“Currently we’re working on breaking a dhampir out of prison,” said Diana, ignoring the look Storm gave her.

“Out of prison!” exclaimed Jenny.

“Diana, I don’t talk about work at home,” said Storm.

“Good job I’m not you then,” she retorted.

Saskia grinned broadly. Clearly Diana had won over her heart. The waiter arrived to take orders, and when he left, Diana told his sisters and Jenny will about the Leonie Ashbeck murder case and how Steffane Ronin insisting that he was innocent.

Evie gave a huff of derision. “These petty concerns are hardly worth your time, Constantine.”

Diana ignored Evie, and continued to regale Saskia and Jenny with how they were close to cracking the case. Fortunately she left out many of the more contentious details, including the fact that Storm and his team were facing suspensions and had acted against their chief’s orders, and that in exchange for his freedom Steffane Ronin had offered to give up the Devil Claw Killer. At least Diana was showing some sense.

“So how exactly are you going to catch the killer?” said Saskia eagerly. “Storm never talks about his work. If I knew it was this exciting I might have wanted to work for the Agency too. I always thought his job was really boring.”

“Ha!” said Diana. “If it was boring, you wouldn’t catch me dead doing it. And anyway, it’s a secret how we’re going to catch the real killer. I haven’t even told Storm yet. I’m going to surprise it him afterwards. Maybe once it’s done, he’ll tell you all about it.”

Storm was astonished at the ease with which she was talking to Saskia and Jenny. He had always struggled to find topics for conversation with his little sister. He had always thought that Saskia had no interest in his job whatsoever, but she was taking a great interest in everything that Diana was saying. Evie on the other hand did not look impressed. It seemed that nothing Diana could say could change her mind that Storm should give up his job immediately and travel to the Realm to take up the job that she wanted him to do.

“And what exactly is it that you do for t

he Agency?” said Evaine to Diana, her cold tone putting a dampener on the conversation and making Saskia glare at her.

Storm knew what was coming was inevitable so he didn't bother to divert the conversation.

“I’m a psychic consultant,” said Diana. Saskia and Jenny grinned widely, but Evie froze for just a fraction of a second. This was observed only by Storm, who knew exactly what Evie was thinking.

“And how does this psychic consultant thing work exactly?” said Evie scathingly.

Diana shrugged. “Explaining is it like explaining why water is wet. It just is,” she said glibly.

Storm couldn’t help but be amused, as was Saskia because Diana had clearly achieved her aim of annoying Evie.

“Is that your sales pitch?” said Evie. “If that’s what you put on your job application, I’m surprised that Constantine didn’t throw it in the bin.”

“Ooh,” goaded Saskia. “Look who’s being rude now.” She turned to Storm. “You were perfectly happy to tell me off for being rude to your friend, so why aren’t you telling Evie off? Or does she have big sister immunity?”

“Yes, I do,” said Evie calmly. “As the head of this family—”

“Ha!” Saskia let out a screech of derision. “You can pretend to be the head of anything you like while you’re in Otherworld, but you can’t pretend to be the head of us. And don’t pretend that you’re not just pissed off that Diana is a psychic because you’re scared that Diana will bring all of the family secrets tumbling out of the closet.”

“Saskia, that’s enough,” said Storm quietly. This was exactly what he had been worried about. He knew that Evie would be furious with him

“That’s right!” Saskia shouted. “Take her side. Like you always do!”

“I’m not on anyone’s side,” said Storm.

“Yeah, because we all know that you’re Switzerland,” said Saskia snidely. “You’ll just stand by watching while magical armageddon ravages the world. Oh no, hold on, I’m wrong about that, aren’t I? You’ll run around saving everyone else while your family perishes, because you’re a big hero.”

“It’s not like that—”

Saskia cut him off abruptly. “Go on, Diana. It’s great that you’re here. Why don’t you show Evie how your psychic powers work by bringing all of her secrets out? I would love to see it.”

“What secrets?” demanded Evie. “There are no secrets.”

“”Oh please,” Saskia said. “You two have been keeping secrets from me my whole life. Never telling me anything. Pretending that it’s because you wanted to protect my feelings and because I was too young. But I’m twenty-one now. I am grown-up. And I want to know everything. And you two are cold and reserved. If anyone has Skeletons in their closets it’s you too. You’re always shutting me out, and I know that there is a reason why.” She stabbed her finger on the table to emphasize her point. “It was always big siblings this and big siblings that! Well, I am sick of it!”

Evie did not bother to respond to Saskia’s outburst. She turned a polite smile on Diana and explained, “Saskia is just upset that she was fostered separately to Storm and myself after our parents died. It was unfortunate and couldn’t be helped, but Saskia has never recovered from her resentment of it.”