Rachel Knight loved him.

Life would never be more perfect than in that moment.

Chapter Fifteen

Rachel woke up feeling like she’d been wrapped up all night in a warm cocoon. Her eyelids fluttered open and for one tiny moment, she forgot where she was. But then she felt something shift below her and groan and suddenly she recalled how she and Logan had been snuggled up on his parents’ couch late into the night watching movies. She raised her head just enough from his chest to see his eyes open. He smiled sleepily at her and hugged her tight.

“Good morning, beautiful.”


A blush came to her cheeks as she remembered all that had happened last night. Dinner with his wonderful family. A passionate kiss on the porch as the sun set. A confession of love.

Logan had swept her away once again. Any thoughts of Paris had been shoved to the back of her mind. But now that the morning sun had peeked its head over the horizon, throwing warm rays through the numerous window panes in his parents’ gorgeous log home, those thoughts came roaring back like a punch in the gut.

Just because Logan had told her he loved her didn’t change anything. She was still damaged goods. Her father’s misguided attempts to raise his children had really done a number on her. Looking back, it was starting to make sense why she’d never had a long-lasting relationship. She didn’t have the ability to trust anyone. To place her heart fully in their care. She’d always told herself that she just hadn’t found the one, but there was more to it than that. Maybe, she’d been stunted by her father’s lack of love. There was no guarantee that she’d ever be able to fully commit to a relationship, even with a guy more achingly perfect than she could’ve ever imagined.

And now, more than ever, she was convinced that Logan deserved better.

“I see that getting the guest rooms ready was a waste of my time,” Nancy said with a laugh as she walked into the living room with Ned by her side.

His parents each cradled a large steaming mug of coffee in their hands. Rachel shoved herself off Logan’s chest, the afghan that kept them warm falling to the floor. She blushed and worked her fingers through her hair, hoping that she didn’t look like a complete disaster. They hadn’t even done anything, but she still felt like a teenager being caught in the act. If only she could disappear forever under that blanket.

“We were watching TV and fell asleep,” Logan said with a good-natured grin, pushing himself up next to her. Even after sleeping on a couch all night with Rachel on top of him, he still looked like a movie star. It wasn’t fair.

“Well, don’t move yet,” Nancy said, rushing to the large flat-screen TV and grabbing the remote. She pushed a few buttons, bringing a show up on the screen. “I recorded Mary Prescott’s show last night for you. I think you’re going to want to see this.”

That perked them both up. They sat on the edge of their seats as Nancy fast forwarded through the majority of Mary’s show, past the cooking demonstration and an audience taste test and giveaway. Finally, she pressed play. Mary Prescott stood in front of the screen in a vivid orange blouse with lime green earrings swinging over her shoulders. Her red lips curled into a charming smile as she addressed the cameras.

“Make sure y’all tune in next week when I feature my special trip to San Jose, California to sample the delectable menu from the hot new gourmet spot, Madison Park. And not to give away any spoilers, folks, but this menu is as hot as its owner. You’ll meet him soon and you won’t be disappointed. See y’all then.”

Rachel gripped her knees, her chest moving rapidly. She turned to look at Logan, who was still staring at the screen.

“I think that means she loved it,” she said, putting a hand on his leg. Her insides were about ready to burst. “Mary Prescott loved Madison Park!”

He swallowed, his face turning white. “She loved it.”

“She loved it,” Nancy repeated, beaming at her son.

Ned took his wife’s hand in his and nodded his head slowly. “We’re so proud of you, son.”

Suddenly, Logan burst from the couch and grabbed Rachel by the waist. He swung her around the spacious living room, a smile stretching from ear to ear on his face.

“She loved it!” he shouted.

Rachel squealed excitedly, wrapping her arms around his neck. He set her down gently on the ground and pulled her into a warm kiss. She didn’t even care at the moment that she probably had morning breath. Everything felt right in Logan’s arms. She was so excited for him. It was his dream finally coming true.

When the celebration was over, Rachel remembered her greasy hair and ran her hand self-consciously over her head. If she was going to break it off with Logan today, she wanted to look her best. It might have been a bit vain, but she didn’t want him to remember her like this.

She grimaced, turning to Nancy. “Is it okay if I get a shower?”

“Of course, honey,” she replied pointing down the hallway. “There are towels in the bathroom linen closet. Logan had a set of clothes and toiletries delivered for you early this morning.”

Rachel turned toward him, feeling impressed. “Did you really?”

He shrugged and gave her a sheepish smile. “I had Emily overnight your things. I wasn’t sure how long we’d be staying.”

She stared at him, warmth bursting in her chest. He really was a caring man. No other man she’d dated would’ve thought of such things. Logan was a rare breed. A man among men.