“You mean perfect.” Chloe snatched her hand from Laurie, her eyes jealously taking in the facets of the diamond.

All Brianna could do was smile and gaze happily at her own ring.

“How’s the wedding planning going?” Gemma perched herself on the edge of the desk with her drink in hand. “I haven’t even started. There’s just too much to do. It’s overwhelming.”

“We haven’t even picked out a date yet,” Brianna said with a shrug. “Silly Aaron, he’s so busy with work these days. I’m afraid we’re just going to have to pick a day and drive over to the courthouse.”

The women cried out at the injustice.

“You know Momma will kill you if you elope,” Chloe growled.

Brianna nodded her understanding. “But that’s what you have to do, ladies, when your man is just too busy with his job to plan a wedding. You’ve got to do whatever it takes to nail him down.”

Jordan leaned back onto his desk and frowned to himself. It was beginning to feel like the nineteen fifties in here with talk of nailing a man down with marriage. Hadn’t talk like this died off with women’s liberation? He glanced over at the thermostat on the wall. Someone must have turned up the heat. Sweat had begun to build around his collar.

With both of his parents divorced and remarried, he’d been through a couple weddings. They didn’t seem like anything someone should aspire to. In fact, he remembered being bored out of his mind.

“Look at us, making this young man so nervous,” Brianna declared, turning her attention toward him. He balked, but tried to keep his cool as he smiled back at them. “I swear, talk of white gowns and wedding rings can make any man turn puce green.”

“I’m okay.” Jordan shook his head and laughed. He really was being an idiot. Half of his college buddies were married by now, many had children. Just because his own parents had disastrously stunk at marriage didn’t mean it was all bad.

“Just be sure to bring Momma some flowers tomorrow night,” Brianna said, patting him on the shoulder. “And don’t bring up politics at the dinner table. Daddy is a judge and he has the ability to throw you into lock up overnight if he doesn’t like the words coming out of your mouth.”

Jordan could feel the blood leaving his face. Chloe had never mentioned her father was a judge. Suddenly, the family dinner had taken on a whole new level of seriousness. What had he gotten himself into? If only he’d kept his big mouth shut.

“He won’t throw you in lock up.” Chloe gave her sister a hard disapproving look. “And you don’t have to bring flowers, if you don’t want. My family is very relaxed.”

Brianna smiled mockingly and slowly shook her head from side to side behind Chloe’s back, mouthing the words lock up to Jordan. He couldn’t tell if she was serious or pulling his chain.

“How’s rehearsal going, Chlo?” Brianna asked her sister, suddenly changing the topic to something that didn’t make Jordan want to vomit. “Every time I run into Ashley Lynn down at the gym, she’s practically drooling with jealousy. She knows your play kicks hers out of the water.”

“We’ll have to see.” Chloe bit at her thumbnail and shrugged. Worry lines scored her forehead. “She’s already made an appearance at a rehearsal. She can’t help but insert herself.”

“Who is this Ashley Lynn?” Jordan asked. It was obvious to see that none of the girls liked her, but he couldn’t figure out why. “Is she a blood-sucking leech?”

“Close enough.” Brianna raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. “The most evil woman I’ve ever met. And I’ve met some doozies.”

“She’s not that awful,” Laurie said, her eyes soft with concern. “I’m sure she has her reasons why she’s so…”

“Abrasive?” Chloe blurted.

Gemma chuckled. “Rude?”

“How about just plain psycho?” Brianna ended.

Laurie turned red, but didn’t rebuttal. Jordan felt intrigued by the mutual hate going through the room. He’d never been behind enemy lines before, hearing the inside reasons why girls liked to fight.

“She’s Aaron’s ex,” Brianna turned to him with a determined frown. “So, naturally, I hate her. But really, she’s not a very nice person. She used to put on all the Christmas Eve plays before now. I think she’s jealous of Chloe.”

Chloe shook her head, her large dangling earrings knocking against her neck. “She can’t be jealous. She’s the one that turned down the play this year. If she wanted to do it, she should’ve said so.”

“Whatever.” Brianna downed the rest of her drink and tossed it in the trashcan on the other side of the room with a cheer. “She’s jealous of my brilliant baby sister. I’m allowed to say that. Just like I’m allowed to warn Jordan that he better treat my baby sister well.”

“Alright, Bri, we’ve got work to do,” Chloe said with an embarrassed grimace, taking a hold of her sister’s arm. She led her to the door, almost forcefully. “Thanks for the coffee. Say hi to Aaron for me.”

“Will do.” She blew them all a kiss and then winked at Jordan. “See you at dinner. Don’t be late.”

As she walked out of the office, Jordan wondered if it was too late to take back his acceptance of dinner. As much as he wanted to see where things could go with Chloe Walker, he hadn’t signed on for this.