“You want me to date you because your board likes it?” she asked in disgust.

“No,” he answered, an ornery grin worked its way onto his face. “I want you to date me because then you’ll fulfill your contract with Spark and advance your performing career. It’s a win-win situation for both of us. All business with an expiration date. The perfect solution to our problems.”

She sat back in her chair, the original wave of rage melting away. Alaric’s business plan had a definite appeal. Just minutes ago, she’d been praying and searching for a way around this Spark deal. A way to protect her heart.

If she entered into this deal with rules and stipulations on both their sides, she would be doing just that. She’d get her contract, her publicist would be happy, and no one would be any the wiser. Plus, it wasn’t like Alaric was some stranger. She’d grown up just down the street from him.

Maybe, this was the safe way out.

“You have my attention.” She scooted forward in her seat and fixed him with a glare. “But if we’re going to do this, there have to be some rules.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Of course.”

“Rule number one: anything you say or give to the press must be pre-approved by me alone. Break that rule, and we’re done.”

Georgia held her breath, feeling tightness in her chest. After their breakup, Vance had leaked some very private information about their relationship to the press that still haunted her. She was determined never to repeat that.

Curiosity glinted in Alaric’s eyes, but he simply shrugged. “Easy enough. I have no desire to talk to the press, anyway. They just need to see us together.”

She felt relief wash over her. That hadn’t been so hard. Maybe, she could get through this deal with all of her dignity intact. It was certainly better than real life dating.

“My turn,” Alaric said briskly. “Rule number two: in exactly one month we will agree to go separate ways. A mutual breakup. Should be enough time for both of us to get what we want.”

Her mouth went slightly dry as she thought about what she’d originally wanted with Alaric. A fake relationship wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. In fact, even now she was having a hard time not reverting back to her high school fantasies of wondering how it would feel to be wrapped up in Alaric’s arms.

He just looked so cool sitting across from her, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. It was the same way in high school. He could probably see right through the cracks in her armor and see the nerves bursting through in bright red splotches on her face. She had to keep it together. He couldn’t have the upper hand in this fake relationship.

“Agreed,” she said a little more fiercely than she’d intended. Clearing her throat, she straightened her spine and stared at him. “Now, what about the physical?”


“Yes.” She laughed and fluttered her eyelashes at him in a joke. Inside, her stomach did a little flip. “Hand holding? Cuddling? Kissing? Can’t have a fake relationship without them. No one would buy it.”

He tilted his head to one side, his cocky demeanor faltering for a moment. Frown lines appeared around his mouth. “Kissing?”

“Yes, Mr. Hammond.” Despite the flutters of nerves, she gave him a devious smile. “At some point, I think you’ll have to kiss me.”


Alaric swallowed hard, his gaze taking in Georgia’s sparkling green eyes and the soft curve of her teasing smile. It felt like his stomach had done a flop in his gut. “I suppose you’re right.”

He’d marched in here totally prepared to treat this like a pure business deal, but his resolve was slowly unraveling. Georgia had taken to his idea faster than he’d predicted. She looked confident sitting across from him, her long legs crossed and her hands calmly folded in her lap. She’d pulled her black curly hair off her neck into a loose bun with a few loose strands of curls cascading down the creamy white skin of her cheeks. He’d stared down the most cantankerous of old businessmen, but not one of them had made his pulse quicken like she did.

“Rule number three: appropriate physical contact in public for our audience,” she said, her smile dissolving. “But hands off in private. I’m not for sale. Is that understood?”

He watched her tuck a curl behind her ear, pain reflecting in her eyes. Someone had hurt her in the past. That much was clear. Apparently, she wasn’t just some panhandling celebrity with no feelings. His jaw clenched as he imagined punching that jerk in the throat.

“Believe me, that’s not going to be a problem.” He looked down at his hands to give himself a moment to collect himself. When he looked back up, he saw her reddening face and her f

lashing eyes. She’d obviously taken offense to something. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She pursed her lips tight and stared at him. “Is that all?”

“Only one last thing.” He knew that if the word got out about their deal, it could ruin them both in the public’s eye. They needed the utmost of secrecy to make it a success. “No one else can know. No one. Not even your best friend, your dog, or whoever you trust with your secrets. Not if we want this to work. Is that understood?”

A smirk quirked on her lips and she held out a hand. “Sir, yes, sir. Now, do we shake on it? Seal the deal?”

He grabbed her hand and shook, feeling her soft skin beneath his own. Energy coursed up his arm during the brief contact. As soon as he could manage, he dropped her hand and rubbed the palm of his hand against his thigh, attempting to dispel the unsettling feeling she’d given him.