“Shall we, people?” she demanded with a sharp clap of her hands, her voice hoarse. “We’re already late. Let’s not make the situation worse.”

Georgia grinned and gave Alaric a pointed look. Enough said. It was apparent that Sally was in charge of the night and she wasn’t going to let up on them anytime soon. In fact, the whole limo ride over, she peppered them with tips on how to behave on the red carpet and reapplied Georgia’s lipstick at least three times. By the time they got to the award show, the limo felt awfully stuffy.

“It’s our turn,” Georgia said, pushing Alaric’s shoulder toward the exit a little too hard. “Time to go.”

“Don’t forget to smile, mouth closed,” Sally called, exiting from the other side. “I’d better not see any teeth.”

They emerged to the sound of screaming and yelling. The red carpet had been bordered on both sides by metal bleachers and barriers, beyond which stood hundreds of spectators who cried Gigi’s name. She smiled graciously and raised her hand high, blowing them a kiss. The noise only grew louder.

Alaric blinked in surprise, overwhelmed by the crowds. He’d imagined the red carpet to be more exclusive, but this looked like the crowd at a college basketball game. Most of them held up phones, clicking pictures of the celebrities arriving on the red carpet. Alaric felt Georgia grip his arm tight, her hand shaking.

Despite her confident smile, he could tell she was just as nervous as him. He covered her hand with his and gave her a warm smile. He was here for her. A glimmer of gratitude passed over her face when she met his gaze. They locked eyes, the world dissolving around them.

This was it. He had to tell her, before he lost his nerve.

He couldn’t keep it in any longer.

“Gigi Weber!” A woman in a glistening peach gown and a microphone in one hand rushed toward them and grabbed Georgia’s arm. She dragged her onto the red carpet, stopping in front of a camera man. “Gigi, tell Celeb Watch who you’re wearing tonight.”

Georgia smiled and answered her many questions while Alaric sulked in the background. He glared at the woman in peach, his stomach all tied up in knots. At one point, Georgia glanced over her shoulder at him and winked, sending a thrill down his spine. He wanted nothing more than to steal her away from this chaos, but deep inside he knew that it was good for both of them to be seen here. Good for her deal with Spark and good for his company’s stock prices.

“Come on,” Georgia said, finally breaking away from the camera and grabbing his arm once again. “We’ve just got to pose for a few photos, do a couple more interviews, and your job here is done. Thank you for putting up with this tonight. I can’t thank you enough. I know you have better things to do.”

Guilt washed over him. He’d been so sternly focused on rehe

arsing what he was going to say to her this evening that she must’ve thought he was getting tired of being with her. It was the farthest thing from the truth.

“Wait,” he said, turning toward her. They paused in front of a makeshift wall with the words Marina Music Awards plastered all over a silver background. Cameras flashed as Alaric grabbed Georgia’s hands. “I need to tell you something.”

She blinked up at him, her green eyes made only brighter by the color of her dress. “Right now? Can it wait until we’re inside?”

“No.” He swallowed, knowing that if he didn’t get the words out now, they might never come. “Georgia, yesterday was amazing. In fact, the past two weeks have been more amazing than I can say.”

Confusion flicked across her face. She ran a thumb softly over his knuckles and tilted her head to one side. “I’m glad, Alaric. These past few weeks have been surprisingly fun for me, too. It’s made this deal so much easier.”

Alaric shook his head in frustration as more cameras flashed and fans screamed for Georgia’s attention. She wasn’t understanding him.

“I’m saying that, despite this situation, I think we do well together.” He ground his teeth, wishing the roar of the crowd would go away so he could think properly. “That despite you being…well you… and me being a businessman, we work well together. We’re a good match.”

Her eyebrows knit together and she loosened her grip on his hands. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“That I like you,” he said, trying desperately to make her see. “I mean, I would never choose someone like you on purpose. But I like you.”

“Someone like me?” She dropped his hands and scowled, taking a step back. “Do you have a problem with a woman who has her own career? Alaric, I’m surprised at you. You never seemed like the kind of man who would be intimidated by a powerful woman.”

He hissed through his teeth and ran his hand through his hair. This wasn’t working. He was putting his foot in his mouth. Why couldn’t he think when he was around her?

“Georgia, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

The words blurted out of his mouth faster than he could control them. As soon as they’d left, he felt the blood drain from his face. He hadn’t intended this to be a confession of love. And yet, his heart beat desperately in his chest, screaming out his true feelings. He was falling in love. She was perfect. And they were perfect for each other.

Georgia’s face softened and understanding entered her eyes. She closed the distance between them with a soft smile and reached for his hand. His heart soared as her soft skin touched his, sending flames up and down his arm.

“I understand now,” she whispered, glancing at the cameras and then back at him. Her lovely lips curled into an even bigger smile. “This was a brilliant idea, Alaric.”

His brow knit together in confusion. He’d been hoping for a confession of her own.

“Confess our love in front of the cameras. That’ll sure sell papers.” She winked at him, holding his hand tighter. Her voice grew louder as she plastered a ridiculously happy grin on her face, “I love you, too, darling.”