Viktor glanced over his shoulder at Cate as she retreated with the help of Stasia. That had worked well. Almost too well. He’d never seen anyone go so pale at the sight of blood. If she was lurking around Monstrana to become a vampire, she certainly wasn’t thinking things through. Vampires survived on blood. Sure, he could still eat regular food, but since his change, eating a crisp, sweet apple was about as enjoyable as eating cardboard. It was the red stuff he craved. The very stuff that ran through Cate’s veins, just under her supple skin.

“I’m so fond of moments like this,” Jezebel cooed, clinging to his arm.

He raised an eyebrow at her. The cameras were watching, so he couldn’t exactly shake her off. “Moments like what?”

“When it’s just the two of us.” Her generous lips curled into a smile. “Can’t you imagine? Quiet breakfasts in bed, evenings spent in front of a roaring fire. That’s the life I prefer.”

He nodded solemnly at her, doubting very much her desire for the simple quietness of life. From what his grandmother had told him, Jezebel came from a long line of vampires in the UK. They had a hand in everything and were rising fast in the ranks. There were rumors of her powerful father beginning his own vampire coven, much like Monstrana. No doubt, Babushka believed that Monstrana would be strengthened by an alliance with this new vampire nation.

“Then, tell me, Duchess. What is it about me that you prefer?” he asked, turning toward her. The camera man moved in close, a fuzzy speaker held above their heads.

She blinked hard, her extraordinarily long lashes brushing her cheeks. “You?”

“Yes.” One side of his mouth twitched in a barely concealed grin. “Me.”

“Well, I...” Her hands fluttered as she disentangled herself from his arm. “I...I suppose I prefer your strong nature. And your ability to command.”

He raised his eyebrows and stared down his nose at her. “Is that all?”

“There are so many things.” Her smile faltered and she glanced at the cameras, as if asking for help. “I’m not very good at being placed on the spot. Let me compose myself and I’ll tell you all the ways I prefer you.”

“Very well.”

They continued walking, no longer linked. He smiled to himself, his thoughts drifting to Cate again. There had been so many things he’d liked about her prior to their awful spa date. If put on the spot, he could rattle off ten right there. He needed to figure out why she’d come here. Why she’d deceived him. If only, to get her out of his head.

And out of his heart.

Chapter Sixteen

BEFORE THE END OF THE final date, Prince Viktor had one last task to complete. This one was a special request made by the Vampire Queen of Monstrana. He brought the ladies back to the castle and through the halls to the royal suites. No cameras this time. Just a strutting Jezebel on one side and Cate on the other. He glanced sideways at Cate, noticing her unusually quiet demeanor.

He was glad to see the color had returned to her cheeks. Her lips were strawberry pink and pressed into a hard line, as if she were thinking hard about something. No doubt it was about her suddenly shrinking desire to become one with the undead. He should’ve felt accomplished at that moment, but a rock had formed in the pit of his stomach. And the longer her stared at her, the more discomfort it brought him.

“Where are we going?” she asked, suddenly looking up at him and catching his gaze.

He felt his cheeks burn and he stared sullenly ahead. “You’ll soon see. I think both of you ladies will enjoy this.”

He didn’t miss the look of alarm that crossed her face and made her hands tremble. Reaching out slowly, as to not attract Jezebel’s attention, he softly placed a hand on her arm and squeezed. No need to fear anymore. He’d done his job. Her blue gaze met his, with relief softening her lips into a grateful smile.

He stared at her mouth for a long moment, fighting the desire to pull her into another kiss. Despite the fact that he’d been so angry after discovering her humanity, he couldn’t help the feelings that still burned in his stomach for the woman. It was as if she’d wormed her way into his very bones, becoming as much a part of him as his own soul. He couldn’t shake it off.

“I’m sure I will, Vik,” Jezebel said on his other side with a toss of her hair and a dazzling smile his way. He dropped his hand from Cate’s side, his flesh burning. “Today’s been such a wonderful day. You really know how to treat a girl.”

Fighting back the sigh and eye-roll he felt lingering just below the surface, he was happy when he spotted his grandmother waiting for them down the ha

ll. She smiled and nodded her head gracefully as they approached, the smile lines around her eyes wrinkling deeply. The ladies followed suit, bowing their heads in greeting. He placed a hand on his grandmother’s shoulder and kissed her on the temple.

“My grandson,” she said fondly. “Thank you for allowing me to spoil your special guests.” She turned toward the ladies. “I have a surprise for the both of you. It’s within the royal suite I share with King Borwin. Follow me, if you will.”

He stood back and allowed the women to lead. The large wooden doors swept open into a suite far grander than his own. It was the size of an apartment and overlooked the garden below. Large windows with thick wooden crown molding lined one side. The large drapes had been pulled aside to reveal the last few rays of the setting sun. Soon, the moon would rise on the horizon and bathe the suite in silver light. It was his favorite view in the entire castle. As a vampire, it only felt right to relish the night. All these early mornings Stasia had recently forced on him were unnatural to a creature of the dark.

Cate paused in the middle of the room, her jaw dropping. Her eyes swept over the four-poster bed with the elegant sheer fabric that hung from the top. They took in the huge fireplace big enough to roast an entire cow. And then they settled on the antique wooden bookcase in the corner. He watched her approach the shelves and scan them, her face lighting up as she recognized some of the titles. She reached out tentatively to touch a small leather-bound book with dainty flower print.

“You’ve found my Babushka’s guilty pleasure,” he said, approaching her with his hands clasped behind his back. Better to keep his hands to himself. “She reads it at least once a year. You’d think she had it etched in her memory by now.”

“Is this what I think it is?” She gently lifted the book from the shelf and turned her wide-eyed gaze to him. “A first edition copy of Pride & Prejudice?”

A soft grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “You know your antiques.”