“Exactly.” Georgia blew out a puff of air. “You can cut the cord, Sally. I’m not helpless anymore. I can stand up for myself and I can decide for myself whether I’ll have the cheesecake or not.”

Sally winced and looked down at her hands, grumbling an apology at Georgia’s feet.

It wasn’t as if Georgia had threatened to fire her publicist, but she’d finally put her foot down when it came to Sally’s interference in her life. Hard. It seemed that their conversation had finally sunk in.

Georgia couldn’t totally blame the woman for the way she acted. Their careers were tied together. In her gruff, overbearing way, Sally did care. She just needed to let up on the reins a little.

“Now, go have some fun of your own tonight,” Georgia said, pulling her publicist into a tight hug.

Sally blinked in surprise, patting her awkwardly on the back. “Are you sure you want me to leave?”

“Yes!” Georgia hadn’t meant to say it so loudly. “Go. Live your life. Be free. I’ll see you tomorrow morning for our flight back to California.”

With one last skeptical glance in her direction, Sally marched off the red carpet, leaving Georgia officially alone at the biggest event of the year. Inside the elegant ballroom, she found her seat at one of the round tables set with dazzling white linen, delicate china with gold trim, and calla lily centerpieces that stretched toward the ceiling.

The hum of conversation buzzed around her, but Georgia didn’t feel like joining in. The old Sally would have killed her, of course, but that didn’t unglue her four-inch stilettos from the floor. She wasn’t quite ready to face the hordes alone.

“Hey, gorgeous. It’s nice to see you out and about.”

Georgia flinched at the sound of the familiar voice. She clutched her purse tight to her abdomen and turned to see Vance stalking toward her in a gray suit. He’d started growing out his hair since the last time she saw him and now it looked like peach fuzz on his round head. For a brief moment, she tried to remember what she’d ever seen in him.

Nothing. Not a single thing came to mind.

With a satisfied smirk, she stood to meet him eye-to-eye. “What do you want, Vance?”

“To make sure you’re all right, darling.” He stopped just short of bumping into her and gave her a sickly sweet smile that revealed a new gold cap on one of his top teeth. Georgia shuddered with revulsion. “I read that story in the Daily Dig. Totally brutal. I didn’t know that was the way they were going to spin it. I swear.”

A wry smile tugged at Georgia’s lips. “Yeah, and I’m sure you’re here to apologize for it?”

“Of course.” He placed a hand on her arm and squeezed lightly. She had to fight back the urge to slap him. “I’m

sorry you and that billionaire playboy guy didn’t work out. If he couldn’t see how amazing you are, then he’s a loser. Because you are, babe. Simply amazing. In fact, I wrote a song for you. It’s going to be on my new album.”

Georgia arched an eyebrow at him and shook her head. She was no longer under the powers of Vance’s manipulations, but he couldn’t see that. He was still spewing the same old lies. Still trying to get into her good graces, but not really apologizing for anything. She knew better now.

And she also knew what real love and devotion felt like.

“Sorry I’m late, sweetheart,” a deep voice said from behind Vance’s egg-shaped head. “The medical conference went long, but I’m certain that Dr. Anand’s prosthetic will be available to the masses very soon.”

Georgia tilted her head to one side to spot Alaric coming toward them, cutting a dashing figure in an elegant black suit and shirt, his dark hair swept to one side and his beard freshly trimmed. Her heart skipped a beat as he made eye contact with her — his gaze blazing with heat and adoration. She held out a hand to him, interlacing her fingers with his as he finally reached her side.

“You’re forgiven,” she said, reaching up to plant a kiss on his lips.

He put his free hand on the back of her neck, pulling her in close for a short, but breathtaking greeting. When they broke apart, Georgia felt as if her heart was going to beat right out of her ribcage. She’d never get tired of kissing Alaric Hammond.

She smiled innocently over at Vance, who stood staring at them with wide eyes and a slack jaw. His usually bold stance had melted into an unsure pose as his shoulders drooped and he tucked his chin toward his chest.

“You two? You’re still together?” His voice broke and his eyes darted back and forth between them.

“Of course.” Georgia gave him a dazzling smile. “As you said, anyone would have to be a loser if they couldn’t see how amazing I am. And let me tell you, Alaric Hammond is no loser.”

“That’s right.” Alaric put an arm around her waist and pulled her in close to nuzzle her ear. “I know how good I have it with her. And I’m never going to forget it. Now, if you don’t mind, I owe this gorgeous lady a dance for my tardiness.”

Georgia could almost hear Vance swallow down his disappointment. She held in a laugh as his face turned beet red. He nodded once at the both of them, and then stumbled away, no doubt in search of the bar.

“That was brilliant,” she whispered, as Alaric pulled her toward the dance floor on the other side of the room. A ten-piece instrumental band had struck up a slow song and a few couples had already taken advantage of the romantic tune to break away from the crowd.

He swung her toward him, taking her other hand in his, and began to sway to the beat. A slow grin tugged at one side of his face. “I couldn’t resist. The look on his face was priceless. I’d give all my billions away just to see it again.”