“Gosh, you must be hungry,” she purrs in a throaty voice, and runs her hands thro

ugh Leo’s golden hair. Leo raises a slightly surprised brow, and she playfully pats his nose with the tip of her finger.

Storm’s eyes narrow. She sees it but she only smirks as if in challenge.

Storm decides he really really does not like Diana’s outfit. The blouse is made of sheer luxury white lace and clings lovingly to her curves, as does her black velvet figure hugging mini skirt. Beneath that are a pair of fishnet stockings ending in outrageously high heels that Storm is surprised anyone could walk in. All topped off with a pristine apron that she has tied as tightly as possible around her slender waist. Unconventional as it might be, it is clearly a waitresses outfit. She works here.

Storm fires an accusing look at Remi, who opens her eyes wide in a mock innocent manner and shrugs her shoulders. As if she didn’t full well know that Diana worked here.

“What are you up to?” he growls at Remi.

“Nothing,” she exclaims. “Fancy seeing you here, Diana! It’s nice to bump into her again, isn’t it boss?”

“The hell it is,” says Storm through gritted teeth.

Diana returns to his side and coos. “Don’t be like that, boss man. I know you’re happy to see me.” She traces the outline of his bruised eye with a finger. “Poor baby, what happened here?”

“You know exactly what happened there,” Storm growls.

She makes a sound of startled exclamation. “Was that me? Oops! I would never have meant to spoil such a pretty face. Naughty Diana.” She slaps her own wrist.

“What are you two talking about?” says Remi, looking from Storm to Diana and then back again.

“Didn’t he tell you?” exclaims Diana with scandalized delight.

“Tell us what?”

Diana opens her eyes wide and bats her lashes. “Earlier today I happened to be passing by and found Raif Silverstone’s office door unlocked! It was practically inviting me in, and who was I to say no? So I popped in for a little look-see, and who should come by but this big handsome brute of a fellow,” — she pats Storm’s shoulders — “with little miss munchkin Beatrice Grictor prancing along in his wake.”

Remi lets out a muffled giggle.

“I mean, the woman was practically slavering,” Diana continues. “I thought I’d give them a bit of privacy by cramping myself beneath a desk, but then a little monster startled me, and out I popped! I gave Agent Storm here the shock of his life. I could tell I was intruding, so naturally I had to run away. I might have bumped into his face on my way out.”

“What?” says Monroe, clearly struggling to wrap his head around this unlikely tale.

“Well how could I resist?” says Diana. “Agent Storm’s face is so manly and bumpable after all.”

“A monster?” says Leo.

“Oh, I don’t know.” She waves her hands airily. “Maybe it was a spider.”

Storm glowers at her and she merely giggles. She perches on the edge of the table next to him and she bends close. For a moment Storm thinks she is about to kiss him and he moves back an inch, but then she merely tightens his loose tie.

“I do love a beast in a smart suit,” she says. “It makes you look so very civilized.”

She smiles when his eyes narrow, and whispers in his ear too quietly for the others to hear. “Let’s not pretend. I know a caged beast when I see one.” She flips his tie over his shoulder.

It is like the whole thing is a show. He has no idea what she thinks she is doing. He had thought she’d be apologetic when she next saw him. Not this… whatever it is. He feels an edge of dislike he has never felt for Diana before. If Leo hadn’t verified her alibi, he might even be having second thoughts about her involvement.

“Diana,” he says in a warning voice.

“Diana-Shmiana,” she says. She struts around the table until she reaches Monroe.

“Who’s this handsome young fellow?” she says, ducking down to his face level to take a close look. She tickles his chin, making Monroe blush. “My, aren’t you every teenage girl’s dream?”

She rubs his shoulder and says. “Mmm. Nice.” She runs her hands sensually through his short brown hair, seeming to enjoy the feeling of the bristly ends against her palm. Monroe’s face gets redder and redder.

Remi glowers at Diana, and Diana notices. Her eyes open wide. “Oh, excuse me!” she exclaims. “Are you two…?” She makes a crude gesture with her hands.