ough room between them so they weren’t touching.

“This is just for the play,” she said, more for herself than for him. “I know where all the best parts are, so I can fast forward through them and explain what makes them romantic.” She gulped as he smiled at her, his lips curving into a grin that made his eyes shine with amusement.

“You’re going to be my teacher?”

She shifted in her seat. “Why not?”

His gaze ran down her face and landed on her mouth. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

Suddenly feeling warm, she jumped off the couch and shed her sweater before running to the fridge to grab them drinks. She could feel his amused gaze following her every move, but she refused to look at him. This was just business. A teaching opportunity. Despite the fact that she found him insanely attractive, nothing was going on. She could have a good looking man over to her apartment and behave. Couldn’t she?

Finally, she shoved a cold glass of water in his hands and took the DVDs. “Let’s get started.” Popping Pretty Woman into the player, she backed up until she could lean against the couch and hug her legs into her chest. “This is one of my favorites.”

She took him through all of the best parts of the movies. Richard Gere climbing the fire escape with flowers. Rick Blaine saying goodbye to Ilsa as she escaped from the Germans. And Mr. Darcy in nearly every scene. By the time they got to the epic kissing in the rain scene from Noah and Ally’s story, she’d curled up on the coach next to him and dozed off. It was already past midnight, but Jordan didn’t wake her. He’d been caught between watching the movie and watching over Chloe, his attention jumping back and forth, a warm smile lighting up his face every time he saw her sweetly sleeping.

The ending credits rolled for The Notebook and Chloe woke with a start. Looking around, confused and disoriented, she was alarmed to see she’d started using his shoulder as a pillow. Pulling back, she apologized rapidly and tried to blink away the sleep from her eyes.

“Well, I think I’m plenty educated now,” Jordan said with a laugh. He watched her squirm in embarrassment. “That’s more romance than I needed in my life.”

“I’m sorry.” She grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. It’s so late.”

He smiled at her and something in his eyes told her he didn’t really care about the late hour. “Is this what your life is? All romance and happy endings?”

“Sort of.” She shrugged. “My parents were high school sweethearts. They’ve been together for over thirty years. Still as in love as the day they met.”

She’d been envious of their relationship since she could first begin to appreciate it. Her parents just seemed to fit together, like they were meant to be. None of her friends’ parents still kissed every morning at breakfast. Her father would flip the heart-shaped pancakes and her mother would pour him a cup of coffee in his favorite mug. She loved it when they held hands, strolling down the street like two teenagers on a date. Others might find it embarrassing, but she’d always appreciated the depths of her parents’ love.

“You’re lucky then,” Jordan replied. He’d grown serious, his eyes surrounded by tired wrinkles.

She placed a hand on his knee, suddenly feeling bad for bragging about her perfect life. He obviously hadn’t grown up the same way. “Your parents divorced?”

“Yeah.” He gave a bitter laugh and stared down at the couch cushion. “When I was only three. My step-dad, James, came into the picture not long after. He started beating up on my mom when he moved in.”

Chloe felt her jaw drop. “He was abusive?”

“Still is.” Jordan swept his gaze up to meet her’s. “She’s still with him. I went to live with my dad when I was sixteen. Made her choose; him or me. You can guess who she chose.”

As much as Chloe liked to pretend she was a brick wall and that nothing could move her, she couldn’t help but tear up at the look on Jordan’s face. Inside the man sitting in front of her was still a young boy, waiting for his mother to choose him first. She wanted to pull him into a hug and tell him it wasn’t his fault, but she settling for grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

“I’m sorry.” She stroked her thumb along the smooth backside of his hand, her flesh on fire where it made contact with his. “That’s not fair.”

“Life’s not fair.” He watched her thumb move in circles on his hand, his expression stormy. “I’m glad you had a different experience. I can feel the happiness here, in this house. It’s like a warm light that fills the room. You deserve that, Chloe.”

She could feel herself melting again, just like when she’d heard him sing. It was no wonder the boy didn’t like romance or anything to do with Christmas. He’d been abandoned by the woman who should’ve loved him better than anyone. Holidays didn’t mean a thing without those people around you, celebrating the start of a brand new year.

He leaned in, just then, closing the distance between them. With his gaze planted firmly on her mouth, he reached out with his free hand and placed it on her cheek. She swallowed hard, afraid to move and ruin the moment. His lips were so close to hers.

She would kiss him if he leaned in just a bit further. It hadn’t taken her long to decide. Jordan was not only incredibly smart and drop dead gorgeous, but he had a soul about him that moved her. He’d taken what life had thrown at him and turned it into good. She’d never met a man like him.

“Chloe…I…” His lips barely parted as he spoke. “I need to…”

“Yes?” Her gaze left his mouth and trailed up to his deep brown eyes. He was staring at her with an intensity that made her skin light on fire.

It was at that moment that Jordan’s cell phone began to ring, an annoying buzz that sucked the romance out of the air. He cursed under his breath and went to reach for it, bending over the device in the glow of the TV. Instantly, she mourned the loss of his hand on her face.

“My boss,” he explained, holding it up briefly for her to see. “She calls at any time of the night. So annoying.”

She smiled nervously and nodded, watching him answer it and walk to the other side of her apartment to talk. They’d very nearly kissed! Breath caught in her lungs as her heart palpitated and shot adrenaline into her veins. That had been a close one. Too close. Who knows what could’ve happened if that cell phone hadn’t rang at that exact moment? Maybe they’d been saved by the bell.