“Vance, what’s going on?”

She turned to look at him and instead found a pair of lips crashing down onto hers. Two hands worked their way behind her neck while her body froze in shock. Sharp pricks of disgust rolled up her body and landed in her stomach, threatening to abandon the handful of appetizers she’d eaten that evening down the front of Vance’s tux.

The sound of a camera clicking broke her out of her momentary shock. She pressed her hands against Vance’s chest and shoved him hard against the opposite wall. His head snapped back, rapping smartly on the cement. With a deep chuckle, he lifted his fingers to the back of his skull and held them up to the light, as if checking for blood.

“What was that?” Georgia demanded, fury like she’d never felt before burning a hole in her stomach. She turned to face the photographer, but he was already gone and with him, the pictures of the kiss.

“Just a little something to remember me by,” Vance said with another chuckle, apparently satisfied that his head wasn’t cracked open. He put the toothpick back in his mouth and grinned. “You’re good for business, babe. It’s nothing personal. Nothing in this world ever is.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but no words came out. Instead, she clutched her purse in her shaking hands as Vance gave her one last wink and sauntered back toward the party. As soon as he was gone, the strength in her legs melted away. She slunk to the floor in a pile of green silk and began to sob into her hands.

Chapter Twelve

After about twenty minutes of holding Georgia’s award and waiting for her to return to his dark corner of the club, Alaric finally uncrossed his arms and made his way through the crowd toward the bar. It was no use standing there, looking like a fool. She probably went off to find Vance. He thought he’d spotted that weasel around here somewhere. Maybe they were hitting it off again. Even talking about getting back together.

Just thinking about the possibility made every muscle in Alaric’s body tense. The anger from earlier in the evening was fading away into a hopelessness that threatened to consume him. Even if Georgia didn’t return his feelings, even if she didn’t want him, she still deserved be

tter than that one-trick pony Vance. He was a snake-oil salesman and she was a shining star. The idea of her lowering herself to his level made Alaric sick.

He perched himself on an empty bar stool and waited on the busy bartender serving drinks at the other end of the bar. The acrid scent of booze wafted toward him, bringing with it a yearning that he hadn’t felt in a long time. It would be all too easy to give in. Have a drink. Drown those sorrows. But he couldn’t. Not if he wanted to keep his promise to himself to be a better man. Because one step backwards would be like sliding down a mountain side with no way of stopping.

“Ain’t nobody allowed to look that blue at an awards after-party.” A gaunt man in his mid-forties claimed the bar stool next to Alaric, his long dark hair pulled back in a low ponytail. He wore a black button down shirt and slacks. A black bag hung from his shoulder. Turning toward Alaric, he gave him a smile. “Especially since I know which of these beautiful women you led into here tonight. No one dating Gigi Weber has the right to frown.”

Alaric buzzed his lips and scowled. If only the man knew how little that meant.

He barked out a laugh at Alaric’s response and smiled sympathetically. “Hmm, I take it from your expression that things aren’t all that great in paradise. What could possibly be bothering the man taking Gigi home tonight?”

Alaric grunted. This stranger didn’t know a thing. “Things could be better. And to tell you the truth, I’m not sure I’ll be the one taking Gigi Weber home.”

He tugged on the collar of his tux. Despite the tall ceilings and cool cement walls, it felt stuffy in here. His head seemed to be stuffed with cotton. He shouldn’t be saying such things to a stranger. Even if it seemed like his world was collapsing down on him.

The man stared at him for a long moment, his brown eyes taking in every detail of his face. Placing his hands on the bar, he drummed his fingers and leaned forward to snap his fingers at the bartender. “Buy you a drink, brother? I’d say you could use one.”

“No, thanks,” Alaric grumbled, feeling once again that surge of yearning for a drink. “Just club soda for me.”

“Coming right up.” The man flashed him a smile and ordered their drinks from the bartender when he arrived.

Alaric stared at the bar, willing the bitterness welling up inside him to go away. He needed to be happy for Georgia, no matter what her decision. If she wanted Vance, that’s who she should have. A woman like Georgia deserved to get everything she wanted. Who was he to decide what was good for her? Obviously, he was nothing to Georgia.

“Here you go, my friend.” The man pushed a glass of soda his way and chuckled. “I would recommend something a little stronger, but that’s your business.”

Alaric nodded his thanks and downed the cool liquid. It felt good on his throat, as if it were washing away the sour taste of the evening. His dark eyes darted across the room as he turned to watch the crowd. He didn’t see anyone he recognized from the band. Just nameless faces in a sea of people.

He had the sudden feeling that waiting for Georgia to reappear was like waiting for the guillotine to drop. The crowd seemed to press in on him, making it hard to breathe. He tugged again at his collar, a bead of sweat dripping down his neck. What was he still doing there? He could be back to his normal life in California, not wasting time languishing around for a woman who didn’t return his feelings. He needed to get out of there. Now.

“So if you don’t mind me asking, man, where is your date tonight?” The man sitting next to him asked casually, bringing Alaric’s attention back to the bar. He was taking sips of his amber colored liquor and watching Alaric intently over the rim. There was something slightly familiar about him, but Alaric just couldn’t place it. “Because my daughter would kill me if I didn’t get an autograph. She loves Gigi Weber.”

“If you see Vance, you’ll probably see Gigi Weber not far behind,” Alaric said, standing from the stool and dropping his empty water glass on the bar. He snatched up Georgia’s heavy award, tucking it below his arm.

The man’s eyes grew wide and he glanced around warily. “Are you telling me Vance and Gigi are getting back together?”

Alaric’s throat clenched. There, the man had said the words aloud and he hadn’t burst into flames. He could handle the pain.

“It wouldn’t be news to me.” Alaric glanced at his new friend and gave him a tight-lipped smile. “Enjoy your night. I think it’s time for me to get going.”

“Yes, sir.” The man gave him a two-fingered salute. “Same to you.”

Alaric pushed through the crowd, heading toward the exit. No one would miss him tonight. He’d done his duty. Shown up for the photographs. No doubt, sold stocks for his company and helped Spark sucker a few more people into their matchmaking app. Job done. He couldn’t wait to get back to California and get back to normal life.