“You don’t need that around us, wife. I don’t want a damn thing between us. Shim, we should stop trying to talk to her. It’s obvious she isn’t listening.” He grabbed hold of her hands and pulled her to his body. “This is what we need.”

His mouth came down on hers. She would have fought if he’d slammed against her, but the damn man was just smart enough to be tender. His lips barely brushed hers. When he spoke, she felt the words like a whisper on her skin. “I love you, Bronwyn. I’ve loved you all my life. Please don’t fight us now that we’re finally here. Haven’t we lost enough time?”

His need hummed through her brain, and she softened against him. His lips played on hers. He wasn’t aggressive though she felt that in him. He was sweet and tender, and she was falling for all of it.

“Crap and fuck me mother, you really do have a girl in here!”

Bron jumped back and screamed, a little strangled sound. There was a gnome climbing through the window, his small leg hoisted over the sill.

Shim groaned and fell back on the bed. “You have the worst timing, Duffy.”

The gnome named Duffy grinned, lechery in his eyes. “I think I got real good timing, me brother. Perfect timing actually. Hello there, darling, did me brothers bother to mention me? Probably not since they ran away with no thought to me.”

The gnome frowned and then sort of lost his balance and almost fell back out the window. Lach caught him with one hand and dragged him back in, setting him on the floor. He tossed Bronwyn the sheet. “I did think of you, Duff. We both thought about how much you snore as we stepped over you on our way out.”

“It was just a little nap,” Duffy protested. “And Roan is going to kick your ass when he finds out you’re holed up with some village cutie when you’re supposed to be looking for this princess woman. Not that you aren’t a fine specimen of womanhood, lovely lady. I’m actually a little surprised. I thought you two were all about the waiting.” The gnome winked. “I’m their brother. Don’t let the size of the man fool you. I’m actually quite creative. And these two are all spoken for. I’m totally available.”

Shim and Lach stared down at the gnome.

“Fuck me, she’s Bronwyn Finn, ain’t she?” The gnome got to one knee. “Your Highness. I am so sorry I just had that fantasy about sticking me face in between your bosoms. I did not realize they were royal bosoms since they seemed so very, very nice and not at all high and mighty. Not that they aren’t mighty…”

Duffy’s words were cut off by a light slap to his head by Lachlan. “Shut up about my wife’s bosoms, Duff. She’s going to be your queen. Show her due respect.”

Duffy huffed a little, his small face beaming with innocence. “I totally respect her bosoms, Lach.”

Shim sighed and moved to pull on a pair of pants. “There’s nothing for it, Lachlan. If Duffy’s here, then Roan will charge in soon. Let’s allow our Bron to get dressed and perhaps we can talk over a nice meal. Are you hungry, love?”

She wasn’t, but she would do just about anything to get a moment to herself. They were overwhelming her. The events of the day had wreaked havoc on everything she knew. She needed a moment to process her own thoughts. She needed to take stock. And she really wanted the comfort of clothes. Sympathy. She could play on their sympathy. “Please, Shim. They did not feed their prisoners well in the jail.”

Sure enough both of the men paled and scrambled to get into their pants.

“I’ll bring something up to you. You just rest. We’ll have to move by nightfall.” Lach tugged his shirt over his head. She couldn’t miss the blood stains.

“Move? Where?”

“To Aoibhneas.” Shim shoved his feet into boots and then handed her some clothes. They had carefully folded her dress. “There’s a gap in the planes. We can get back home. We can make sure you’re safe.”

She opened her mouth, but Lach was in front of her, staring down, his dark eyes full of will and command.

“No arguments. You will go home.” He softened slightly. “Let’s discuss it when you’ve had something to eat. Sweet Bronwyn, please don’t look at me that way.” He was quiet for a moment, his eyes sliding away from hers. “Does my face frighten you?”

He was worried about a few scars? The scars on his face didn’t bother her at all, though she wondered how he’d gotten them. They looked a little like burns as though sparks of fire had driven across his face. But they were small things compared to how perfectly lovely the rest of him was. “Your face doesn’t scare me, but everything else about this does. I don’t know what to think. And I’m not leaving my home plane. If you know who I am, then you have to know I cannot leave here. My people have need of me.”

And she’d ignored that need for far too long. She’d just now decided to stand up and become the princess she should be. If her brothers couldn’t reclaim their

throne, then she would do it for them.

“Yes, your people have need of you.” Shim ran a hand down her arm. “They need to meet their future queen.”

There would be no talking to them. They obviously had their minds made up, and she wasn’t sure they would tell her the truth even if she tried. Gillian’s words were odd to her, but it seemed to Bronwyn that her mentor had political ambitions. She’d said something about uniting the Fae under Lachlan and Shim. Their marriage to the last Seelie princess would go a long way in securing those rights. She wasn’t even sure Beck and Cian were alive, but she had to protect their throne just in case.

Lach’s face was long, his disappointment obvious. “Come, Shim, I will deal with Roan. You can secure food fit for our princess. And Bronwyn, we will work this out. You no longer have to worry. Your men will take care of you always.”

“You did a wonderful job, love.” Shim kissed her hair. “You stayed alive.”

He winked and followed his brother out the door.

“Duffy!” Lach shouted.