them, too. The gate is sealed. You’ve lost. Give up.”