Page 5 of Slipperless 4

“You’re right Fiona. Let’s get you back to the suite.”

Fiona’s breath hitched between sobs. She looked up at me through red, puffy eyes and nodded in agreement, but didn’t speak a word. With that, I released her, got up, and moved around to the rear of the sailboat. After starting a small outboard motor, I began the trip back to the resort.

Less than a half an hour later I helped Fiona into her room and her bed. Exhausted, she folded into the mattress and tugged the sheets high up around her head and neck. As she did, I sat down next to her. I’d never encountered behavior like this before, so going on instinct, I reached for her and rubbed her back.

“Would you like anything to eat or drink?” I asked as I caressed her.

“No thank you,” she replied, as she looked up at me. “I don’t want anything right now. I just need to sleep for a while.”

“Okay then,” I said, as I readied myself to stand. “If you need something, just let me know, all right?”

Fiona nodded but didn’t speak. Her eyes fluttered closed.

I stood from the bed and began to walk out of the room, turning the lights off and closing the door behind me as I did. A few minutes later I made my way to the kitchen, and after opening the refrigerator, I grabbed a beer.

I took a pull on it right away, followed by another sip or two as I walked towards the veranda. The warm of the wood beneath my feet and the sweet, salt scent of the air turned my mood reflective as I took a seat in one of the large chairs overlooking the bay.

It was a shame I couldn’t enjoy this with her.

What little liquid remained in the bottle bubbled in hues of gold and amber as I swirled it around. As I looked at it, I realized that Fiona was in a fragile state, but I had no idea she would react to my teasing the way she did. I hadn’t meant to frighten her, only to poke a bit of fun at the situation and brighten the mood some.

Even so, it was hard not to feel bad for her. What happened to her family was a terrible thing, but even so, there comes a time when you can no longer allow your past to define you. I hoped Fiona could get to that place in her life, because as it stood right now, the tragic events that took her family from her still loomed large over her everyday existence.

I leaned back in the chair and took a final sip of the beer. With any luck, getting to work on the presentation would take her mind off her troubles and get her focused on something positive.

But, for tonight, it was best if I left her to sort things out for herself and rest. She’d taken some big steps in her life today, and I was proud of her for that but she still had the potential to be so much more.

The time for that would have to wait.


When my eyes next opened, I looked around the strange environment, forgetting for a moment where I was. Rubbing my lids, I propped myself up on my elbows and scanned the room as my memory came back to me.

I groaned and collapsed back down onto the bed, allowing my head to fall into the pillow. Just then, all the events of yesterday came rushing back into my mind. My confession to Gabe about losing my family, followed by the insanity of nearly losing him on the boat. And at last, returning here where I passed out from exhaustion.

Although I was somewhat better than when I went to sleep, I still didn’t feel great. I rolled my head on the pillow and looked towards a large bay window. Just beyond it, streaks of pink and orange early morning sun shined through, illuminating my room with a rainbow of electric pastels.

Between an opening in the curtains, I saw a stand of trees swaying in a gentle, early morning breeze. As I lay there, I happened to glance down at my bracelet. I reflected with fondness about what Gabe had done for me. And it was in that moment, something entered my awareness. For the first time in all the years I’d worn it, its importance in my life seemed different now.

I reached for it, and as I often did, I rolled the gemstones between the tips of my fingers. The truth was the bracelet and what it represented still had significance to me, but it paled in comparison to the feeling of loss I experienced in those horrifying minutes when I thought Gabe was gone.

I shot into a seated position, throwing the sheets away from my body with a violent swish. As my feet hit the floor, I realized I was in an impossible situation. In spite of my feelings, the fact was that I was going to lose him, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be anything as dramatic as him vanishing into the deep blue off the side of the boat, but there was no way what was going on between us would last.

Of that much, I was certain.

As the reality of that settled in on my consciousness, I felt a lump gather in the center of my throat, heat laced my eyes and before I realized it, warm streaks ran down my cheeks. Yet no sooner had I started than the bedroom door opened, and Gabe appeared in it, pushing it open with the palm of his hand flat against it. I spun, sniffled, and reached up towards my face, swiping the tears away as fast as I could.