He did like Michelle. There had never been a question about that. After all, she was the only one who could get him out of his house after six weeks of essentially being a recluse. And it was because of her that he was finally thinking about his future.

But he liked her more than that. Spending the last two days together, pretending to flirt in front of his brother, had done things to him. They’d struck a chord within him. A chord that wouldn’t stop playing.

There was a reason he was feeling like such a bear today. Every time his brother even glanced her way, it felt like being stabbed with a needle. A thousand needles. He wanted her to himself. Every touch, every smile, every shared expression had wormed their way into his heart. He’d always known she was different. That she was special. Even as kids.

And he definitely liked her enough to play Go Fish. And to let her win.

As the trailer went over a bump in the road, everyone shifted in their seats. Michelle leaned against him, her soft hair brushing against his shoulder, smelling again like coconuts. He dared not move, for fear that she’d shift away from him. Feeling her body next to his, the heat of her skin and the reaction in his gut was all the confirmation he needed.

He was falling for his brother’s girl.

Chapter Seven

Michelle waltzed around the craft and activity fair between the Smith brothers, giddily holding her giant bag of sweet and salty kettle corn. Every November it was held at the Benedict Homestead Heritage Farm and this year had turned out to be an especially beautiful and sunny day.

A giant pumpkin patch full of impressive sized orange and white pumpkins stood just past a bright red painted barn. Kids darted throughout the drying vines, picking the last of the year’s harvest to paint and bring home. Pony rides and a corn maze had been set up just beyond the field. At the far end of the homestead was a massive metal shed where vendors from local businesses and artisans had set up their booths. Michelle directed Garret and Joseph to the shed first, eager to look through the wares.

But it was hard to keep her attention on shopping, or anything really, except for the men standing on either side of her. Garret was flirting openly with her now, spouting off jokes and shooting her devastatingly handsome grins. She’s spotted Joseph and him talking right after the parade. Joseph must’ve given him the go-ahead. The very thought made her giddy with nerves.

That was in stark opposition to the feelings Joseph gave her as he was helping her pick out a hand-painted wooden sign for her new apartment in Kansas City. He was a steady presence. He listened patiently whenever she spoke and seemed to understand her even when she acted flustered. The few times their hands brushed when reaching for a sign had set her skin aflame. It was a confusing effect that made her peek at him in wonder several times when he wasn’t looking her way.

What was going on with her?

“What do you think of this?” Garret pointed to a sign with a piece of holly painted on it and the words Dear Santa, Define Naughty? He guffawed and pulled it off the wall, offering it to her. “I think you need this one.”

“Right.” She raised an eyebrow and gave him a little smile. “I’m not sure that’s what I’m looking for.”

“Come one, it’s funny and pretty. You can’t get better than that.”

“No, I think this one might be more her style,” Joseph offered, kneeling to look at a sign on the floor that leaned against the metal wall of the shed.

It consisted of three pieces of whitewashed wood with the words Love. Teach. Inspire painted in bright teal. Michelle gasped and went closer to look, kneeling next to him.

“It’s perfect. It’s just what I wanted. It’s so pretty, too.”

“I figured.” He scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. “Just don’t tell anyone I picked it out. I might lose my reputation around here.”

She laughed and shot him a grin. “Your reputation for what? Moving back in with your parents at the age of twenty-five and without a job?”

“Touché,” he said with a dramatic wince. “But I think I’ve finally got a plan for that.”

Sitting back on her heels, she raised her eyebrows. “Do tell.”

“I thought about it a lot last night, after the carnival. And well, they’re hiring down at the police station. First year cadets. My military training should come in handy.”

Her mouth dropped and she clapped her hands together. “That’s a great idea! My dad would love to have you on the force. He’s always in need of good men like you.”

Men with even tempers, a quick wit, and compassion made the best cops, as her father would say. Men like Joseph. There was no question that he would excel at the Blessings police force.

“That’s nice of you to say.” He frowned down at his hands. “Because there are days I don’t feel like such a good man. Days like today. Days when I want what someone else has.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. He’d been nothing but a wonderful friend all weekend. It was puzzling to hear him talk like that. Just when she was about to ask him to explain, Garret tapped her on the shoulder.

“Hey, beautiful, are you thirsty? I’m about to run and grab a Coke.”

Her cheeks felt hot as she stood to face him. He’d never called her beautiful before today. It was a strange feeling.

“No, I’m okay.”