close. “Are you kidding me? I haven’t called a single shot since some

asshole demon kidnapped me and I woke up in chains.”

“Is that true, love?” Beck asked. He nipped gently at her ear.

“Poor Meg. We big strong men have just held you down and forced

you to do our will.”

“Well, I liked that part,” Meg admitted.

“I could tell,” Beck chuckled. “But, my wife, you’re going to have

to explain your definition of submissive to me. I think we’re speaking

two different languages here. So far you’ve run from me and nearly

gotten yourself and me killed. You’ve cursed me and my whole line at



every given opportunity. You attempted to manipulate me into things

I wasn’t comfortable with.”

“I did not,” Meg said. There wasn’t a whole lot of enthusiasm in

her defense. She’d pretty much done just that. Cian snorted at the


Beck ignored her. “The minute I leave, you decide to move out

and start a life that doesn’t involve me. I write to you. You refuse to

reply. You use my own brother against me. These are not the acts of a

submissive woman.”

Meg flushed because he was right. “They were the acts of an

impatient woman.”

Beck turned her and forced her to look him the eyes. “Megan, I’m

sorry for the way we started. I’m clinging to a life that doesn’t exist

anymore.” He sighed and tugged her close. “I love you, Meg. I

haven’t shown it because I didn’t fully bond with you. I’m scared of

it, to tell you the truth. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, and you’ll

see them. I won’t be able to stop it. I’m scared that when you see me,

the real me, you won’t want me anymore.”