Chapter Thirteen

The silence between them was deafening. Rachel stared at Logan, feeling regret hit her hard in the gut. If what her brother had said was true, she’d jumped the gun on accusing Logan of his motives. He was a good guy and she’d gone and messed things up before they’d even gotten started.

That plane ticket in her purse sounded awfully good at this point. Get out of the country and start again. Figure out exactly why she was so screwed up. She didn’t deserve Logan Madison. And he deserved better than a scarred woman who lacked the ability to trust.

“Logan, I just have to say...” she began.

“Don’t.” He gave a sharp shake of his head and took a step closer. “Please, Rachel, let me explain. I know why things went wrong last night. I bumped into Darren before leaving the party. He said some things...”

“Yes.” Her frown deepened. “He said some things to me as well. He’s a real piece of work.”

“He’s got problems. Please don’t hold it against him. He came from a poor family and he hasn’t been very responsible with his money, so there’s some bitterness there. When he drinks, it gets worse.” Logan sighed. “I had a rambling apology from him on my voice mail late last night. I think he’s realized how bad he messed up.”

Rachel cocked her head to one side, feeling a rush of emotion. Even after all the nastiness from Darren, Logan didn’t seem to hate his friend. He really was the kind man she had thought he was. How could she have been convinced otherwise?

“Listen, I know we had a miscommunication last night,” Logan said, taking another step toward her, slowly, as if she were a cornered wild animal. “And I want to set the record straight. I would never put money above my friends and family.”

She licked her lips and nodded. Michael had said the same thing.

“And most importantly, I would never put it above you.” He was close enough now that she could smell the comforting scent of his cologne. Reaching out tentatively, he took her hand in his and cupped it between his palms. “Rachel, I know you’ve been hurt in the past. But I’m not your father and I will never be like him.”

She fought back against the tears in the corners of her eyes and pressed her free hand to her throat. Why had she let her insecurities rule her last night? Anyone with eyes could see that Logan was perfect.

“Look,” he whispered, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. “I have an idea. It might be crazy, but I think it’ll show you that I’m the real deal. Do you trust me enough to let me show you something?”

He didn’t need to prove anything to her. It was obvious she’d misread him. He was one of the good ones. She’d been crazy to think she could have someone like him. Flashbacks of her childhood went rushing through her head. Images of a cold and distant father who only trusted his own grit and ability to expand his wealth. It had affected her even deeper than she could’ve imagined.

She couldn’t be with Logan. Not like this. He deserved better.

She wanted to tell him that it was over between them, but the hopeful way he was looking at her seemed to nail her tongue to the roof of her mouth. Licking her lips, she grimaced and released a heavy breath. Maybe, she didn’t need to tell him goodbye just yet. She could wait just a little longer. Hold off on the pain and let him take her to wherever he had planned.

She nodded her head, her hands shaking.

“Come with me,” he said, a slight smile curling his lips. “I think you’re going to like this.”

“IF YOU WOULD’VE TOLD me we were going on your jet, I would’ve brought something to knock you out,” Rachel said, glancing at Logan with concern.

He grimaced, gripping the armrests and doing his best to remain cool. Now was not the time to lose his head. He had convinced Rachel to follow him this far. Obviously, there was still some glimmer of hope for

them. She was wrestling with a lifetime of insecurities and struggles. This was the only way he could think of to convince her that he was for real.

“I’ll be fine as soon as we’re in the air,” he said in a low voice.

Rachel watched out the window as the jet sped down the runway. He wished she’d grab his hand like she had last time, but there was still a wall between them.

He had marched into Michael’s office, totally prepared to debate his way back into Michael’s good graces and a meeting with his sister. Seeing her standing there had sent a shock right through him, bursting the speech he’d planned on the way over there into a million pieces. He wouldn’t waste this moment. Not when he had so much to prove to her.

“What about your restaurant?” she asked, turning toward him. “Are you sure we can leave on such short notice?”

“My managers can handle it without me for now.” He was grateful for her concern. He knew how hard she’d worked to make sure everything ran smoothly. “I’ve been working nonstop for the last few months and I deserve a break. The initial rush of opening is over. They’ll be fine. And besides, this is more important.”

“Well, can you at least tell me where we’re going?” she asked, her frown growing deeper.

“Hmmm.” He shook his head, an ornery smile on his face. “That’ll ruin the surprise. But I can tell you where we’re not going. No white sandy beaches in our near future, I’m afraid.”

“How sad,” she said, her eyes lighting up with the first hint of a smile he’d seen all day. “I could’ve used a soak in the sun. And a drink, with one of those tiny little umbrellas.”

Logan felt a warmth come over him as he imagined Rachel in a stunning one piece suit, her long hair braided under a wide-brimmed hat. A satisfied smile on her face while she sipped her drink. Her long legs crossed as she reclined on a beach chair. He made a note to take her to a beach the next time they got a chance to run away together.