As soon as we heard the knocking, Kelley immediately jumped up to let the policewoman inside.

Officer Dash smirked when she saw me. “Figures you’d be here, exactly where you aren’t supposed to be.”

“We were scheduled to work today,” Kelley explained, jumping straight to my rescue. Now that I was getting to know her better, I really did like her.

“Well, sorry to say, this place of business is closed until further notice.” Dash didn’t look sorry, though. Not one bit.

“Do you have any idea when that might be?” I asked, gathering the two empty plates and taking them back to the small sink we used to keep things tidy.

Dash’s eyes followed me, tracing every movement. “Not until we conclude our investigation and Harris’s attorney settles his estate.”

“Do you happen to know who’s handling his will?” Kelley asked, tucking her hair behind each ear and glancing down. Well, at least I wasn’t the only person intimidated by the brusque policewoman. Still, this was the last thing that poor Kelley needed right now.

“That’s private family business,” Officer Dash snapped, only glancing toward Kelly for a moment before staring me down again.

“I know,” Kelley mumbled as she studied her shoes. “I’m his daughter.”

“If you’re meant to be included, his attorney will contact you,” the officer explained with a hard gaze. “How come you didn’t disclose your relationship with the deceased the first time we talked?”

Kelley shook her head. “I’m still coming to terms with all of this.”

“They were estranged,” I piped up. “Until very recently.”

“Interesting.” Officer Dash pulled out that little steno notebook of hers and jotted a few things down. “Do you mind accompanying me to the station for a few questions?”

Kelley’s eyes widened in horror.

“Is that really necessary?” I argued, moving in front of Kelley protectively. “Can’t you see how upset she already is?”

“Oh, did I hurt your little friend’s feelings?” she asked with a cruel smile. “Silly me, I was just trying to bring a murderer to justice here!”

Officer Dash stomped her foot, and Kelley’s trembling fingers reached for my arm.

I turned to face my frightened young colleague. “You didn’t do anything wrong, which means you’ve got nothing to hide. Even this one is going to see that,” I said, hooking a thumb back toward a very cranky Officer Dash.

“Stay?” Kelley begged.

“I really need to question each suspect separately,” the policewoman informed us.

Kelley gasped. “Suspect?”


“Look, she’s a little rough around the edges—okay, a lot. But she can’t do a thing to you. You have my number now, call me anytime you need me. Any reason.”

Kelley nodded, and I stepped aside.

“Ever ridden in the back of a cop car before?” Officer Dash asked with a bemused expression, sending Kelley shrinking back.

“Enough,” I growled. As soon as this investigation was over, I would be filing a big fat complaint about Officer Dash’s lack of professionalism. Anonymously, of course.

“You can talk here,” I continued. “I’ll leave to give you both some privacy.”

I squeezed Kelley’s hand and told her it would be okay, then saw myself out. Neither of them tried to stop me.

I waited in the parking lot for a few minutes just to make sure Officer Dash wasn’t honestly planning on carting the poor aggrieved daughter to the station for an interrogation.

Once I was satisfied that she wasn’t, I began the short drive home.