thing. He was the warrior half of unbonded symbiotic twins. He

needed his brother to balance him, but without a bondmate, his rage

had begun to run unchecked. Dante had explained that if Beck went

berserk, he would have to be killed.

Meg didn’t want Beck killed. On the practical side, if Beck was

killed, she wouldn’t simply be freed. She would go to the last

competitor standing and in his right mind, and that would be a

vampire. As much as she thought Dante was a hoot, the thought of

being claimed by a vampire left her cold. They were too calculating

for her tastes.

The only way to save Beck was to turn his rage into something

else. Dante explained that he might calm down eventually, but not

until he’d killed the vampires and possibly the gnomes who would try

to stop him. If they had a shot at salvaging the day, Meg was going

have to take one for the team.

It wasn’t as if she wouldn’t be doing it anyway, Dante had

explained as he’d leapt over the railing. He’d turned and helped her

down before explaining that Beck would be required to prove he

could sexually handle a mate.

If there had been even a second of time, Meg would have taken

extreme issue with that, but Beck had been bearing down on a

vampire who looked like he was about to pee his pants. She had run

the distance between them, her bare feet sinking in the sand. She

should have been terrified. He was a brutal fighter, and yet she knew

he would never hurt her. Why she trusted this man she had no idea,

but she did.

She pressed herself up. He towered over her. His gray eyes had

been filled with rage. Now they gleamed down on her, a mixture of

the rage he was fighting and something else entirely.
