Silence fell between them. He glared at the log paneling that spanned the lodge, no longer finding any charm in its rustic appearance or the warm yellow undertones of the wood grain. He and Stasia, a couple? Preposterous. But the longer he thought about her question, the less angry he felt. If she truly was interested in him, of course she’d be worried about his feelings for his best friend. Any woman would.

But the very notion was ridiculous. She was more like a sister to him than anyone in the world. He could never see her as anything different. The suggestion made him shudder.

“Tell me about your family,” he said, breaking the silence.

Her gaze darted to his and her pink lips parted, but no words came out.

“If you feel so inclined,” he added in a softer tone.

She narrowed her eyes, as if determining if she could trust him, took a deep breath and sighed. “My parents met when they were only fifteen...”


Cate had never felt so shook up. She’d tried her hardest to push Viktor to hate her. Even went so far as to suggest he and Stasia had had an affair. She’d felt awful the moment the words left her mouth. He’d looked so angry, as if she’d just spit on his expensive leather shoes. But she’d managed to hold it together for the rest of the interview. She was sure she was going home tonight. She’d done the hard work. Now, she just needed the payoff.

However, she couldn’t help gazing at Prince Viktor with a tint of remorse as she lined up with Joy and Jezebel in the lobby of the lodge, beneath a grand stone fireplace that spanned two floors. Yes, he had a set of killer fangs in that gorgeous mouth of his. Yes, he was a prince looking for a royal immortal bride. But something inside of her had connected with him and made her wish for more. But if wishes were nickels...she’d have enough silver to drive away an entire horde of vampires.

She had to keep her eye on the prize. A ticket home and out of this strange nightmarish land. And safety for her dearest frien

d. Those were the goals.

Stasia had dimmed the lights in the lobby so that only a few carefully placed spotlights and dozens of warm candles lit the area. On a tray in the middle of the room lay two white lilies. The flowers of death. It figured.

Behind it stood Prince Viktor, his face an impassive mask of stoicism. On her right, Joy twitched, her fingers moving in a nervous dance. Jezebel stood deadly still on her left, occasionally flipping her beautiful hair over her shoulder and flashing Viktor a dazzling smile. She was milking her last moments with all her might, which made Cate shudder with silent laughter.

“Alright, folks.” Stasia waved from behind a camera. “This is the elimination ceremony. Only two of you will enter the next round of dates. One of you will be sent home. If Vik calls your name, please step forward and receive a flower.”

Cate inhaled deeply and pressed her lips together. She felt Joy’s hand reach for hers and they clasped their palms together.

“The first name I’d like to call...” Viktor picked up the first lily. He spun it around in his fingers and it flopped dangerously from side to side. “ Duchess Jezebel.”

Jezebel hissed with excitement and lunged forward, her dangerously low cut black evening gown with silver beading swishing around her ankles. She accepted the flower from the prince and kissed him on the cheek, leaving behind a red lipstick stain. Her pointed look toward Cate told her that she was gloating already. She didn’t even have a ring on her finger and already the vampiress was hearing wedding bells.

Viktor’s lips had pressed together into a sour frown. With the pad of his thumb, he wiped off the lipstick remains and glanced at the two remaining women. Cate could’ve sworn she felt his gaze linger on her, making the heat rise in her stomach.

Joy squeezed her hand. Only one flower remained. Although Cate felt assured that the flower belonged to Joy, she couldn’t help the racing of her heart as Viktor delicately picked up the last one. He held it tenderly on the palm of his hand, the petals brushing against his skin.

“The last flower goes to...” He bit his bottom lip.

The snail’s pace of his decision was forcing her to shift her weight from foot to foot to relieve the anxiety. Come on, already. That flower belonged to Joy. He and everyone else in this room knew it. Why torture the poor girl? Just hand it out already.

His smoldering gaze lifted from the flower and settled on her, causing a warmth to blossom in her stomach. “It goes to Cate.”

The air went out of the room. Cate gaped at him, the blood draining from her cheeks. She felt Joy squeeze her hand again and pull her into a hug. She hugged her back, feeling like the world’s biggest cheat. This had been Joy’s childhood dream. Not hers. She deserved to be with a prince. She deserved that lily.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered into her ear. “I thought it would be you.”

Joy pulled back, a warm smile on her face. Her ringlets bounced as she shook her head. “No, it was never me. He likes you, Cate. Don’t waste this opportunity. You never know where you’re going to find love.”

She gave her another quick hug and then went to say goodbye to Viktor. After a few whispered words between them and a warm embrace, Joy waved goodbye to the crew and hurried off the set.

Cate’s heart was still pounding in her chest like a jackhammer. What was she going to do now? Her plans had been riding on this elimination. She’d played the fool out there in the snow, brushed the prince off, and even rudely pried into his private life. What else did a girl have to do to dump a vampire prince?

She watched out of the corner of her eye as Viktor waved off a drooling Jezebel and hurried from the room, leaving her wilting flower on the tray.

Things had certainly taken a turn for the complicated.

And to make matters worse, part of her didn’t feel all that bad about it.