He gazed down at her face, wanting to memorize every detail of this moment. For someone who’d lived several lifetimes, he knew life was too short. He was going to embrace every moment of it with his mermaid. She had made him a better man. He couldn’t get enough of her.

“Should we make our way to the top?” He pointed to the tip of the tower. “I’ve heard the view is breathtaking.”

“We get to go up there?” Her eyes widened with childlike excitement.

“Of course.” He kissed her hand. “After you.”

She bounded toward the tower, glancing around, her face glowing. Leo nodded to the driver and then slipped a hand into the back pocket of his pants for reassurance. Inside, lay a small, velvet-lined box that housed a glittering piece of jewelry just the right size for a certain mermaid’s slender finger. It had been begging for such an occasion. At the top of the world, he’d ask Eina to be his for all of time. He couldn’t be more thrilled and nervous at the same time.

He stared at her, lost in his adoration of the woman in front of him, until she stopped and turned to smile at him.

“Come on,” she said with a thrilling laugh. “I don’t want to do this without you.”

He smiled and inhaled a bolstering breath of air. He’d go anywhere with her.

And their journey had just begun.


I would love nothing more than to write more books in this series, so if you loved it and can’t wait for more, please leave a review. The more reviews a book receives, the more attention I can spend on the series.

Love Always, Lacy


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Excerpt from The Billionaire and the Matchmaker

Looking for a new read? Check out my new contemporary romance series - THE BILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER - coming soon.

Chapter One

Emily Sevenson was the kind of matchmaker who knew how to find a diamond in the rough for her exclusive single clients. She had a talent for it. At only twenty-eight years old, she ran her own business, owned her own car, and managed to keep her clients happy. But what she couldn’t do was fix the ancient window air conditioning unit in her crumbling office.

“You know, paperwork would be a lot less daunting if it wasn’t as hot as Hades in here,” Lydia said behind the counter with a droll British accent.

Emily’s part-time secretary, coffee-runner, and full time best friend, was full of complaints today. She had a severe A-line cut of her straight black hair and skin that glistened with a dark summer’s tan. Her mocha colored eyes were quick to spot a fashion deal, as exhibited by her designer sandals, patent leather black skirt, and silk white blouse, all of which she scored on sale.

Sweat trickled down Emily’s back and under her bra, making her pluck at her wet blouse for an ounce of comfort. Her golden curls stuck to her forehead and the eyeshadow she’d put on that morning had melted above her blue eyes. She pounded on the ancient window air conditioner with the handle of a screwdriver, cursing the maintenance man she’d had out just yesterday to look at the beast.

“I’m trying my best here, Lyd, but you know that technology and I don’t mix.” She stood back to glare at the machine and willed it to return to life, but it continued to cough out hot air.

“If only you had a big, strong man around to fix things like that,” Lydia said with a teasing smile, chewing on the end of a pen. “Someone who looks good shirtless and with a tool belt. You could break things on purpose just to get him to come around.”

“I don’t need to break things on purpose,” Emily said through gritted teeth. She glanced around at the small office. “Things are breaking left and right. And you know that’s not going to happen.”

“It’s not against the rules to dip your finger in the honey pot once in a while,” Lydia leaned forward on the counter. She fixed Emily with a wicked grin and licked her lips. “You are a matchmaker after all. Match yourself up with a hunk and live out the rest of your days in delirious happiness. It’s what your mother would’ve wanted.”

Emily sighed. She missed her mother something fierce. It had been over a year since breast cancer had claimed the only relative she had left, save for her deadbeat father who disappeared when she was ten and never came back. Now, she was left to carry on the family business that had started to crumble in the world of online dating and hook up apps.

“Not happening, Lydia.” She glared at her and pursed her lips. “Remind me what it is that I pay you for again?”

“To keep you from disappearing completely in your work,” she replied with a smirk. “Without me, you wouldn’t have a life.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s right.” Emily shook her head. “How could I forget?”

The door to the office sprung open behind her at that moment, bringing with it a rush of a hot summer’s breeze. Emily wiped the back of her hand across her sweaty forehead and turned to greet the newcomer. Instead, she froze as a man dressed in an expensive three-piece suit sauntered into her domain. He had a full head of dark brown hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and dark chocolate eyes that confidently scanned the room.