We didn’t look at each other as we made our way back to the pool, but I could almost feel his thoughts on me, and it made me smile happily at the wet pavement. I settled back into my chair next to Janelle and watched the boys splashing in the water. It was getting darker now, so I could no longer hide behind my shades. But that didn’t stop me from sneaking a peek at Zane’s head once in a while, when no one was looking, and allowing the thrill of my drumming heartbeat to wash over me.

This girl had a new friend. A secret friend.

Who knew that keeping a secret could be so fun?

Chapter Fourteen

I was pretty sure my dad thought I was losing my mind or something when I trudged into the kitchen early the next morning to grab a cup of coffee before my “study trip” to the library. He’d peppered me with questions but came up empty-handed.

No, this girl wasn’t losing it, I was just incredibly excited to study with my new “friend.”

The excitement had my hand trembling as I attempted dramatic batwings with my liquid eyeliner. It was a technique I’d seen Alanis use the other day on Janelle’s look. Normally, I picked things up like that in no time, but not today. My hand just wouldn’t work.

Eventually, I had to scrap those plans and go the more natural route. It was a good thing the natural look was in this year. With a little bronzer and nude gloss, I was ready to go.

Rock Valley’s library wasn’t exactly a mega stop on the weekend list for the high school crowd. It especially wasn’t popular for kids my age at eight in the morning. Zane was already here...somewhere. He’d texted me to come look for him. So I snuck around the stacks, looking for anyone who resembled the tall, athletic movie star who was the only person in the world worth waking up for this early on the weekend and spending that time in the library.

In the far rear, next to the reference books, I found someone in a hoodie with dark sunglasses over his eyes. He didn’t fool me. I could still recognize that slight sloping of his perfect nose and the squareness of his jawline. He slouched in his chair, with a black bag on the floor next to him.

I giggled into my hand as I approached him. He looked like a creeper sitting there alone, but that didn’t make me feel any less excited to see him. My newest friend. It felt nice to be able to say that. I slid my Shakespeare books onto the table next to him and tugged on the back on his hoodie.

“Is this seat taken?”

I was rewarded with a smile that stretched across his face as he took off his sunglasses and the brilliant blueness of his eyes once again took away my breath.

“Sit,” he said, patting the wooden chair next to him.

I sat quickly to hide the wobbliness of my knees. He pushed my books farther on the table and then plopped his bag on top.

“Just a minute. I have to prepare.” Unzipping it, he pulled out a red flannel blanket. With a flourish, he draped it over the large wooden table. It only covered about a third of it. Next, he pulled out a thick white candle and set it in front of me. “No flames,” he said with a serious frown. “I figured we didn’t want to the library to combust. But still, you’ve got to have candles to study.”

“Especially fresh laundry scented,” I said with a laugh as I caught a sniff of it.

He shrugged. “It was the best I could come up with last minute.”

I eyed the candles and the blanket and tried not to smile. “You know, I’ve never had a study session like this before. Doesn’t feel much like a study date between friends.”

He pulled back and shot me an offended look. “Are you saying I don’t know how to study with friends? Just because I do my schooling through a tutor service on set, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to study. This is how we do it in Hollywood.”

“Oh really?” I had the feeling he was totally fibbing. “By candlelight?”

He rolled his eyes. “Of course. Do you think us stars would accept anything less?”

“I guess not.” I laughed and then craned my neck to see inside of the bag. “What else you got in there?”

He pulled it out of reach. “Hey, no peeking.”

Leaning back, I crossed my arms over my stomach. “All right, Mr. Secrecy. Take your time. It’s not like we have all day.”

His jaw twitched as if he were fighting back a smile as he reached back into his bag. “I figured we couldn’t do this study date justice without snacks. Do you like candy?”

“Love it.” I patted my stomach. “The benefits of not

being an actress.”

“Did I mention that I really like that about you?” He grinned as he passed me a gummy life saver. “Here you go. Fruity and delicious. And voted most likely not to get us kicked out of the library.”

With a giggle, I stuffed it in my mouth. Zane was too much. He stuffed one in his mouth and sat down in his chair. We both chewed our snacks silently as we grinned at each other. This was nice. It was so much easier than having to avoid staring at him from across the set and giving myself away.