Or, had they? She wasn’t so sure. Her head was telling her it was stupid to get involved with a man scheduled to leave her life in a few measly weeks. That it would only end in heartbreak and disappointment. A relationship fated to go nowhere.

Her heart was telling her a different story.

Chapter Seven

New Hope certainly wasn’t what he expected. He never thought he’d like this little town and its vintage charm. He never imagined he’d be playing a part in a Christmas musical. And most of all, he hadn’t expected to almost kiss the girl who’d forced him into it.

He couldn’t help it. She’d looked so beautiful asleep on that couch, her favorite movies flickering on the screen. He’d opened up to her unlike he’d ever done before, talking about his family and the abuse he’d witnessed. And when she’d given him that sultry look with her sleepy brown eyes, he had to lean in. If his boss hadn’t called at that exact moment, he would’ve done it. Instead, he left for home that night wondering what if.

Several days had passed since that night and the tension was becoming nearly unbearable for Jordan. Every time their eyes made contact in the office, a spark would light in his chest. A brush of their hands, a knowing smile, that was all it took to rev him up. They’d been taking their lunches together, rehearsing his lines and sitting with their knees bumping under the table. He was sure she liked him - hoping it wasn’t just his ego telling him so.

She was a beautiful and smart woman. She could have anyone. And for some reason, she seemed to like him.

He’d just taken the third call from his boss that Monday m

orning at work when a woman came walking in through the foundation doors and caught his attention. She could’ve passed for Chloe’s twin. Dark almond eyes and a set of full red lips, framed by long sleek hair that fell to her shoulder blades. She was carrying a tray full of coffee from the nearby bistro and set them on Laurie’s desk.

“Monday Blues survival kit has arrived,” she announced, holding a cup in the air.

The women pounced on the provisions like a pack of hungry lionesses, snatching up their drinks and gathering around Laurie’s desk. One cup remained in its white sleeve and the woman plucked it from the carrier and motioned at him to come get it.

“I had to meet the mysterious lead of Chloe’s play,” she cooed, eyeing him up and down. “My sister doesn’t like to spill the details. I can see now why you guys spend so much time rehearsing together.”

The women laughed while Chloe elbowed her sister hard in the ribs. Jordan grinned. She’d been telling her family about him. That could only be a good sign.

“I’m Brianna.” She held out a hand with long pink manicured nails. “Chloe’s older, and much wiser, sister.”

Chloe rolled her eyes at Gemma and Laurie. “She wishes.”

He shook her hand and released it with a smile. “Jordan Davis. Nice to meet you.”

“Oooh, manners and everything? Momma’s going to like him.” She gave her sister an evil grin. “She’s demanding you invite him to family supper on Friday.”

“Wait, what?” Chloe’s mouth fell open in despair and she began to argue with her sister. It made Jordan laugh to see her act so uncomfortable, far from the cool and collected Chloe he’d come to know. “He’s going to feel so awkward,” Chloe was saying. “I don’t want to put him through that.”

“Aaron’s going to be there,” Brianna replied with a careless flip of her hair. “He won’t be alone. Besides, you know once Momma makes up her mind, you’re not going to change it. Right, girls?”

Laurie nodded vigorously. “Yeah, I’d never cross your Mom.”

“Do what the woman says,” Gemma added, her eyes wide in mock fear.

“You guys aren’t helping,” Chloe shot back. Her shoulders were tense under her purple cashmere sweater.

Brianna waved her hand. “They’re helping as far as I’m concerned.”

If Brianna was any bit as stubborn as her sister, Jordan knew this argument could go on for a lot longer, so he stepped forward and placed his coffee cup on the desk with a loud thunk. “Don’t I get a say in this, ladies?”

Four sets of bright eyes turned toward him.

“Yes, yes you do,” Chloe said, rushing to his side. The light touch of her hand on his arm sent a thrill up his spine. “You’ve got much better things to do than go to some boring family dinner. Tell Brianna you don’t want to go.”

“Brianna.” He made direct eye contact with her sister and held it for a moment. The left side of his mouth twitched in a small small. “I’ve got nothing better to do. I’d love to go.”

She cheered as Chloe huffed into her coffee. Worried he might have crossed a line, Jordan playfully bumped his shoulder into hers and was glad to see a small smile form on her worried face. He was interested to meet the rest of the family who’d raised such a strong woman. Her sister was certainly a trip.

“My fiance, Aaron, will be there, so you won’t be alone,” Brianna said to him with a triumphant grin on her face.

“Her absolutely handsome fiance,” Laurie said breathlessly, grabbing at Brianna’s left hand to gaze at the diamond band.