“You think we wanted my stupid aunt’s town magic? Please,” Melony spat as she bound my wrists behind my back. “We’ve got much bigger fish to fry.”

Well, at least she was keeping with the established metaphor, even if she hadn’t exactly been let in on the whole thing.

“Melony, hush,” the fake Parker scolded from where he was tying my ankles together.

She pulled back for a second before applying herself with even more vigor. “Sorry, Grandpa.”

Oh, no. The family bond. This was exactly what Greta and the others had wanted to avoid.

Panic wrapped around my chest even tighter than my bonds. “Where’s Parker? What did you do to him?” I mumbled again.

“He’s dead,” the Parker clone said with a laugh. “And soon you will be, too.”

Oh, no. Were we really too late?

If they’d been able to kill Parker with his double dose of magic, then I didn’t stand a chance. I was just one normal magic-less person up against two very magical people with an amplified family bond. I couldn’t even get my hands or feet free to try to fight my way out of this or to make a run for it.

Would the other members of the board be able to defeat this villainous pair, or was the town of Beech Grove now doomed—and the entire region of Peach Plains right along with it?

A crash sounded from downstairs. Had my help finally arrived?

“Stay here,” the fake Parker—Melony’s grandfather—said. “I’ll go investigate.”

“Why are you doing this?” I asked the girl when the two of us were alone. “Is your life really so bad?”

“I don’t have to answer that.” She crossed her arms over her chest but remained standing sentinel over me.

“Is this even something you want? Seems to me like your grandpa is the one calling all the shots. What makes you think he’s going to share any o

f the magic he gains with you?” If I found the right words, perhaps I could sway Melony to my side. She’d had the chance to defeat me and Greta earlier, but she’d chosen not to. There had to be good in there somewhere.

She glowered at me. “Hush up. You don’t know anything. Grandpa promised that if I help him with his plan, he’ll make sure I take up my rightful place as Town Witch.”

“If you say so,” I responded casually.

She dug a heel into my back, but the armor of light held up, keeping me from feeling any of the pain. Okay, so maybe she was capable of inflicting some pain—but murder?

Everyone believed she’d come to town in order to kill her aunt, but what if they were wrong? What if Melony was after something else?

As we waited alone in that room, I turned Melony’s last statement over and over in my mind. Her grandfather had said he’d make sure she became Town Witch.

As in future tense… As in it hadn’t happened yet…

Which meant Melony didn’t already have the town magic. Her grandfather wouldn’t have killed Parker himself if he’d promised the magic to Melony. I still didn’t know what they were after, but it was clearly something much bigger than the Beech Grove town magic.

They weren’t after Parker. Perhaps they’d never been.

Chances were he was still alive.

Bigger fish to fry, Melony had said before her grandfather cut her off. Could I trick her into revealing more?

“What are you going to do with me?” I asked, turning slightly so it was easier to speak.

Melony’s eyes met mine, and she flinched.

Perhaps she would have offered an answer, but I never got the chance to find out.

A strained cry rose from downstairs, silencing both of us.