This job was harder than it looked.

“Very impressive, Miss Hale.” Ms. Gentry ushered the next model in as she nodded at me. “You seem to have at last found your footing in this competition.”

“I’m just sorry it took me this long.” I bit my lower lip, sincerity entering my voice. “I’m not the fastest learner.”

She peered down her nose at me and frowned. “It’s not the speed that matters. It’s the dedication.”

Finally! I was in the game!

I smiled at Ms. Gentry in thanks and hurried away to return my dress to its rightful owner. By the time I’d wrestled my way out of it, the fashion show was done. The curtains were being torn down and most of the audience had begun to mingle in with the contestants. Lexi and Beth found me first, with Lexi grabbing ahold of my arm and screaming in excitement, while Beth crossed her arms and quietly waited for the embarrassment to pass.

Hunter was still nowhere to be seen. He must’ve had better things to do this morning than watch a bunch of kids model homemade clothes. Part of me was relieved I wouldn’t have to face him yet. The other part...felt strangely disappointed.

“You did so amazing. Your dress, your walk, your makeup. Out of this world.” Lexi began hyperventilating and started to fan herself. “You really were made to be in this competition, Charlotte. You rocked that.”

“You really think so?” I asked.

Honestly, I was just trying to keep my head above water at this point. But hearing that I’d rocked an event was giving me all kinds of blips of excitement.

“You’re a Rodeo Queen shoe-in,” she added, grabbing onto Beth’s arm. “Right?”

“Don’t quit your day job just yet,” Beth said with a smile and rolling of her eyes. “But yeah, you killed it.”

Geminia came rushing out of the crowd on our right side, still dressed in her denim. She lunged toward me, her eyes sparkling with glee. “Did you hear? Did you hear?”

I shook my head, completely at a loss for why she was so excited. “What?”

“Sarah totally biffed it.” She giggled behind her hand, her eyebrows raising. “She tripped on her heels and nearly fell off the platform. And afterwards, Ms. Gentry found her chewing out her designer. Sarah had the poor girl in tears. She blamed her for making her trip. Sounds like she’ll be getting a poor score in the gentility category.”

“Are you serious?” My mouth fell open. “Are you saying your bad luck trick worked?”

Geminia made a face and then pointed at the ceiling. “I don’t know, but I’m thanking my unlucky star for that one. Anyway, I need to ditch these clothes. I’ll check in with you later.”

I waved goodbye to her as she made her way to the changing rooms in the back. Lexi squealed again when I turned back to them, Beth adding one more eye roll.

“I knew it!” she said. “You’re totally back in the running! You can win this!”

Disbelief spread from my head to the rest of my body like a warm shower. I clenched my fists and bounced a little on my toes, Lexi’s excitement spreading to me. Maybe I could win. Ms. Gentry seemed pleased with my performance today. I still had to get my scoresheet, but I was pretty sure I’d be near the top. My mission to unseat Sarah was coming back into reach.

Maybe I’d never get an apology from her for treating me the way she did, but this would be nearly as sweet.

“Okay, this is for real,” I said, leaning toward them to whisper. “There are two events left. What’s the strategy?”

“Well, honestly, I think you should put your focus on the last event.” Beth shrugged matter-of-factly as her gaze darted between us. Her eyes always seemed to light up at the hint of any competition. Gamer girl to the rescue. “According to your itinerary, it’s worth forty percent of your overall score. That’s where you can edge Sarah out.”

“Exactly. That’s where we put the squeeze on her,” Lexi added with a nod.

I groaned into my hands, nerves rippling over me. “But that’s the part where we ride into the arena. I’ve never even ridden a horse before. How am I supposed to dominate?”

“Easy.” Lexi grabbed my arm and giggled. “We just need to snag you that cowboy.”

It was hard to take Lexi seriously. One minute, she seemed ready to map out a plan for world domination, and the next she was gushing about boys.

Beth gave her a frown. “Hey, I’m all about the tight denim and belt buckles, but how is that supposed to help her?”

Lexi’s wide-eyed incredulous look would’ve been hilarious, if I wasn’t feeling so impatient with her. “Because, he can teach our poor Char to ride. That’s how. And I’m thinking Hunter might be our best bet.”

“Hmmm...yeah. I’m not so sure about that plan.” I shook my head at her. The whole cowboy-crazy thing was getting a bit annoying. Enough was enough.