“So do I.” Chief Bright elbowed him in the stomach with a grin. “You come on down to see me after Thanksgiving and we’ll get you started on training. I need good men like you on my force.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll do that.”

Joseph ducked his head. Michelle had said the same exact thing. She’d apparently already talked him up to her father. He couldn’t have been more grateful to her. Evidently, his desperate attempt to woo her hadn’t totally made her hate him. He felt the sudden and strange desire to find her and thank her.

“Where is Michelle tonight?” he asked nonchalantly.

“She’s waiting by the stage for her date,” Chief Bright said. His eyes narrowed and he swept the room. “She wouldn’t tell me who it was, but I’ve got my eyes peeled. Do me a favor and do the same. I want to know everything about the guy, right down to his social security number. See if he’s good enough for my baby girl.”

Joseph couldn’t help but gulp. He’d forgotten how intimidating Michelle’s father could be. When their families got together, it had always been a no pressure situation. But standing here, with Chief Bright’s hulking form actively scanning the room for trouble-makers, he took on a different form. Here, he was scary. For a brief moment, Joseph felt sorry for his little brother.

“I’ll find her, sir,” Joseph said, taking a step toward the crowded stage area. “And thank you for considering me for your team.”

“Of course, Smith. I hope you know that you’re doing your father proud,” Chief replied loudly.

He nodded gratefully and continued his journey toward where the Chief had said Michelle waited for his younger brother. His eyes scanned the couples dancing on the floor, just in case the two of them had already found each other. His stomach clenched at the thought, but he pushed the feeling down.

It was time to put on his big boy pants. Michelle had obviously done him a favor by talking to her father about his desire to join the force. He could thank her and then apologize for what he’s said this afternoon. That was what a good man did. And this was the start of his journey to becoming a better man.

All of a sudden, the crowd seemed to part in front of him and his gaze fell upon a woman dressed in a brilliant golden dress that fell just past her knees. It was Michelle, but unlike he’d ever seen her before. Her long golden hair had been piled high on top of her head, with soft tendrils falling around her face. Her long neck was bare, but elegant golden bands hung from her ears. A soft pink glow kissed her cheeks and the dark makeup around her eyes made them pop. She was talking to someone, her face lighting up in a brilliant smile. Joseph froze, his heart thundering. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was beautiful.

And totally off limits.

He took a step backwards, but his shoulder bumped into someone. A hand wrapped around his back and he heard the familiar chuckle of his brother’s in his ear.

“I see you finally found her,” he said.

Joseph’s brow furrowed. He wasn’t sure why his brother hadn’t snapped her up to dance as soon as he got here. If it had been him, he wouldn’t have been able to keep his hands off her.

As he stared at her, her gaze flitted in his direction. Recognition lit up her face and she stopped mid-sentence to stare right back at him.

“I should go,” he said, attempting to take a step backwards, but his brother’s grip wouldn’t let him.

“Why would you want to do that?” Garret asked with another chuckle. He prodded him in the ribs. “Your date is waiting for you to ask her to dance.”

“I’m not dancing with Leslie,” he grumbled, crossing his arms.

“No, not Leslie. She’s here with me tonight.” Garret shoved him a step forward. “Michelle is waiting. Go ask her. Ask your date to dance.”

Chapter Eleven

Michelle took a steadying breath, her hand on her abdomen, as Joseph and his brother stared at her from across the dance floor. Above her, the deejay’s lights flashed and the paper foil stars hanging from the ceiling swayed. Garret had said he would get Joseph here. She’d hardly believed him, but it seemed he’d followed through.

As her gaze swept over him looking achingly gorgeous in his black suit, shiny loafers, and matching black tie, she finally recognized that feeling she got every time she was around him. It was a deep-seated need to be known by him. To feel his hand in hers, his eyes on her face. To see his smile and know it was for her. It wasn’t the flighty, nervous feeling that she’d once had around Garret. It was much deeper and true.

If only she could tell him how she actually felt.

Her feet moved forward, her knees wobbly like jelly. She kept her gaze on his and willed her heart not to beat out of her chest. Joseph had the look on his face as if someone had popped out of a birthday cake right in front of him. His gorgeous mouth was slightly ajar, his amber eyes wide, and all of his attention focused on her. As she stepped closer, he snapped his jaw shut and she could see his Adam’s apple bob with a swallow.

“Hi.” She ran her tongue over her lips, desperately hoping to sound more confident than she felt.

He worked his jaw and dropped his hands to his sides. “Hi.”

Garret cleared his throat, causing them to both look in his direction. “Um, yeah. I’m just gonna go over there. Dance with my date. You two have fun.”

Michelle watched him go, knowing once and for all that the feelings she used to have for Garret had popped like a fragile soap bubble on the surface of the water. They’d been the results of years of daydreams. Not about a real person, but a figment she’d created in her head. The man standing in front of her now was so much better than all of those daydreams combined.

“Why am I here?” Joseph asked, glancing on both sides of the room, as if he were expecting someone to jump out with a camera at any second. “I thought you were here with my brother.”