“Thank you. Had I not woken when I did, your swift actions would have undoubtedly saved our lives.”

Bower gave a curt nod.

It suddenly occurred to Noah that he had sent McGuffey home. “Might you wait and convey me to Wigmore Street? Miss Dunn will accompany me, too, as it’s not safe for her here.”

“I’ll bring the carriage to Miss Dunn’s door, sir.”

“We’ll be ready to leave in five minutes. And when you speak to Daventry, tell him I’ll meet him in Hart Street in the morning.”

After his showdown with Lucius Daventry, Noah would be in a perfect mood to tackle the devious Lord Benham.

Chapter 14

Teeth bared, Lucius Daventry braced his hands on the opposite side of the desk in the Hart Street study. “You’re off the case!”

Noah’s temper flared as fast as a firework at Vauxhall. “Like hell I am!” He shot out of his seat, his need to defend his position firing him into action.

“Cole will take responsibility for finding Miss Dunn’s brother.”


“No?” Daventry straightened. “Must I remind you that men risk their lives to oust the truth? Do you want to hear the story of how I dragged my friend from the Thames, a knife protruding from his chest?”

It was a tragic tale, one Noah had heard umpteen times. One used to explain the need for rules and order. “There’s no need. I am in full command of my faculties.”

“Ha! You’ve had intimate relations with a client. Miss Dunn is currently residing in Wigmore Street so you may continue this affair.”

No, Miss Dunn was currently seated across the hall in the drawing room, Daventry’s wife for company, listening to every word.

“My relationship with Miss Dunn has nothing to do with the case.”

He thought of the intimate breakfast they’d shared. How beautiful she looked with strawberry jam coating her lips. How he’d enjoyed licking them clean.

Daventry snorted. “It has everything to do with the case. You attacked Lord Benham. I had to drag the truth from Cole this morning. Of course, he defended you, insisted you were provoked.”

“Benham is a vile creature. He’s lucky I didn’t throttle him to death.” And if he laid a hand on Eva again, Noah would do more than strangle the bastard.

“You rarely lose your temper,” Daventry challenged. “Does that not speak volumes? I imagine your actions had Benham hiring a thug from the rookeries to exact revenge. You might have died had Bower not witnessed the attack.”

That was the crux of Daventry’s anxiety.

Panic manifesting as anger.

“I’ve risked my life many times. I might have died when Mr Fellows threatened me with a loaded pistol in the bank vault.” Although he had known Fellows hadn’t the courage to shoot. “I might have died when that French smuggler sent me hurling into the Thames.”

“Precisely my point. The risk to life is greater when an agent is distracted.”

“I’m not distracted. I’m in—” Noah stopped abruptly.

What was he? In awe of the woman who had spent the morning plotting ways to catch her blackmailer? Infatuated by the woman whose delectable mouth banished his nightmares? Inflamed by the depth of her passion? Intrigued?

“I’m interested in her opinion,” Noah finished. Perhaps now was the time to reveal his plans, speak of his promise. “So much so, I’ve asked her to assist me in finding her brother.”

Daventry stared, open-mouthed. Aghast.

“I thought it would distract her mind from the fact she might have died last night, might have lost her home,” Noah added.

“Once again, you prove my point.” Daventry’s voice was tight with disapproval. “You’ve lost your mind. I’ll not have her death on my conscience. No. Cole will investigate and inform Miss Dunn of the outcome.”