“Did you mean it?” She bit her bottom lip. “Or was that just to show up your dad? Because I think you really won that argument. From what you’ve told me about him, that was quite a showdown.”

He pierced her with a heavy gaze. “I meant every word. Emily, I’m in love with you.”

She felt her chest constrict with emotion. The first time she’d heard it had been like a punch in the gut. Seeing his lips form the words was quite a dizzying experience. Her vision swam in front of her eyes.

He exhaled a large breath of air and sighed. “I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I assure you, I won’t let it get in the way of our business relationship. You won’t ever have to see me, if you don’t want. I’ll build my own private elevator just to make you happy.”

She laughed softly, imagining him sneaking out of the office late at night and coming in at the crack of dawn, just to make her comfortable. It matched the way he’d treated her the entire time they’d been dating, as if she were the only person in the world who mattered to him. She felt warmth spread throughout her body at the thought.

“And what if that’s not what I want?” She scooted an inch closer to him on the couch, heat rising in her cheeks. “What if, I want something more?”

His jaw twitched as he stared at her. “What?”

“I said, I want something more.” She reached over to cover his hand with her own. Her heart threatened to burst out of her chest, it was beating so loudly. “Michael, I’ve had a lot of time to think these last few weeks. I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re a fantastic businessman, but you’re a horrible actor. Despite the fact that you hid the truth behind your motivations to date me, the way you treated me was real. The way you touched me was real. And the way you took me into your arms was real.”

She pulled his hand into her lap and held it tight between her own. Beneath her fingers, she could feel his pulse beating rapidly.

“I’ve forgiven you for what you did. I forgave you a long time ago. I just didn’t know if we still had a future.” She traced the tip of her finger in a circle over the back of his hand. “Hearing you say that you loved me has given me the courage to hope for more. That’s what I want. A life with you.”

She looked up to see him staring at her with a fierceness that took her breath away. In one motion, he closed the gap between them and took her face into his hands. She gasped as he claimed her mouth with his, gentle at first, and then with a hunger that made her dizzy.

She worked her hands up his muscular chest and clung to him for dear life, feeling delicious heat work its way up from her toes until her whole body was on fire. He deepened the kiss and tangled his fingers into her hair, pulling her into his lap. A soft breeze caressed her face as he kissed her soundly, until she could barely breathe.

They might have stayed that way for five minutes or an hour. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed. But when she finally pulled away, her fingers traced along his swollen lips and she colored with embarrassment.

“I think I could do that forever,” she whispered with a smile.

“Me, too,” he said, his voice husky.

He swallowed hard and grabbed her hand, kissing her fingertips one by one. Bolts of electricity shot through her and she squirmed with pleasure. A cocky smile slowly grew on his lips as he watched her reaction.

“Does this mean you’ll take both me and the job?” he asked, keeping a hold of her hand. Hope sparked in his eyes.

A teasing grin worked its way onto her face and she leaned into the comforting mass of his chest and sighed. “Only if I get four weeks of annual vacation. Of which, at least two are spent with you in some remote location, where I get you all to myself.”

He growled and wrapped his arms protectively around her. “You can have me as much as you want. Since the moment I first saw you sweating in front of that ancient air conditioner, you had me wrapped around your little finger. As Smithy once pointed out to me, I’m a goner.”

She laughed and listened to the steady beat of his heart beneath her ear. It was a comforting sound.

“I love you, Michael Knight,” she whispered.

The wind rushed over the rooftop, rustling all the plants so that her words barely reached his ears. He closed his eyes and smiled, holding her closer.

“I love you, too, Emily Sevenson.”


“Don’t you dare open those gorgeous eyes,” Michael said with a laugh, holding onto Emily’s hand. “No cheating, or you won’t get your big surprise.”

Emily smirked and stuck out the tip of her pink tongue. His stomach lurched with the need to kiss her silly, to tangle his fingers in her unruly curls. But now was not the time. He had a surprise waiting for her.

“Can I at least get a clue?” she asked, stepping onto the limestone path he led her along. She paused and cocked her head to one side, listening intently. “Are we at your parents’ home?”

“Shhhh.” Michael put a finger to her lips and clicked his tongue. “No more, missy, or I’m turning this date around and you can settle for another night on your apartment couch, watching reruns.”

“Doesn’t sound so bad to me,” Emily mumbled with a smile. “Especially if you’re there.”

Michael’s cheeks hurt as he tried to suppress a grin. The woman was impossible. She’d be happy to spend the evening at a fast food restaurant, ordering off the dollar menu, as long as they were together. He had to admit, his heart thumped with pleasure at the thought. She truly did love him. And he’d do anything for her, even if she didn’t ask.