He shrugged his shoulders and grinned, unlikely to admit to any fault. “I guess you don’t have to go to the party. But it would be good for you.”

I sighed. Maybe I didn’t want to get to know anyone else here, but Gabe had saved my life. The least I could do was go to a stupid party.

“I’ll go,” I told him, circling Reba in tight until she stopped. “And I’ll save a dance for you. Does that make you feel better?”

His eyes lit up, although he pretended to frown. “I suppose.”

I clicked my tongue at Reba and walked her back to the stable with Gabe and Clint at our side. No good would come from getting to know the Nephilim, but at least I could put on a brave face, and make him feel better about bringing me here. Besides, it was time I stopped feeling sorry for myself.

Chapter Fifteen

Raquel threw an armful of dresses on her bed and stood back to survey them. I wasn’t sure where she kept all these clothes, but somehow, she’d managed to cover our entire room in potential outfits for the Nephilim party tonight.

“I like the blue one,” she said, pointing at a thin little dress that would barely cover my rear, let alone her six-foot long body, “but I like the pink one, too. I can’t decide.”

I sighed and rolled over on my bed. The book Raquel had brought for me from the library would have to wait. She would never give me any peace until she had the perfect outfit.

“Go with the green one.” I pointed to a shimmery green dress draped across her headboard. “The color looks great with your hair and the cut is very flattering on you.”

Raquel’s eyes lit up. “Perfect!”

She dropped her pants right there and didn’t wait for me to turn around before she stripped the rest of the way, and pulled the dress over her head. I was right, it did look great on her. With her complexion, the green dress was magnificent. It fell just above her knees with a short layer of tulle at the end which made it poof out. It was the perfect party dress.

“Is there a reason you’re getting so worked up

about this party?”

I didn’t understand her sudden obsession on what she would wear tonight. The Raquel I’d gotten to know the last few days was overly confident and silly. I hadn’t seen this nervous side of her before.

Raquel spun in front of the mirror, making her dress frill out.

“Now that Gabe is off the market, I’ve set my eyes on Patrick Gelling.”

I nearly choked on the Twizzler I’d been nibbling on.

“Off the market? What do you mean?”

Raquel raised an eyebrow at me. “Aren’t you going to the dance with Gabe? That’s what I heard the other day at lunch. There are some girls who aren’t too happy about that, by the way. As if they stood a chance.”

Sitting up, I shook my head. “No way. Gabe told me to save a dance for him. That doesn’t mean we’re dating.”

“Hmmm…” Raquel’s disbelieving frown made me rush to defend myself.

“Really, we’re not…I mean, he’s not interested. We wouldn’t. He’s just too…”

Too hot? Too manly? The list could go on and on. But the most important thing was that I was too human. What superhuman man would want to date a mere mortal? As much as the fantasy thrilled me, Gabe and I were not dating. Plus, I would be leaving the manor very soon. It didn’t make sense to entertain such silly ideas.

“I still don’t believe you.” Raquel put up a finger when I tried to argue. “But I won’t mention it again... for now. Let’s just find you something to wear.”

I looked down at the pair of jeans and smooth white blouse Raquel had loaned me last week. “What’s wrong with this?”

She snorted. “You’ll be so out of place you’ll stick out like a sore thumb. You have to wear a dress. Every other girl will be wearing one. Even the boys wear something nice. You don’t want to stick out, do you?”

I supposed she was right. Sticking out was the last thing I wanted to do tonight.

“Here.” She threw a red dress that landed in my lap. “I saved this one for you. It’ll be perfect.”

The dress was sewn from a fabric that flowed like water through my hands. Red beads and taffeta made up the stiff bodice with a sweetheart neckline. It was a gorgeous dress for a fancy party. I’d never worn anything half that beautiful.