His mind sought hers. It was there, the connection between them that existed because of the day she’d died. He grasped it. It wasn’t the full bond, but he could strengthen it. He let his desire flow. He let her know what he wanted.

Her tied up. Her at his mercy. Her round ass pink from his discipline. Her pussy weeping for his cock.

“Yes. Yes.” Her lips hovered under his.

He kissed her, surging into her mouth. Her tongue curled around his. She softened under him, her legs cradling his hips.

One little thrust and he would be inside her. He would be where he’d wanted to be for thirty years.

He kissed her one last time and then pulled himself up, shifting his hips and poising his cock at her entrance. His eyes came up. Shim was behind Bron, his body cradling hers. Their eyes met, a long look between them. Shim was here with him. The two halves of his whole complete through this woman.

He thrust up gently.

Tight. She was so tight. Her pussy was wet, but it seemed so small.

“Don’t stop.” Bron was biting her lip. “I want this. Don’t let me go without knowing this.”

She wasn’t going anywhere without him. He shifted his hips, his dick a huge presence in her virgin pussy. She gasped and strained, trying to accept him. The little sounds she made went straight to his cock, swelling him further.

He pressed in, needing to get


“Softly.” His other half was right there. Shim had always been there, but now he felt closer than ever, able to access the other side of his soul.

Lach leaned back over, kissing her lips. “Let me in, a chumann.”

My darling. My sweetheart.

Her arms drifted around his neck, her ankles locking around his waist. She relaxed. “You’re already inside me, Lachlan.”

He was. One firm push and he drove deep. Shim grimaced and then Lach felt it. Shim had taken her pain and shared it with Lach. The bastard. Flesh tore and swelled and stretched to accommodate his too-big cock, but Bron had felt only pleasure, the pure joy of his cock sliding home.

She shook slightly, her eyes drifting closed.

“Don’t. Look at me. Be with me.” He couldn’t stand the thought that she would think of anyone else.

Stark brown eyes held him. “I’m always with you.”


“Don’t stop. Please, Lachlan.”

He pulled out, every inch a deep drag on his cock. So good. She felt so good. Perfect. This was sex. This was making love. This was only possible with Bronwyn. He’d waited and his joy was boundless. The waiting had been worth it because this was everything he’d hoped for.

Every muscle in his body felt alive. He foraged back in, gaining ground. Pull out. Push in. An inch here. An inch there. Almost and then he sighed and finally sank in to his balls.

Heat surrounded him.

Bronwyn groaned. “Yes. It feels so good.”

She was feeling his pleasure. He pushed it outward, instinct guiding him. “You feel so good. This is how I feel, love. This is what you make me feel.”

And he felt everything. Shim had relented a bit, allowing her feelings to flow through the room. She was stretched, the feeling not quite comfortable, but she loved it. She was full where before she’d been so empty. She loved being surrounded by them, loved the fact that there was no part of her they weren’t touching. She’d been so alone. He’d had Shim, but she’d been alone and she’d needed them. Those long years when they hadn’t been able to feel each other had stretched out, a desert plain she’d been forced to cross.

Her hips moved up, trying to keep him inside.

He thrust faster, losing himself in the rhythm. So new. Every feeling was new and fresh and better because it was shared. He loved the way she was open, sharing her senses, her feelings. Her nipples throbbed against his chest. Her heart pounded in time to his own.