of Smarties or Tootsie Roll tossed in their direction. After the awkward walk from the coffee shop, none of them said much. They seemed content to watch in silence, Michelle’s mind hardly able to comprehend the fact that she was standing next to Garret Smith. The whole situation was unreal.

Finally, toward the end of the parade, Garret excused himself for a moment to say hi to a passing group of friends. As he left, she grabbed ahold of Joseph’s arm and squeezed. She couldn’t help but bounce on the balls of her feet, she was so excited. Everything was going perfectly. She’d managed not to swallow her tongue the entire half hour they’d stood there. Maybe she really could keep her cool around Garret.

“I really think it’s working,” she said, biting at her lower lip. “He’s never talked to me this much in my lifetime.”

“Yeah, I told you he’d go for you.” Joseph shrugged noncommittally. “Totally predictable.”

Her chest felt slightly deflated. She wasn’t sure why his words bothered her so much. But when Garret turned on the other side of the street and started walking back towards them, her spirits rose once again.

“Just keep it up, whatever you’re doing,” she said, giving him a smile. “I’m going to owe you big. Whatever you want, it’s yours.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be possible,” he grumbled, crushing the empty coffee cup in his hand. He gave her a sad smile and tossed it in the nearest trash can. “But at least you’ll get what you want.”

He marched away and as she watched him, her head filled with confusion. This was exactly what she wanted: her high school crush to finally notice her.

So why did it feel so wrong in this moment?

Chapter Six

Joseph didn’t understand what was wrong with him. He’d never felt emotions like these before today — like he’d woken up on the wrong side of the bed every day for the last half century. He wanted to growl at everyone he passed, push through the crowds, and kick at the trashcans in the town center.

Maybe this was yet another reason why he was better off secluding himself in his family’s house. He obviously couldn’t behave himself in public. Civilian life was just a distant memory. He’d never feel a sense of normalcy again. His two days in public was proof of that. He couldn’t control himself.

Michelle was gracious enough to shrug off his bad mood. She’d looked like an angel standing outside the Cafe, with her hair pulled up into a messy bun, ear warmer headband, and her off-white sweater. And even when he’d let her have a moment alone with his brother in the shop, she’d thought to bring him coffee.

But despite her kindness, he’d doubled down on his surly behavior and prodded his brother during a game of Never Have I Ever. What was he doing?

“Dude! Joseph!”

He froze when he heard Garret’s voice call behind him. His shoulders felt stiff, but he tried his best to smile. “What’s up?”

Garret paused to do his customary gesture of running his fingers through his shaggy hair. It was a move he often claimed that all the ladies loved. “Michelle wants to take a hayride up to the Arts Festival. You game?”

He felt an odd sort of tug-of-war inside him at the mention of Michelle’s name. He’d like nothing better at that moment to join them, but he had the feeling she’d rather go alone with his younger brother.

“Nah, you guys go ahead,” he said, wincing when a sharp pain went through his chest. “I’ll catch up.”

“Okay, that works.” Garret looked over his shoulder at Michelle chatting with an older lady outside the library. “But before we go, can I ask you something?”

Joseph shifted his weight to his other foot, knowing exactly what was running through his brother’s mind and dreading the conversation that was about to follow. “Sure...”

“Are you into Michelle?” He made a face and bared his teeth. “Because it seemed like it yesterday at the carnival, but today I’m not so sure. If you are, it’s cool, dude. I’ll back off. But if she’s free game, I think I might like to take a shot.”

Joseph’s jaw tensed so hard he thought he felt it pop. He didn’t appreciate his younger brother referring to Michelle as free game. She wasn’t a prize to be won or something to score with. She was a grown woman, with thoughts and feelings.

But this was what she wanted. He couldn’t forget that.

“If you’re interested, go ahead.” He frowned and flexed his hands at his sides. “I’m sure she’d be thrilled.”

“Awesome.” A goofy grin spread on Garret’s face. “Think she’d go with me to the Harvest Ball tonight? Girls love those kinds of things.”

His voice was flat. “I think nothing would make her happier.”

Garret smacked him on the shoulder and laughed, his eyes shining. “It’s a plan. We’ll see you later.”

He ran the other way and Joseph turned his back, trudging in the direction of his parents’ home. Blood pounded in his ears and his head ached terribly. He desperately needed a reset on this day. Something was off with him. He shouldn’t have been feeling this way.

His mission was a success. Michelle got her man. Garret was finally chasing after a woman who would do him good. So what was the problem?