Cate gave her a sad smile. Sadly, she knew how this was going to end. “Wouldn’t that be unfair?”

“You’re right.” Stasia grinned and gave her a wink. “It’s my job to stay impartial.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “But, if I’m being honest, I think you’ve got it in the bag.”

She left her alone to stare at the giant metal barrels while the camera crew set up. It was the final date before the big selection ceremony. This was Prince Viktor’s date, designed by him. She wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be. They’d taken her and Jezebel to a giant building, more like a warehouse than anything else, filled with giant metal barrels and metal piping.

At that moment, Prince Viktor appeared at the other end of the building and strolled toward them. He wore a pair of navy trousers and a white shirt with the top button undone. For the first time, he’d allowed his severely combed hair to fall loosely into his amber eyes. He resembled everything a powerful prince should: handsome, chiseled, and confident. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, but he wouldn’t even glance her way.

“Ladies,” he said, “welcome to the Monstrana Brewery. Very few vampires get a behind-the-scenes tour of this fantastic place. Today, I will be showing you around and we’ll get to sample a few of the delicacies this place has to offer.”

Okay, beer. She could do beer. That would be easy enough.

“Lead the way, darling.” Jezebel wove her arm into Viktor’s and gave Cate a pointed look. She’d been gloating ever since her spa date with the prince. Apparently, their own oil treatment had gone a lot better than hers. Cate couldn’t help but feel a pit in her stomach when he didn’t shake her off his arm.

“Coming, Cate?” He looked over his shoulder at her. There was a stubborn glint in his eyes. “I think you’ll find this particularly interesting.

She saluted him with two fingers and smirked. “Right behind you, your highness.”

They walked between the giant vats, a low buzz in the air. Liquid was rushing through the pipes toward a conveyor belt on the far end of the room. It wasn’t moving, but several empty bottles lay scattered across the black surface.

“Over here we have something for the vampire particularly inclined toward a full bodied taste,” Viktor expl

ained with a flourish of his hand. “Although, I must admit, I like something light and fruity from time to time. We have that as well, imported all the way from the tropics. With hints of mango, pineapple, and papaya, it’s the perfect blend.”

Cate found her attention wandering. Beer flavors didn’t exactly spin her wheels. Instead, she studied Prince Viktor himself. He hadn’t shaved this morning. A layer of scruff covered the lower half of his face. It was the first time she’d seen him so unkempt. She didn’t even know vampires could grow facial hair. Still, she certainly didn’t hate it. It only served to make the butterflies in her stomach more active.

She wondered if their unfortunate incident at the spa the day before had anything to do with his appearance. Her night had been plagued with restless sleep and an overbearing craving for dark chocolate. She kept trying to tell herself this was all for the best. They didn’t even really know each other. But her conscience told her she was lying to herself.

“Would you like a taste, Cate?” Prince Viktor held a small glass beneath a spigot. He’d already poured a glass for himself and Jezebel.

“Sure,” she said without thinking about it. Maybe a little buzz would help lift her spirits.

“Here you are.” He handed her the glass filled with the most brilliant red liquid. She held it in her hand and felt its warmth permeating her hand.

Ew, warm beer. She preferred something ice cold, straight from the cooler.

“Warmed to a perfect ninety-eight point six degrees,” he said, watching her grimace. “Type AB negative, the rarest in the world. We fly it in from various blood bank locations. Easier than going straight to the vein, if you ask me. And more economical.”

Cate felt her face go white and the glass slipped from her hand, shattering on the floor. This wasn’t beer, it was blood. This entire room was filled with blood.

She stepped away from the nearest barrel. How many humans did it take to fill up one of these large tin cans? She hoped it was voluntary, but that didn’t matter to her queasy stomach. How was she supposed to pretend to be a vampire if he was going to take her places like this? Her vision began to swim in front of her eyes.

“Cate, are you okay?” Viktor grabbed her elbow, steadying her. He peered into her face as concern tugged at his frown. “Take a deep breath.”

“I’m okay, really. Just clumsy.”

She sniffed and blew air out of her pursed lips. This reminded her of the time her high school teacher had asked her to dissect a frog in anatomy class. After one nauseating look at her classmate’s project, she’d performed a passionate release for her new green friend in the creek behind her school.

“No, you’re not. Go sit down and rest. Catch up with us later.”

Their eyes met and she could see regret in his eyes. Was he sorry for choosing this particular date? Maybe she was embarrassing him. He had wanted her to maintain the facade for his grandmother. She was close to ruining it for him.

“What a klutz,” Jezebel loudly whispered to Viktor in a syrupy tone as Cate stumbled for the nearest spot to rest. “She has no etiquette, no royal breeding. I wouldn’t be surprised if her title was bought. She gives a bad name to the vampire elite.”

Cate couldn’t hear Viktor’s reply. Her ears burned, but there was no reason to reply. She had to get out of there, as fast as possible.

The final ceremony couldn’t come fast enough.
