“Knew it.” She tossed her perfectly straight head of light brown hair and smiled at me before busying herself with examining her fingernails. It was then that I realized, through all the catty attitudes and insults, somehow, some way, Ashley and I had become friends. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

Adam made himself at home in the antique chair. I felt his eyes move from my face, over the thin hospital gown, and down to my hand still in Gabe’s. He grinned when he caught his brother glaring at him.


“Don’t you think it’s a little rude to be at the bedside of someone you once tried to kill?” Gabe asked through his clenched jaw.

Adam waved his hand through the air. “No, that was ages ago. And I don’t want to kill her anymore. She can stay.”

“Thanks for your permission,” I told him dryly. “I was just dying for it.”

He gave me a cocky grin and crossed his legs.

It felt weird being surrounded by this ragtag group of people, but in a matter of weeks, the manor had begun to feel like home. These were my friends and family now. It was something that’d take some getting used to, but I was willing to put in the time.

Gabe caught me watching him and a small smile lit up his face. I squeezed his hand and settled back into the fluffy pillow behind my head.

And to think, none of this would’ve happened if I hadn’t saved him in the woods that day. My green-eyed demon turned out to be my green-eyed angel. He was an unbelievably sexy otherworldly warrior and I was bound to him, heart and soul.

I would learn the Nephilim ways and devote myself to keeping the gates closed. Who knows how I got here, but I was here to stay. Heaven save us all.


She burst through the backdoor and threw her duffle bag on the kitchen floor. Nothing had changed in the twenty-one years she’d been gone. The same old dingy linoleum lined the floor. The same faded lilac wallpaper clung to the walls. Even the familiar scent of Virginia Slims and baking soda wafted her way, sending a shiver of disgust down her back.

Granny sat at the table, reading the newspaper and sipping from a green coffee mug. Her eyes grew wide as the uninvited guest kicked her duffle bag to the side, and took the plastic deco chair on the opposite side of the table.

“How’d you get in here?” Granny growled, pulling a cigarette out of her shirt pocket and dangling it between her lips. “I told you, you’re not welcome here anymore.”

Her guest leaned back in the chair with a smile, pushing her long blond hair off her shoulders. “The goddess is dead. No one’s protecting this town anymore. Did you really expect me to stay away?”

“I’d hoped you had enough self-preservation left to rethink that choice.” Granny lit the cigarette with a long drag, sending a cloud of smoke above her head. “The elders said they’d kill you if you showed your face again.”

The guest chuckled and pulled Granny’s coffee mug toward her, taking a sip of the black liquid. “No one will keep me from getting the key. I worked too hard to bring that thing into the world.”

Granny’s eyes narrowed. “You think I’d just hand over the Hell Gate key to a demon? You’re stupider than you look.”

Standing up, the guest calmly laid her manicured hands on the table. She’d been waiting for this moment for a long time, ever since she was ejected from this Podunk town and forced to wander the Earth aimlessly.

It wasn’t until very recently that the key had begun to call to her. It was an instinct that drove her to come back to Hanna, South Dakota and complete the mission she’d been given so long ago by the Prince of Hell himself.

“I’m not going to ask again, mother.” She raised her chin until she stared down her perfect nose at the woman across the table. “Where have you hidden my daughter?”


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Love Always, Lacy


Turn the page for a special sneak peek of the second book in the series: Love of a Demon


She glared at me with blood lust in her dark eyes. The tip of her tongue traced the plump lines of her lips, ready to sink into a piece of my flesh. I stood deadly still with the pitch-black 9mm gun aimed at her heart. Inside the chamber were twenty bullets coated in blessed silver. One wrong move and she was going straight back to hell, where she belonged.

“Come at me,” I growled. “I dare you.”