“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” He took her hand in his and concern washed over his face. “You don’t have to do it if you’re the least bit nervous.”

Flinging her wavy hair over her shoulder, she shook her head in disbelief and smiled. “Of course I’m okay with this. It would be done already if I had my way. But you wanted me to wait a week to be sure.”

“Yes, it was the responsible thing to do,” he said, his jaw tightening. “Consider the pros and cons.”

“I’ve considered them all and the only pro I care about is an immortal life with you.”

She shook her head again. Viktor had been so sweet about the whole change process. He only wanted to be sure she had thought everything through. It was hard to be frustrated with the wait when he was being so thoughtful.

His dark eyes gazed into hers for a long moment and his grip tightened on her hand. “Are you sure...?”

Groaning, she flipped her legs over the side of the bed and hopped out. Throwing her hands up, she marched toward the door wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.

“Where are you going?” he asked incredulously.

“If you’re not going to change me, then I know a werewolf who would gladly share a bite. It might not be the ideal relationship you were looking for, but it’ll have to do.”

Cate heard a growl and then suddenly Viktor was beside her and scooping her up into his arms. His chest rumbled with displeasure as she threw her head back and laughed. Depositing her on the bed, he sat down beside her and frowned.

“You will do no such thing,” he said, his eyes flashing. “Don’t tell Stasia, but werewolves smell like wet dogs most of the time. I will not be married to a wet dog.”

Again, she laughed, imaging Stasia’s expression if she knew what Viktor had said. She’d make him pay for a year. Still giggling, Cate reached out her hand and interlaced her fingers with his. “Marriage, huh? I don’t remember you proposing.”

Shock crossed his face as he looked down at her. “What do you think this is? Some kind of momentary commitment?

When my soul enters your body, we’re connected forever. I assumed marriage was inevitable.”

She made a face. “Just what every girl wants to hear.”

Humor flashed in his eyes as he lightly ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Wrong choice of words. What I meant is that I thought it was obvious that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, my vampire bride. But let me be more clear.”

He slid off the bed and onto one knee. Cate peered over the edge to look down at him.

“Marry me, Cate Mahoney. And make me the happiest immortal in the world.”

She clapped her hands in front of her face and grinned. Never had she been more sure of anything in her life. “I will marry you, Viktor Romanov. And the title of happiest immortal in the world will belong to me.”

He chuckled and launched himself back into bed, covering her with kisses. When they’d had enough, he pulled her in close and nuzzled into her hair.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his warm breath sending tingles down her spine.

“It’s now or never,” she replied with a nervous grin.

He opened his mouth just enough to flash his fangs. Moving slowly toward her neck, he stopped just a hairsbreadth short of where the jugular throbbed. She waited for him to continue, but he seemed frozen.

“What is it?” she asked, worry leaking into her tone. “Is something wrong?”

“This is the last time I’ll ever get to listen to your heart beat,” he said with the tiniest hint of sadness. “I wanted to memorize the way it sounded.”

She closed her eyes against the emotion that threatened to overwhelm her. Anyone else might have thought it was from fear at her impending death, but that wasn’t the case. Once again, Viktor had surprised her at how caring he could be. She loved this man more every day and she couldn’t wait to join him on the other side.

“Ready,” he said, finally. “Just relax.”

The tiniest moan left her lips when he bit into her neck. She arched her back, but he supported her with his hands and eased her back into the bed. Pain lanced through his chest and he gasped through the bite. It was as if he could feel the piece of his soul breaking off. His dead heart clenched and fought against the intrusion. Viktor wondered if the agony would ever end. He’d never imagine the process to be so painful for an immortal like him. It was nothing compared to the change.

Slowly enough, the pain subsided and he could feel Cate relax in his arms. It hadn’t taken long for the venom to take effect. He released her neck in time to see her heavy lids slowly close over her blue eyes. Within seconds, her chest ceased to rise and the pitter-patter of her heartbeat stopped.
