She wasn’t sure she had many more no’s left inside her. Not for that man.

Chapter Ten

BY THE END OF THE SKI date, Viktor could’ve shoved a wooden stake into his own heart. He’d spent the entire time being chased by two rabid women with a single goal: get the prince. Grateful that Stasia had put an end to the session, he was dismayed when she led him inside and announced that there would be a cocktail hour prior to the big ceremony. Plenty of time for Prince Viktor to chat privately with each of you, she’d promised the women with a conspiratory wink.

Over his dead body. Well...over his undead body.

But, as always, Stasia had an easy time corralling him into doing exactly what she wanted. He spent twenty minutes staring at his Bloody Mary as Jezebel droned on about herself. From what he could remember at the end of the conversation, she liked to surround herself with royal friends. She had two rare purebred dogs, an estate in the U.K., and her hobbies included judging fashion and judging people in general.

He’d never heard so many famous names dropped in so little time. It was like she thought he’d be impressed by all of her connections. He wasn’t. The only thing he was impressed by was how long she could go on talking before she needed to take another breath.

At least his time with Lady Joy wasn’t horrible. He found her refreshing compared to the harsh and condescending tones of Duchess Jezebel. She did indeed own her own flourishing plantation in the southern states. And she didn’t hog the entire twenty minutes telling him about her famous friends.

But the conversation between them lacked any real depth. During the last few moments of their time together, they found themselves staring awkwardly into their drinks, unsure how to keep the chat going. He could see why Cate thought so highly of her, but she wasn’t a match for him. That much was clear.

“Times up.” Stasia appeared suddenly beside a large potted fern, a giant set of black headphones over her ears. She dragged an uncomfortable looking Cate behind her. “One girl to go. You’ve got twenty minutes. Use them wisely.”

Viktor squirmed in his seat as Joy gave him a hug and followed Stasia out of the room, leaving the two of them alone. It had been so obvious out on the slopes that Cate didn’t want to be anywhere near him. She’d pretty much run from him at a full sprint.

He didn’t get it. Hadn’t she signed up for this show to date him? Why was she acting so standoffish? Was it some act to play coy and then reel him in?

She had changed into a simple blue cotton dress that emphasized the small curve of her waist. He couldn’t help but notice the shape of her legs as she sat down across from him and crossed them. His gaze remained glued to them until the sound of her throat clearing made blood rush to his cheeks and he forced himself to look up.

“I’m not sure what we’re supposed to talk about,” she said, tilting her head to one side. “I don’t suppose Stasia left you a script?”

“Not at all.” The smallest hint of a smile lit up his face. “She’s no help at all. I ought to fire her.”

Panic made her cornflower blue eyes widen. She grasped her dress between her hands. “Please, don’t. She’s very nice. And I’m sure she’s good at her job.”

He chuckled, low and throaty. She had no idea who Stasia was. It was a refreshing change of pace. “I doubt I can fire the werewolf crown princess. I’m kind of stuck with her. And besides, I wouldn’t fire my best friend, even if I could.”

She gaped at him, her cheeks turning the loveliest shade of chantilly pink. “She’s a werewolf princess? But she’s so...”

“Not stuck up?” he offered.

“Normal,” she said at the same time.

They both smiled. Viktor took a sip of his drink and told himself to relax. This was just like a normal date. Or, as normal as a date could be for him. There was no need to feel tense. Even if he could feel himself starting to enjoy her company.

“So, how does that work?” She smoothed out her dress with her hands. “Sharing a throne? I know your grandparents are the King and Queen.”

“As are Stasia’s parents. There are two sets of thrones for Monstrana. A werewolf and a vampire. It’s worked well for us. Although werewolves have shorter life spans than most vampires, we’ve been able to rule efficiently with Stasia’s relatives throughout the ages. I have no doubt that she will also make a wonderful ruler.”

There he was, spewing about politics and things his brother would call mood killers. Not exactly the way to impress a lady. Still, Cate didn’t seem to mind. She nodded along with everything he said, listening intently.

“It’s wonderful that you two are such close friends,” she said with a warm smile that lit up her entire face. He had the urge to move closer to her. To run his hands through her silky brown hair and feel the softness of her lips under his fingertips.

“Yes, it is.” He gulped at his cocktail. Touching her was not an option. He’d better keep his hands to himself.

“Have you two ever been a couple?”

He nearly spit out his drink. Instead, it traveled down his throat in one hard lump that made him cough and pound at his chest. “Excuse me?”

“Have you ever been together?” She examined her fingernails in her lap. “She is very beautiful. No one would blame you.”

Not in the history of his seven hundred years had anyone been so impertinent to him. His ears filled with the roar of blood rushing to his head. “I’m not certain that’s any of your business.”

Her gaze flicked to him and he swore that he saw embarrassment and regret flicker in them before she turned her head away. “You’re right. I’m sorry that I asked.”