He shrugged uncomfortably in his suit jacket and stuffed his hands in his pockets. There was one reason he was here and one reason only. Garret had spoken to Michelle’s dad about his desire to join the force and Chief Bright wanted to talk to him about it tonight. It was like an interview for a job interview. Play his cards right, and he’d have an in at the police force. That was the only thing that could’ve gotten him to set aside his misery for an hour.

“Don’t look so glum,” Garret said, thumping him on the back. He’d worn a nice pair of slacks and a button down pink shirt. “This is supposed to be fun.”

Todd and Russel were on his other side, their dates on their arms. Thankfully for Joseph, Garret had agreed to meet Michelle at the Town Hall. He didn’t even have the sensibility to pick her up at her home like a proper gentleman. Joseph wanted to knock his ears, but he didn’t have the energy. She probably didn’t even care. She got her man.

“As soon as I speak to Chief Bright, I’m out of here,” Joseph grumbled.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Garret put his arm around his older brother and laughed. “I found a date for you, too. I told you this was going to be fun.”

His stomach reeled at the thought. The last thing he wanted tonight was a blind date. He’d just gone after his brother’s girl hours earlier today. Begged her to choose him instead. But here he was, showing up at the Harvest Ball alone. He didn’t deserve a date. And he didn’t want one.

“I’m not going on a blind date, Gar.” He shrugged Garret’s arm off his shoulder.

“I think you’ll change your mind once you see her. She’s really hot.”

He rolled his eyes. “Is that all you ever think about? How hot a girl is?”

Garret made a face. “I think she knows how to read, too. There, is that better?”

Nothing could make this night worse. He was expected to entertain a date who Garret had hand-picked for him while his younger brother danced with the woman he really wanted just across the room. His heart couldn’t take the thought. There was no way he was sticking around for that. His date would have to forgive him.

They jo

ined the line of people making their way into the Town Hall event room. The hallway had been decorated with bales of hay and large orange pumpkins piled in stacks. The strong scent of cinnamon and spices drifted in the air. A friendly-looking scarecrow with big blue eyes greeted them just outside the darkened event hall. Joseph ducked his head as they walked in, not daring to look up. He didn’t want to make eye contact with Michelle tonight. Or any night, for that matter. He’d already humiliated himself enough in front of her. She probably never wanted to see him again.

“Look who’s here,” Garret said behind him, pointing over Joseph’s shoulder.

He had to hold in a massive groan as Leslie Brown waved at them from across the hall. She hadn’t changed much in the years since Joseph had last seen her. Her silvery-blonde hair went down to her elbows with massive, loose curls. She wore a tight-fitting silver dress that very much looked like she’d wrapped herself in tin foil for the big event.

Her hips swayed seductively as she walked toward them in stiletto heels sharp enough to crack a man’s skull. When she got close, Joseph could see that she’d had some work done. Was it her nose? Something was different. But still, she cracked a wide smile when their eyes met and didn’t hesitate to rush him for a hug.

“Joey Smith, is that you?”

He grunted a greeting, trying to turn around to glare at his brother. Was he seriously setting him up with Leslie Brown? But she grabbed ahold of his chin with a vice-like grip and forced him to look at her.

“You’ve gotten hotter,” she exclaimed, her breath minty. She batted her heavily mascaraed eyes and smiled. “I just adore military guys.”

He grabbed her wrists and gently peeled her off of him. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m no longer in the military then.”

Her eyes widened for a second, but then a shrill laugh spilled out of her lips and she slapped him on the shoulder. “Oh, you silly man. You always know how to tease a girl.”

With a shrug, he looked over her head and scanned the dark room. He prayed that he could do his business and get out before Michelle showed up. Sure enough, he could just make out Chief Bright’s massive form standing across the room in a dark brown suit, pouring himself a glass from the punch bowl. No sign of his daughter. This was his chance.

“If you’ll excuse me for a moment,” Joseph took a step toward the Chief, “I have someone I need to speak to.”

He didn’t wait to hear her response. Crossing the hard wooden dance floor, he made his way toward the snack tables. Soft, amber lights had been strung vertically on the walls, making for what he assumed was considered romantic lighting. A live band played music on a makeshift stage to his right, the lead singer crooning on the microphone as he strummed his guitar. Golden, shiny paper stars hung above his head, making the ceiling look like an otherworldly version of a night sky. Couples had already begun to dance beneath them, holding each other close as the band played a love song. Joseph couldn’t help but envy them.

“Chief Bright,” he said, coming up behind the large man. “I wanted to speak to you.”

Chief Bright turned, his gaze taking in Joseph’s suit and tie. His eyes were the same stunning blue as Michelle’s. He was broad across the shoulders, with muscular arms. Time had softened him a little in the middle with an extra few pounds, but Joseph had no doubt the man could hold his own. His salt and pepper hair had been neatly combed to the side and his chin shaved baby smooth.

“Joseph Smith.” Chief Bright gave him an appraising smile. “My Michelle said you were talking about joining the force.”

“Yes, sir. I saw you had an opening. I’m just out of the military.”

“A military man. Michelle said as much. I like that. It means you have discipline.”

Joseph quirked a smile. “Yes, sir. I hope you’ll consider my application. I really believe this could be a great fit for me.”