She needed to channel Angela’s sexy, carefree vibe — which was totally opposite of anything within Georgia’s comfort levels. She knew what her friend would do in this situation and if she was going to do this, she needed to commit. Now was her chance.

Georgia leaned into Alaric’s right shoulder, giggling as if he’d just said something incredibly funny and charming, hoping the world couldn’t hear the nervousness in her voice. Working her left hand to the back of his head, she combed gently through his hair. It was soft, like the faux fur on her favorite travel pillow. Alaric stiffened under her touch, his eyes widening like a deer in headlights. Georgia faked a giggle again and t

hen trailed a single finger over his cheek and leaned in closer.

“Relax,” she whispered, getting a kick out of his sudden change in demeanor. So much for Mister Confident. “It’s all for the camera. Pretend I’m your girlfriend. Or, at the very least, pretend that you like me.”

She could see him gripping his knees tightly under the table. Out of the corner of her eye, the camera man clicked away.

“Come on, Alaric,” she whispered, growing desperate. This stiff act wasn’t working. “He’s never going to buy it if you don’t play along. We might as well kiss my contract goodbye and tell your board to stuff it.”

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled into his lap by strong hands. She stifled a shriek and grabbed his shoulders to steady herself. Muscular arms wrapped around her waist.

Alaric pinned her with a cocky smile and a challenge in his eyes. “How’s this?” Running a hand through her hair, he tucked her wild curls behind her ear and pulled her closer to his solid chest. His warm breath tickled her neck as he nuzzled her and whispered in her ear. “Is that better? Or do I need to be more convincing?”

Georgia gulped. This was certainly a money shot for the cameraman, but every nerve ending in her body screamed from the close contact with Alaric. His masculine cologne filled her head, making it hard to think. Why did he have to smell so good? His breath on her neck sent shivers cascading down her spine, while his arms surrounding her waist gave her an odd sort of comforting feeling. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to dart away into the crowd or melt into his embrace. It was all too confusing.

“All right, you two, stop canoodling in public.” Angela plopped into the seat across from them and set down a tray of drinks. She slid a water over to Georgia with an evil grin on her face. “I think you could use some cooling off, my dear.”

Georgia nodded gratefully and snatched the water glass from the table. She gulped it down in a few swallows, feeling her cheeks burn bright red. Alaric still had his arms wrapped snugly around her waist, as if he wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.

“Beer for you?” Angela asked, offering Alaric an amber colored drink.

He shook his head and Georgia could hear him swallow hard. “Not for me. I don’t drink anymore. Alcohol and me don’t mix very well.”

Georgia didn’t have much time to wonder what Alaric had meant by that statement. A man with spiked blond hair and a black shirt slid into the chair next to Angela. He had a barbed wire tattoo around his bicep and a chunky silver watch hanging from his wrist. His neck had to be thicker than Angela’s thigh. His chest strained against the t-shirt, as if it were two sizes too small.

“This is Leif,” Angela said, biting her lip and giving him a sexy smile. “He’s a celebrity trainer with a condo downtown and has two bulldogs named Moose and Mouse. We met on the dance floor.”

Georgia held back a teasing smile. Leif looked exactly like Angela’s type. A bad boy for a good time. He wouldn’t call her in the morning. And she wouldn’t expect it.

“Alaric Hammond,” Leif exclaimed, his brown eyes widening as he stared across the table. “Dude, we were beginning to think you’d died. It’s been ages.”

Georgia felt Alaric’s arms stiffen. She snuck a gaze at him out of the corner of her eye and winced at the harsh expression there. What had Leif done to deserve such a reaction?

“I’ve been busy,” Alaric answered, his voice dangerously low. “My company’s board has been really putting pressure on me this last year.”

“You mean, they made you clean up your act,” Leif replied loudly, pounding the table and chuckling. “Couldn’t let the CEO of their business have too much fun, now could they?”

“If that’s what you call fun…” Alaric turned his head away to stare at the crowd.

His cold attitude seemed to have no effect on Angela’s new friend. Leif chuckled again and turned to the ladies. “I tell you, this man was a legend. No one could keep up with him. Different club every night and with a different lady every night. How he kept it up, was anybody’s guess. But I guess when you’re a billionaire, you can afford to party like there’s no tomorrow.”

Georgia felt an unpleasant jolt go through her that felt strangely like jealousy. She hadn’t taken Alaric Hammond to be a player, but his friend seemed to think differently. All the things she thought she knew about him were slowly unraveling. So much for the kind, caring man she thought she’d connected with online.

But she couldn’t be jealous. This was fake, after all. She wasn’t really his girlfriend. Alaric was free to do what he wanted on his own time, even if it made her want to shrivel up and hide in the girls’ bathroom.

“That was a lifetime ago.” Alaric’s deep growl reverberated in his chest. “I’m a different person now.”

“Yeah, or should we say, less of a person?” Leif grinned, showing off his snaggletooth. “I heard you left part of yourself behind in that motorcycle accident. Come on, don’t be shy. Show the ladies your battle wound. Chicks dig scars.”

The hostile silence that blanketed the table made it hard for Georgia to breathe. Despite her better judgment, she dared to look into Alaric’s face. Storm clouds brewed in his dark eyes and dangerous tension showed in the muscles along his jaw. He stared at Leif as if he’d like nothing better than to punch him in his snaggle-toothed mouth.

“Alaric?” Georgia squeezed his arm, hoping to bring him back to Earth. “Are you okay?”

His eyes flicked to hers and instead of rage, she saw shame and regret reflected in the dark pools of his irises. He lifted her from his lap and quickly set her back on the seat beside him.

“Excuse me,” he grumbled, his gaze glued to the floor. “It’s too loud in here. I think I need some air.”