“No.” Eina clenched her jaw and smiled victoriously. “I’m going forward. Starting by accepting that position at the castle.”

The water sprite pumped her fist in excitement. She shot upwards in the water and sunk back down in a graceful spiral. When she was done, she had a serious expression on her face.

“And what about Prince Leo?”

Eina’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name. She still didn’t know what had happened between them to make him leave so suddenly, but the thought of seeing him brought new fire her to veins. She deserved an explanation. The old Eina would’ve lowered her head in defeat and swam away. But not today. She needed to ask him to his face what had happened. Her heart required it, if she was ever going to heal.

“I’m going to make him talk to me,” she said, her eyes shining, “even if I have to kidnap him and trap him on a deserted island until I get my answers.”

“That’s my girl,” Cascade said with a giggle. “Now, where to?”

“Monstrana’s castle.” Eina gazed off into the dark water, as if she could see it from there. Suddenly, energy coursed through her body and the weariness in her bones faded. “My new home. That’s where we’ll find a certain vampire.”

“I hope I get my own room,” Cascade said, swimming away. “I’ve always wanted a water slide. Do you think I can get one specially installed?”

Eina smiled to herself as she swam after her friend. Apprehension hung on the edge of her mind, refusing to be totally banished. What would Leo’s answers be? And could her heart handle the truth?

There was only one way to find out.

Chapter Sixteen

Leo arrived at the castle in a huff. He loosened his tie and marched into the lobby, hollering his brother’s name with a deathly bellow.

“Where is Viktor?” he demanded, his face red and a blue vein bulging on this temple.

He couldn’t believe the gall of his older brother. Never in seven hundred years would he think that Vik would pull something so low. So devious. He ought to knock some sense into the man. King or not, Leo would put him in his place. He had to support the mermaids in becoming a kingdom. Eina had sacrificed so much.

“Your highness.” A butler dressed in a black suit approached on shaky knees. He bowed his head and stared at the floor. “The King is currently in session with the mermaids of Aestus. They agreed to meet at the seaside.”

Leo turned to glance out the door he’d just barged through. There were still a few streaks of orange and red thrown across the sky, but it was beginning to get dark. There was no telling how much longer the meeting would go on.

“Thank you,” he told the shrinking butler. “I hope you still have a king left after I’m done with him.”

The butler looked up at him with wide eyes. Leo didn’t pause to explain. He ran out the door and down the palace steps, circumventing the castle, and headed for the nearby shoreline. In the distance, he could see a crowd of people beneath the soft glow of lamplight. Clerks and ambassadors had gathered for the meeting. They were all there to witness Vik’s refusal. Leo ran faster, his blood boiling.


He stormed through the small crowd and down a low embankment to a rocky shore. Lanterns had been hung on black metal poles all along the water’s edge. In the middle of it all was a thick wooden table and three chairs. Viktor sat in the middle chair facing the sea, his form crouched over a thick pile of papers, a ballpoint pen in his hand.

“Viktor, how could you do this?” Leo marched straight up to the table, his fists clenched at this side. He ignored the shocked expressions of Viktor’s assistants sitting on either side of him. “You piece of undead scum.”

Viktor looked up from the table, a heavy frown on his face. He narrowed his eyes at his brother and shook his head. “Leo, I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you can’t interrupt an official meeting. Go back to the castle and I’ll speak with you there.”

“No, I won’t be silenced.” Leo ground his teeth. “You think just because I’ve never been interested in the political side of royalty you can pull one over on me, but I won’t allow it. Eina worked too hard to impress you. Her people deserve this.”

“Leo.” Viktor closed his eyes and wearily rubbed his temples. “I don’t think you understand...”

“You know what, Vik? Just because I may have preferred poker over cabinet meetings doesn’t mean I don’t know a thing or two about honor. Eina negotiated the treaty with the ogres for you. She did that in good faith that her sisters’ wishes would be honored. And you’re letting your greed get in the way.”

Leo took a step closer, his body tense. It felt like he was losing control of his senses. He never fought with his elder brother. What was happening?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Viktor growled, his amber eyes flashing with a warning. “But I’m not sure this is the right time or place to hold that discussion. We’ve got guests.”

He swept his hand out, toward the dark shoreline. Leo glanced in the same direction and gulped when he saw at least two dozen curious pairs of eyes staring back at him. Mermaids had gathered along the rocky shoreline, their wet hair and scaly tails glistening in the soft lamplight. At the forefront, sat Loriella, their leader. She regarded Prince Leo with raised eyebrows, an expectant look on her face.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Leo flashed a half smile, blood rushing to his cheeks.

“We were just finishing up with your brother, Prince Leo,” Loriella said. She pushed her dark hair behind her ear and suppressed a smile. “He has agreed to ally with Aestus as we begin our journey as a fledgling kingdom. We’ve already discussed a few modes of trade, a loan from Monstrana to get us off our tail fins, and potential meetings with other kingdoms.”