He frowned nervously, his gaze darting toward the rest of the class and then back to me. I could tell I’d grabbed the attention of the rest of my peers. A few of the girls who’d shown up this morning to support me were sitting in there, finishing up their own quizzes.

“Ms. Black, I don’t think it’s appropriate to—”

“You’re right.” I smiled sweetly at him again. “It’s not appropriate, but I’m glad I could set you straight. This week I learned that my makeup does not define me. That I didn’t need to use it to hide my insecurities anymore. And tomorrow, when I put it back on, it’ll be simply because I enjoy the way it makes me feel. Not for anyone else. Just like rocking this quiz made me feel. Thank you, Mr. Garret, for helping me learn that lesson.”

Confusion flickered in his eyes as he grumbled a low you’re welcome. I tightened my backpack and smiled over my shoulder at my classmates. Sure enough, they were all watching the exchange go down. A few of the girls gave me thumbs-up signs and pumped their fists in solidarity. I was done with Mr. Garret. There was no need to push this show of rebellion into a detention or visit to the principal’s office. Feeling accomplished, I strolled out of the classroom as the bell rang.

“So, what just happened back there?” Beth asked when she appeared by my locker. Her curly blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and her cheeks were flushed. “I was so focused on my quiz that I missed what was going on. It wasn’t until Charlotte kicked me in the shin did I see you and Mr. G having words.”

“Ummm...I might have totally chewed Mr. Garret out,” I said, hiding my face behind my locker door.

She yanked it open and grinned. “Yes, girl! It’s about time someone put him in his place.”

I smiled sheepishly at her. “Thanks. I couldn’t help it. He deserved it.”

“Well, that’s a true statement if I ever heard one.” She leaned back against the lockers and grinned happily. “I would give anything to see it again. I’ll bet he sweated right through his toupee.”

I giggled. While I was pretty sure Mr. Garret’s horrible hair was all his own, it was a funny thing to imagine.

“Whelp, today didn’t turn out so bad, after all,” Beth said, eyeing me as my giggles ended. “We started a movement and got revenge on Janelle. There’s even a video floating around of your speech cutting her down to size.”

I plastered a hand to my forehead. “Are you serious? How bad is it?”

“It’s brilliant. Charlotte thinks you’re going to go viral and become a famous influencer. She says we knew you when.”

That was the last thing on my mind today. I had so many other things to worry about before becoming famous.

“So...” Beth glanced nervously at me. “...are you going to say goodbye to Zane before he leaves?”

The mention of his name killed the moment of hilarity. A sadness went through me that felt like icy fingers digging into my organs.

“Nope.” My chin trembled a bit. “It’s better this way. I don’t want to make him have to choose me over his career. It’s not fair to him. I’ll keep my distance for the both of us. But I am going to try and say goodbye to Alanis after school. She deserves an explanation, even if it doesn’t stop her from hating me forever.”

Sympathy shone in Beth’s smile as she squeezed my upper arm. “I’m sorry, I really am. None of this is fair.”

“Life isn’t fair.” I turned to her. “At least, that’s what my mom always used to say when we were kids. But at least I’m getting better at losing.”

She shook her head firmly. “No, it’s not losing. It’s choosing a different path. A better path.”

I appreciated Beth’s positive outlook, but I was pretty sure there was no better path than the one that led to Zane. Still, I’d taken myself out of the equation to give him his best shot at the career he deserved. Maybe, in another life, we’d meet again. Until then, I would be the girl who walked away from him. Maybe that was it for our story.

Not everyone got a happy ending.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I waited until I was sure the coast was clear. The entire crew was shooting one last soccer game scene on the field and most everyone else was quickly trying to get things packed up and ready to move out. Derick the guard let me in with a warm smile, despite the fact that I didn’t have my employee badge anymore. I booked it to Alanis’ makeup trailer with the prayer that she was still there. I didn’t have the heart to look for her. Not when that meant I might run into Zane.

After the day I’d had, I wasn’t sure I had the strength to do that again.

“Hello?” I called as I opened the door to her trailer. The lights were on overhead and it smelled like cucumber water.

“Come in,” Alanis replied sharply from up above.

Anticipation made my heart palpitate painfully. I took the steps up into the trailer and spied Alanis curled up on the very chair she’d banished me to on my first day. She wore gold painted denim and a white crop top. In her hands, she held a half-empty cucumber water that she stared at intently. Not even my entrance tore her gaze away from it.

“Hi, Alanis,” I said softly, grimacing at her. I wouldn’t blame her if she screamed and yelled at me. Not after what had happened to her star actor.

“You didn’t show up for work yesterday.” Her perfectly stenciled brow arched, but she remained staring at the water.