Cate clenched her teeth and blood rushed to her cheeks.

“You can’t do that.” Stasia was pleading. “Your grandmother intends to see this through. She wants you settled. ”

“It’s a farce. A sick little show to get the public to know their prince. Well, this isn’t me. None of this is me.”

Stasia grew quieter. Cate really had to press on the door to hear her. “You’ve only got a couple more days. Then, it’ll be all over. It hasn’t been a complete loss, has it?”

She didn’t hear a reply. Just heavy silence.

“Just make it through to the end,” Stasia said, “for your grandmother’s sake. And the

n, you’ll never have to do this again.”

Viktor sighed loudly. “Fine. But, only because if I don’t, I’ll never hear the end of it. This has been enough torture for several lifetimes.”

“I get that.” Stasia giggled. “I”m glad I’m not you.”

“Just you wait.” Viktor’s voice took a warning tone. “Werewolf mating rituals aren’t exactly picnics either. It’ll be your turn before you know it.”

She cursed and there was the loud thump of someone getting smacked on the shoulder, followed by a dramatic groan of pain. Cate pulled away from the door, her knees weak. She’d completely misread the situation. Here she thought the prince had been madly attracted to her and he was just phoning it in the entire time. She felt cheated, no matter how stupid that sounded. But most of all, embarrassment colored her emotions. How wrong she’d been about that kiss.

Once again, her guy radar turned out to be completely on the fritz. She would die an old lady surrounded by a dozen cats, jobless and friendless. Better to do that than be pulled in by another jerk masquerading as a gentleman.

The sound of swift footsteps behind her made her jump in surprise. The spa worker was back.

She waved her hands at her. “No loitering, my lady. The treatment is ready for you. Prince Viktor awaits.”

Cate swallowed, hoping Viktor and Stasia hadn’t heard that. The last thing she needed was them to think she was eavesdropping. Even if she had.

She walked into the next room. It was a cozy little space with a wooden bench and a gray stone bathing pool set into the floor. The dark liquid in the pool shimmered with a multitude of colors and petals floated on its surface. Scents of lavender and frankincense filled the air. Beads of sweat popped up on her neck as the humidity hit her.

Viktor was sitting on the bench, his head in his hands. Stasia must have left. He looked up at her when she entered, a smile lighting up his face and reaching his eyes. Cate marveled at his acting skills. Despite her knowledge of the facade, her stomach still did a little jump when his gaze locked onto hers.

“Oil treatment,” the staff member explained, pointing to the tub. “Disrobe and descend into the tub. The oils will soften your skin. I will return in a half hour. Enjoy.”

The woman was gone before Cate could blink. She glanced at the cozy little tub, suddenly thankful she’d left on her undergarments. There was no way she was getting into that pool naked with him.

“I suppose we’d better get in,” Viktor said, staring at the pool with concern wrinkling his forehead.

“I guess...” She eyed his white fluffy robe. Was he naked underneath that thin layer of cloth? Her blood pulsed at the thought.

“Don’t worry.” He saw how she was looking at him and untied his robe. “I brought a swimming suit. I figured Stasia would do something like this.”

He revealed a black pair of swimming trunks with a white stripe on the leg. Relieved at his thoughtfulness, her gaze traveled up his torso. He had a perfect v-shape with plenty of muscles lining his abdomen. A thin trail of black hair started at his belly button and disappeared beneath his shorts. She forced her gaze away and felt her cheeks turn pink.

“I’ll look this way,” he said, turning to face the bench, “so that you may get in first. I won’t look, I swear to you.”

She felt the muscles in her neck strain. He was still being the gentleman. The farce was laughable. Shaking off her disappointment, she dropped the robe. She wasn’t worried about him seeing her in her matching pink lacy bra and underwear. It was no more risque than her bathing suit. Still, she walked toward the pool and dipped in a toe. It was the perfect soothing warm temperature, the kind of relaxation she could use at that moment. Descending the steps, she settled on the stone bench, the water and oils swirling around her chest.

“Okay, I’m in.” She pulled her hair up, careful not to let it get wet.

“I’m not sure I’ve ever intentionally dipped my body in grease,” Viktor said with a smile.


He was all smiles and small talk. If he was phoning it in, she wasn’t going to return the effort.

Settling in beside her, the water reaching the midpoint of his chest, he rested his arms across the edge of the tub. They sat in silence, Cate avoiding his eyes. She could feel him watching her. Sweat was beginning to trickle down her neck. She hiked her hair up further, trying to cool off.