Obviously, she’d lost her mind.

Getting out of bed, she drew a light sweater across her narrow shoulders and sandals on her feet. A quiet stroll in the midnight air would clear her senses. The castle had a beautiful garden just below her windows, with impressive pale flowers that seemed to grow bigger every night. She made her way down to see them, proud that she’d finally learned her way around. The halls were empty and quiet.

Despite the fact that she now knew this was a paranormal castle run by terrible beasts, she didn’t feel frightened. These monsters had shown her more humanity than most of the humans she surrounded herself with back home. It was a funny idea, to think that werewolves and vampires could be kind.

Not the sort of thing that would make for a good horror movie. Stephen King would be out of a job.

Still, she couldn’t get too comfortable. Miranda’s warning about the ancient law hanging over her mortal head was enough to keep her on her toes. No one would be forcing her into becoming one with the undead. Not if she had any say in it.

Bursting int

o the cool night air, she inhaled a large breath and bathed in the soft glow of the moon. This was what she needed. A moment to breathe and to think. And to shake off the lingering feelings that had plagued her since their trip to Queen Anna’s jewelry vault.

She didn’t get much time to relax. The clanging of metal behind the nearest hedge drew her attention. It sounded like someone was clanging together the lids of two pots. Rounding the shrubbery, she gasped when she spotted two men facing each other down in the middle of the garden. Neither of them wore shirts and their bodies glistened with sweat. They held thin sabers in their hands and were too busy sparring to notice her.

Her eyes took in the sight, immediately recognizing Prince Leo and then darting to his brother, Viktor, where her gaze remained glued. He moved with a fluid beauty she’d never seen. Every flick of his hand, every shuffle of his feet was accomplished with the grace of a dancer and the strength of a bull. Their swords beat together time after time, but it seemed like neither one of them was giving in.

She watched Viktor rub a hand over his head and laugh when his brother eventually made a reckless lunge. It was a sound that sent thrills through her. He parried so quickly, her eyes couldn’t follow. They spun with supernatural speed. By the time her gaze caught up to them, Viktor had Leo by the throat with the tip of his blade.

“Give, give,” Leo groaned, tossing his sword to the ground in disgust. “Once again, you win brother. Seven hundred years old and I still can’t beat you. I don’t suppose you’ll ever slow down?”

“Never!” Viktor answered triumphantly.

Cate clung to the hedge row and observed him tossing his head back in laughter, much like the day he’d kissed her in the mud. Her heart began to beat faster and she bit her bottom lip.

No, this wouldn’t do. She needed to remember that Viktor might appear beautiful in the pale moonlight, but he was still a monster. A creature of the night. Far too dangerous to have feelings for, despite what her heart might feel. She couldn’t fall for him.

Could she?

“Don’t look now, brother,” Leo said, brushing off the knees of his trousers. His blond hair appeared silver in the night and threw a shadow under his strong jawline. “But, I believe we have an audience.”

They both turned toward her. She gulped a breath of cool air and thought about sinking into the bushes, but it was too late. Viktor was watching her again in that way that made her knees weak and useless. Any chance of running was out of the question.

She’d make the worst character in a horror film. Five minutes into the movie and she’d be dead.

“Cate.” He breathed her name, as if it were the most beautiful word in the world. “What brings you out at this time of night?”

Her chin trembled as she made herself stand up straight and face them. Swinging her arms casually, accomplishing nothing but making herself feel like an idiot, she put on a fake grin. “Just out for a midnight walk. Couldn’t sleep.”

He plucked a scabbard from the dark grass and sheathed his sword. Setting it on a nearby cement bench, he pursed his lips and nodded his head slowly. “Good, good. I think I’ll join you.”

She blinked, the foolish grin on her face melting. How was she supposed to remind herself that he was a monster when all she could think about was kissing him again? The least he could do was put on a shirt and cover that rock-hard body. That would help.

“That is, only if you want me to join you,” he said, studying her face with a frown.

“Of course,” she breathed, waving her arm a little too wildly and turning to leave. Her heart still hadn’t returned to a normal speed. “Anytime.”

They fell in beside each other, his nearness causing the hair on her arm to stand straight up.

“I’ll leave you to it, then. Plenty of obligations calling my name,” Leo shouted from behind them, humor thick in his tone. “...not that I was invited.”


Viktor strolled beside Cate, not daring to look her way. The scent of her perfume was maddening enough — floral with a hint of blood orange and cinnamon. But the way she looked in the moonlight, her complexion smooth and her wide eyes reflecting the silver light, made him want to reach out and take her hand. Still, he clenched his fists at his side, not sure what to say. A wolf howled in the distance and was quickly answered by a dozen more.

“It’s nice to finally be away from the cameras,” she finally said, looking up at him.

He nodded swiftly and frowned. “Agreed. Those things are nothing but menaces.”